Saturday, December 23, 2006


'Lost' star Evangeline Lilly and her co-star boyfriend Dominic Monaghan visited the burnt remains of her home on Wednesday night. The pair waited until sunset before arriving at the house - which was destroyed by fire earlier that morning - in an attempt to salvage any remains. A source said: "They came with flashlights and wore gloves to sift through the ashes. They only found a few personal items left intact, but Evangeline put on a brave face and managed a smile."The fire broke out at the star's rented Hawaiian home - which she shared with two female crew members - at 6.30am while she was away on set. The house was entirely engulfed by fire within half an hour. Honolulu Fire Captain Kenison Tejada said: "When we arrived the house was fully engulfed. The only thing standing was the roof and a couple of the interior walls. Most of the contents had been destroyed. The home was pretty much uninhabitable."Lilly, 27, who plays Kate in 'Lost' began dating co-star Monaghan earlier this year.Their visit to search the remains of her burnt home echoed the early scenes of the cult show when the survivors of a plane crashed on a remote island salvaged what they could from the wreckage.


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