Monday, January 08, 2007


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have come to an agreement over custody of their two sons for the month of January. One-year-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James will live with Britney but with Kevin entitled to regular visits.The 28-year-old aspiring rapper will be allowed to see the boys three times a week for four hours between January 12 and January 31 at Britney's home. Both parties agreed that Britney, a nanny, Britney's personal assistant and household staff may be present during the visits but no one may interfere with Kevin's right to be with his sons. Britney filed for divorce from Kevin on November 7. The court papers stated that she was seeking sole custody of her sons. Kevin filed his divorce papers the next day and also asked for sole custody. No custody arrangements have yet been made for after January. Meanwhile, Britney has written a letter to her fans on her website,, admitting that her recent behaviour has been "less than perfect" but promising that she will have a new album out this year.She writes: "I know I've been far from perfect, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much, and I appreciate everything you have done for me."The last couple of years have been very enlightening for me and now that I've had the time to be 'me', I've been able to sit down and think about where I want to go with myself as an entertainer. I am now more mature and feel like I am finally 'free'."I've been working so hard on this new album and I can't wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again!"

Wild Britney Spears

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