Wednesday, September 06, 2006


New York City streets are getting so dirty that we are heading back to the past.

Just take a walk around. Everywhere is litter, garbage cans overflowing. We are heading back to the 70s when the streets were so dirty, you would see rats and mice running around the garbage. I never see street sweepers anymore. Garbage cans are not being emptied and are overflowing as you can see by these pics. The sanitation department is not doing it's job. They should be not only sweeping streets, but they should be giving tickets to businesses who don't keep the sidewalks clean. It's the law. All buildings are required by law to keep the front of their stores or apartment buildings clean or face fines. Many a time, I see the garbage trucks emptying cans on the street and as they do it they drop endless amounts of trash on the street and don't even pick it up. It's a shame that our city has to look this way. Mayor Bloomberg keeps talking about improving the quality of life in New York City, but it seems to be just plain talk. And recently I walked down the Mayors street and it was spotless. Maybe the rest of the residents deserve the same. Don't get me wrong. I like our Mayor. He is good at his job, but he needs to be more concerned about how our city looks. Maybe we should start a beautification program to make our streets cleaner and to plant more trees, flowers etc. I think our good Mayor should meet with Mayor Daly of Chicago and learn how he keeps that great city spotless. Just a walk around Chicago, you almost never see litter and there are trees and flowers everywhere.

(Photos- WWW.JamesEdstrom.Com )

(Garbage litters the streets on 8th ave)


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