Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Sexy Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt owes his career to strippers.The 'Babel' star used to work as personal chauffeur to strip group Women of the Pole who introduced him to famous acting coach Roy London. Brad insists if he hadn't met London he would never have made it in Hollywood.The actor told Newsweek magazine: "I had a job driving strippers around. Yeah, my job was to drive them to bachelor parties and things. I'd pick them up, and at the gig I'd collect the money, play the bad Prince tapes and catch the girls' clothes. It was not a wholesome atmosphere, and it got very depressing."After two months I went in to quit, and the guy said, 'Listen, I've got this one last gig tonight.' So I did it, and this girl - I'd never met her before - was in an acting class taught by a man named Roy London. I went and checked it out, and it really set me on the path to where I am now. Strippers changed my life."



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