Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Paris Hilton left a restaurant without paying the bill.The hotel heiress - who is in Australia to promote a new beer - tucked intoa hamburger, frappe and mineral water before reportedly walking out of Sydney's Sloanes Café without settling a $8.00 charge on Sunday . Waitress Jo Pfahl told the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper: "Paris had a chat with a waiter then she got up and walked out without paying. She has bucket loads of money but she didn't pay for her drinks."The incident happened after Paris' publicist ordered and paid for two hamburgers while 'The Simple Life' star was shopping next door. Paris ate her hamburger and then ordered drinks which she forgot to pay for. Staff jokingly said they planned to sell the remains of Paris' hamburger to pay for her drinks bill. Pepita Macalister-Knight - whose parents own the café - said there was no arrangement to give Paris free drinks. She said: "At first we had no idea it was her."After lunch, Paris spent alomot 2 thousand on jewellery and underwear at the nearby Arianne Lingerie store.The 25-year-old was reportedly paid $4 million for a six-day promotional visit to Sydney, she was due to fly back to the US this week. Meanwhile, Paris has revealed her New Year's resolution is to do more charity work. She said: "I have a lot of resolutions. One is definitely giving something back, I'm really fortunate and that's why everywhere I go I'm going to visit a children's hospital, just get really involved in charity work."

The scene of the crime 'Sloanes Cafe'


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