Just in time for feel-good, let's-all-bury-the-hatchet-and-just-freakin'-love-one-another winter holiday season ... Rosie O'Donnell has found herself a new enemy. That enemy would be rival talk-show personality Kelly Ripa. Rosie's ripping Ripa because Ripa ripped Clay Aiken, who, for a pleasant, mild-mannered lad, sure seems to have a knack for getting people fired up. And, believe us, people are fired up. And Clay, by the way, still isn't saying whether he's (GAY GAY GAY) ... well, you know. Anyway, the whole business started last Friday when Clay was a guest on "Live with Regis and Kelly." Ripa claims Clay was hostile toward her on the show and took great exception to the fact that Clay jokingly put his hands over her mouth during an interview."I don't know where that hand has been," Kelly snapped. ( I KNOW WHERE THAT HAND HAS BEEN! ) On Tuesday, a revved-up Rosie called Kelly's comment "homophobic.""To me, that's a homophobic remark," Rosie said. "If that was a straight man, if that was a cute man. If that was a guy who she didn't question his sexuality, she would've said a different thing." Most of Rosie's "The View" co-hosts defended Kelly, saying they didn't think it was a big deal. And when Kelly heard Rosie's comments, she immediately called in to "The View" and fired back at Rosie. "You know how I feel. You have to be more responsible. Not everything is homophobic," Kelly scolded Rosie. Especially when the person in question hasn't clearly established whether ... well, you know. Ripa insisted the comment was based on the fact that it was "cold and flu season" and Clay had been shaking hands with audience members. Perhaps if had simply been the "cold" or "flu" season, she would have felt differently. We may never know.
"It was outrageous, it was out of line and unprofessional. I treat my co-hosts with dignity and respect and that was never shown to me," Kelly said of Clay's behavior. She added, though, that "I forgive him, even if he doesn't apologize."
"From where I sit as a gay person in the world, that's how it came off to me," Rosie explained. As to where Clay sits ... well, you know.
Yes we know Rosie.....CLAY IS GAY GAY GAY !
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