Kevin Federline And Ex. Britney SpearsBritney Spears is pregnant only 10 weeks after her split from Kevin Federline and four months after she gave birth to her second child. American magazine In Touch Weekly yesterday quoted a "close friend" of the troubled singer as saying they believed she was pregnant again. "I've seen her during the last two pregnancies and she has the same look now," the friend was quoted as saying. "She's heavier but that's not it – it's the sparkle in her eye. She always gets that sparkle when she's pregnant, like she's relaxed and happy." In the 10 weeks since her split from her husband, Spears has been partying hard. But reports in the US yesterday said she had been drinking nothing but water during recent nights out and pointed to a noticeable weight gain and several incidents where Spears had been sick or exhausted as clues that the soon-to-be-divorced star was pregnant again. If the stories are true it could also explain why Spears "fell asleep" – as quoted by her manager – during her paid appearance at Las Vegas nightclub Pure on New Year's Eve and why she was spotted having been sick over her new boyfriend Isaac Cohen, 25. Spears recently began dating Cohen, a male model, soon after ending a brief fling with record producer JR Rotem following her split with Federline. The singer gave birth to son Jayden James in September. That pregnancy began only three months after having her first child Sean Preston, who's now 18 months.
I can see if she is pregnant, that all the booze and partying must have done the baby good. What a great mother she is. Day and night partying and leaving her kids with the nanny. I'm starting to like K-Fed more and more. I can see what he put up with.
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