'PROJECT Runway" finalist Jeffrey Sebelia says accusations that he cheated in the show's final weeks are "unfounded." "In his posting on my space.com , Sebelia blamed unnamed journalists for spreading the story, which he insists is false. "Hey!!! Thanks for the concern," he reportedly wrote to a fan on myspace who had voiced concern about the accusations against Sebelia.
"But all I have to say is be careful of what you read and also of what is presented in the press," Sebelia wrote. "Those people take any information they get (usually unfounded rumors) and just print them in order to bolster their own readership with no regard to the person they might be slandering."
Sebelia, 36, of Los Angeles, was reportedly accused of obtaining outside help to stitch together the collection he showed in Bryant Park on Sept. 16 as part of the "Project Runway" finale set to air later this month. Such outside assistance is against the show's rules.
He went on to say that the press were bottom feeders, sludge dredging, no-life having journalists." Considering the press is what designers need to sell their collections, he might be wise to retire now to some small town where he can live out his life as the low life he is!
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