Sunday, September 03, 2006


I just caught Falva Flave's show the other night, and it was gross. Why this guy has his own reality show is beyond me. He has to be the ugliest person on TV. I mean that.
A few months ago I was invited to photograph Flava's birthday bash hosted by singer and Law And Order star Ice Tea at Rock Candy on 21st street which was a club divided in half. One half a strip club called Ten, the other half this Rock Candy. It was sad because this club space used to be the hottest club in NYC, Stringfellows. I photographed more stars in that place and the memories are strong to this day. I spent many a night passed out on the kitchen floor from having such a great time.
Well anyway, I arrive at this club and I'm handed one drink ticket for a free drink. You are throwing a party for a celebrity and it's not open bar? Are they kidding? How cheap can you be!
So this guy, Flava Flave, wears a clock around his neck all the time. A big clock. He wears his clock on TV, while performing on stage, when he goes out for dinner and probably during sex to time himself for the minute.
This guy with his clock, arrives over 2 hours late for his own birthday bash?

(Above- Flava Flave with his clock, Below-Flava and Ice Tea)


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