Victoria Beckham survives on Diet Coke and low calorie snacks.The former Spice Girl - who allegedly boasts a 24 inch waist - stays thin by never allowing herself to eat proper meals, instead choosing to nibble on selected foods. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "Victoria maintains her tiny frame because she only permits herself to snack on edamame - which are fresh soy beans - pretzels and occasionally sushi."She only drinks Diet Coke and has even admitted she hasn't drunk water in years because she 'hates the taste.'"It has also been claimed that although Victoria had been helping new friend Katie Holmes lose her baby weight in time for her wedding to Tom Cruise, Katie refused her advice because she couldn't hack the strict diet. Meanwhile, Victoria - the wife of football superstar David - recently revealed she had to have her hair cut short because her extensions kept falling out during sex. She said at the time: "I was in the heat of passion and my hair extensions would come out - it was so embarrassing!"
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