Kylie Minogue says chemotherapy was like being hit with an atomic bomb.The 38-year-old singer has revealed that after having a partial mastectomy she underwent a six-month chemotherapy course which she describes as a"prison sentence". Kylie told Elle magazine: "I can't quite articulate it. It's like a prison sentence. It's a bit like being in an atomic explosion and people asking you to describe it, 'So exactly how big is the hole?' I don't think anyone who hasn't had it can understand."The chemotherapy, which finished last December, caused all her hair to fall out and left her looking extremely frail. Kylie says that throughout her darkest moments, one person was always by herside - her lover Olivier Martinez. She revealed: "Olli is the most honorable man I have ever met. He was there all the time and didn't hesitate in cancelling work to be with me."On particularly dark days I'd be lying on the bathroom floor wailing and he'd say, 'OK honey, you can cry for just five minutes, then I'm taking you ona bike ride.' "The 'Slow' singer also says she began to look forward to small things - like drinking coffee. Kylie explained: "It would get to five o'clock and I'd think, 'Oh yes, I got through another day!' If you can only have one coffee a day it better be damn good coffee. That one little trip down the street, I'd relish that moment. 'Wow, I'm out of the box!' "
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