Friday, January 05, 2007


Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio has 'adopted' a South African baby girl.The actor - who worked with orphans from SOS Children's Villages while he was in South Africa filming 'Blood Diamond' - met the unnamed girl in an orphanage and fell in love with her after they talked and played together. However, Leonardo doesn't plan to follow in Angelina Jolie's footsteps - who has two adopted children, daughter Zahara and son Maddox with Brad Pitt - and take the child home with him. He will not be raising the girl or living with her. Instead, he will continue checking on her progress by chatting to her over the phone and will send her a monthly cheque. Angelina recently revealed she is desperate to adopt again. She said: "I feel very blessed. We are always open to adoption. I believe I'm meant to find my children in the world and not necessarily have them genetically."Brad is also keen to extend their family and loves having children so much that he is planning to start his own soccer team. He revealed: "My expectations about being a dad are being excelled daily. When I tuck the children in at night I always take the time to talk to them."I have three kids now and next year I'll have six then nine. We're looking for a soccer team. I want to compete in the next World Cup."



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