The world's best party crasher "Shaggy" aka Steve Kaplan is one of the few people in this town that get's away with sneeking into the A-List parties in and around New York City. He can talk his way in or he can just walk right by you like he belongs. He has partied with the stars and his adventures at some of the best events has been written about in the gossip pages all over this city. The problem is, most people don't know what he looks like, so they don't know who to look out for.
(Photo-James Edstrom)

Now don't get me wrong. This guy is nice. Very Pleasent. I have many celebrity events around NYC, and I let him in when I can. I love his fake press pass he has hanging from his neck and I laugh at how so called security believe it. Just thought you wanted to see what he looks like and maybe you should let him in.
He's a great guest!
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