Mel Gibson knows how to milk publicity, even if it's about his drunken tirade against the Jews.
The 50-year-old actor-director, whose high-profile drunken-driving arrest and subsequent anti-Semitic tirade made international headlines this summer, is to appear on Good Morning America next week. This follows other efforts by Gibson to mend his personal and professional life, including participating in a recovery program, attending court-ordered alcohol-rehabilitation classes and meeting privately with Jewish leaders to understand the source of his "vicious words," as he described them. These steps will be followed by the December 8 Disney release of Gibson's new film, Apocalypto.
Now isn't this a surprise? Same old Mel...... He needs publicity for his movie, so he will use his Anti-Jew rampage to bring people to the box office. Reminds me of years ago when he and his bodyguard attacted me at Tatou nightclub in NYC. They smashed my camera, they assulted me and threw me on the garbage bags in front of the club. They ran like cowards..... The story made worldwide headlines, and Mel refused to comment until he had a movie to promote and sure enough there was Mel calling me names I could not even print here, and the famous "Oh, by the way, I have this movie coming out." Mel Gibson has always been a nasty person. The night he attacted me, he was not even drinking, he was sober. This just shows you this is the kind of guy he is always. I choked when I would see stories naming Mel family man of the year, when I knew he had a special friend named Vivian. Now thats another story for my book !

( Disgusting Mel Gibson's mugshot)
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