Saturday, January 06, 2007


Lindsay Lohan, who was rushed to hospital with appendicitis and had her appendix removed on Thursday, is becoming more and more wild even know she claims she's in Alcoholic Anonymous. The 'Mean Girls' actress called in sick to the set of her latest film 'I Know Who Killed Me' on Wednesday, believing she had flu. She visited a doctor who carried out several tests and diagnosed appendicitis. Lohan's representative Leslie Sloane Zelnik said on Thursday: "She does have appendicitis, and she is getting her appendix removed. There is no drama."A friend of the actress said: "I'm shocked. I talked to her Wednesday night and she told me she was not feeling well but she thought it was a 24-hour-flu."But sources say that Lohan, 20, has been continuing the wild partying she began in Miami on New Year's Eve. Despite attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and pledging to stay sober, eye witnesses say the 'Just My Luck' actress refused to have any liquor bottles near her when she was photographed at the New Year's party, but was drinking vodka from a water bottle. And after she had called in sick to work, around 20 friends were seen coming and going from her Los Angeles apartment on Wednesday night. A source said: "They were not there to bring her chicken soup."Exactly a year ago Lohan was hospitalised with "an asthma attack" after partying over the New Year period. Filming on 'I Know Who Killed Me' has been halted until she recovers.
The sign of a real slut, I mean Alcoholic. I bet she had her friends fill her I.V. with Vodka.

Party Slut Lindsay Lohan

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