Heather Mills is a "liar", says Sir Paul McCartney's cousin.The former model, the estranged wife of the ex-Beatle, has lost her grip on reality and is a compulsive liar according to Kate Robbins. Kate told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "I've known her to tell huge whoppers. Her trousers must be permanently alight." Paul's cousin also dismissed claims that the 64-year-old musician was physically violent towards Heather during their four-year marriage. Kate said: "You couldn't meet a less violent person."She also insists that Paul and Heather were in love when they married in 2002 and says their family did everything they could to make the former model feel welcome. Kate explained: "I was at their wedding and they were in love. I am not calling her a gold-digger. I am saying she is economical with the truth."All our family bent over backwards for Heather and did our best to make her feel included when she married Paul. I stood up for her against claims she was a gold-digger."But I've come to see, when it comes to being a human, she's not the nicest person. She is the worm that turned."Last week, Heather accused British Airways of "humiliating her".The 38-year-old lost her temper when staff used a wheelchair rather than a buggy to take her to her flight at London's Gatwick airport. Heather was overheard telling staff: "Have you got it in for me? This is vile! Why are you doing this to me? Don't you know I have only one leg? Why are you treating me like this?"Heather's spokesman confirmed she had refused the wheelchair, but denies there was a dispute.
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