Saturday, August 26, 2006


Its time to crack down on the sidewalk vendors. They block the sidewalks making a dangerous problem for us trying to get around Times Square. It's enough that we have millions of visitors in our city daily, but to have the sidewalks blocked with vendors selling everything from pocketbooks, watches and counterfeit DVD'S all under the eye's of the NY Police Department. There is no more room in Times Square. There is no where to walk as it is. We walk in the gutter (that's what we here in NYC call walking on the side of the street) and risk getting mowed down by cars, trucks etc. Removing these vendors, most of them un-licensed, will give us a little more room to get around an already over crowded city. It's time for the city to realize thousands of people live in Times Square with millions more working here and visiting here.
Give us a break!
(Photo By-James Edstrom)

(Vendors set up shop on 43 street)


Anonymous said...

move to Iowa.... this is part of the charm of being in the big apple.
and for god's sake man, you are in freakin times square

9:57 AM  
Times Square Gossip said...

We don't have to live like animals just because we live in Times Square. The vendors leave all their empty boxes in the street with litter everywhere. With the rents we pay in NYC, we have the right to live in a clean and safe neighborhood.

1:44 PM  

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