Sunday, October 15, 2006


Jude Law's ex-wife Sadie Frost has demanded to see a preview of a TV show that spoofs her life before it is shown on British TV network Channel 4 tonight.The 41-year-old's lawyers have written to the makers of Star Stories, insisting they see the show before it is screened. Star Stories is a pastiche documentary series which, in the episode in question, mocks the lives of Frost, Law and her supermodel friend Kate Moss.In the show Frost is portrayed as angelic, but Law is depicted as a selfish womaniser who is obsessed with his receding hairline and threatens to thrash Frost with a belt. A source told British newspaper The Sun: "Lawyers acting for Sadie have written to Channel 4 to demand to see a tape. Sadie is not very happy as she's very protective of her family and friends and doesn't want to be made fun of."However, Channel 4's entertainment boss Andrew Newman defended the show, saying: "The show is a complete spoof and, while it is irreverent and cheeky, I hope she laughs along with the audience."


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