Sunday, January 14, 2007


This month, Lindsay Lohan underwent an emergency appendectomy. The procedure went through without any problems and Lohan was back to her signature partying within days. But while Lindsay's appendix problems may be over, doctors allegedly discovered a liver problem during her hospitalization. According to a source for the National Enquirer, "The appendectomy was routine, but what doctors discovered in her blood work was not. Lindsay's liver panel shows her drinking is taking a terrible toll on her health. Her liver enzymes are extremely elevated, and doctors warned her if she doesn't quit boozing she could die!" Doctors were so alarmed by Lindsay's condition that an insider says they "couldn't believe she was even walking around." The Enquirer claims that the protein levels in Lindsay's liver were at issue. They are much lower than they should be. The tabloid also reports, "The high levels of two particular liver enzymes indicate that some of Lindsay's liver cells are damaged and are leaking these enzymes into her blood." Hopefully Lindsay will stick to the AA meetings that she's been attending. Though she has been very vocal in her decision to stay sober, many skeptics don't believe that Lohan has really bagged the boozing.
The woman is out of control. She went out partying days after her operation. She is always walking around with this water bottle that we all suspect is really vodka. She went on Oprah and denied she had any problem with alcohol. She lied to Oprah ! I don't believe she has been to AA and if she has, it's just for show...



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