Thursday, January 04, 2007


Paris Hilton has stopped sleeping with men, but now shares her bed with a monkey.The animal-loving heiress - who took a vow of celibacy last year - has revealed she sleeps with her pet baby monkey for company. Paris told Australian's Cosmopolitan magazine: "I don't have sex unless I'm in a relationship. I'm old-fashioned when it comes to that. I really am!" Yes, I've kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss, but that's it. I don't go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals, like my baby monkey, Brigitte Bardot."Paris, 25, has a menagerie of pets including a Chihuahua called Tinkerbell, a kinkajou called Baby Luv, a number of other dogs, a cockatoo and a ferret. Paris said if she was ever to consider placing an advert in a lonely heart scolumn she would describe herself as shy with a big appetite. She said: "I'm blonde and tanned and normal-sized! I'm sweet, shy, funny,have a big heart and I'm nice - and I like to eat."
Well she's slept many with dogs, so whats a monkey?

Paris Hilton with her Monkey

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