Madonna has decided to give her adopted son husband Guy Ritchie's surname. Malawian baby David will keep his full surname Banda Mwale as his middle names, and will also take his new mother's maiden name Ciccone as a third middle name. Madonna, 48, made the decision out of respect for David's family heritage, but also to welcome him into her own family. Yesterday David's father Yohane returned to his work spraying potato crops, for which he earns 54 pence a day. Speaking from crop fields in blistering temperatures, Yohane said: "I'm not really missing David because we have agreed with Madonna that he will visit us here in three or four years time."I am not asking for anything from Madonna, but when David grows up and is brought here and sees our poverty, he will certainly ask his mum to help."David's father took the 13-month-old baby to an orphanage after his mother died and he could no longer afford to look after him properly. While Madonna attended the gym yesterday she sent an assistant to buy clothes for David and demanded video footage be sent to her mobile phone so she could approve the outfits. The singer and her director husband Guy already have a son together, six-year-old Rocco, and Madonna has a ten-year-old daughter Lourdes from her relationship with personal trainer Carlos Leon.

Madonna and Family
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