The Drug Enforcement Agency said there is a 50 percent increase nationwide in indoor operations in 2005. Way to go! Why this country spends billions on busting innocent pot smokers is beyond me. Growing marijuana indoors has certain advantages: The operations cannot be spotted by an airplane or a hunter, and the plants can be grown year-round. Until now, law enforcement agencies have been more concerned about large-scale outdoor marijuana gardens, which often are planted in public forests or parks by Mexican drug cartels. They use 1,000-watt lights, as well as high-tech hydroponic growing systems. Now the DEA is spending billions to bust the in-house drug growing operations. Just another waste of taxpayer money. I can't tell you how many celebrities I have seen smoke. Everyone smokes. Why they continue to spend billions on busting and jailing POT SMOKERS is insane. This country has not gone forward in 20 years and if anything has gone backwards. Marijauna is also one of the best remedies for side effects from cancer and aids medications and many other medical conditions. The very least, they should make medical Marijuana legal. The average cancer or aids patient can spend 40 dollars a month on a bag of weed to help with all the medications side effects. But because the drug companies spend millions on capital hill to try to keep marijuana illegal, they get to charge $563.00 for a one month supply of Marinol (Pot in pill form) that does not have the same effect as smoking a good old joint. Can't our country get it together once and for all? It's all about the drug companies making money
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