Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Britney Spears' New Year's resolution is to "take care of myself more". The 25-year-old mother-of-two has indulged in wild partying since filing for divorce from Kevin Federline and even fell asleep (Passed out) at the New Year's Eve party she hosted at Las Vegas nightclub Pure, which is located in the Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino. When asked what her resolutions for 2007 were, Britney told US TV show 'Extra': "Stop biting my nails and just to take care of me more."Shortly after seeing in the New Year, Britney was carried out of the club amid allegations she had collapsed, but a statement was later released claiming she was just tired and had simply fallen asleep. Since filing for divorce in November Britney has revealed a svelte new figure, started recording a new album but also spent night after night partying until the early hours in some of Los Angeles' and Las Vegas'coolest night spots.
Meanwhile, New York Post's Cindy Adams say's Britney's record company wants to drop her. According to Cindy, Britney thinks the new Album is great and the record company does not. Cindy reached manager Larry Rudolph, who now has the job of gluing these broken pieces back together. She got him on a beach in Mexico. He very politely said: "I don't know where your information came from, but I can only tell you we're in the middle of recording an album. And you can quote me on that."
I Always Bet On Cindy Adams !

Gossip Queen Cindy Adams


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