Thursday, January 04, 2007


Britney Spears was tricked by Paris Hilton into thinking she had jeopardised her chances of ever having an orgasm again. While the two 25-year-olds were partying at Los Angeles club Area the 'Toxic' singer lit the filter end of her cigarette which flared up as she inhaled. Paris then apparently told her it would damage her ability to climax. A source revealed to the National Enquirer magazine: "Paris told Britney, 'Oh my God! Don't you know that lighting a cigarette the wrong way and inhaling stops the blood flow to your private parts, and doing it more than once means you may never experience orgasm again!'"Britney was horrified and ran around for about ten minutes asking everyone if they had ever heard that and what she should do about it."Finally Paris stopped giggling and told Britney it was a joke, saying: "I had you going, didn't I?"The 'Baby One More Time' singer slapped her friend on the arm and they then had a play fight.


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