Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone says women should stop waiting for true love and adopt a child instead.The 'Basic Instinct' actress - who has three adopted sons - believes women should start their family on their own instead of wasting time dreaming about meeting their "Prince Charming". She told Britain's Now magazine: "I'd urge anyone who is even considering it to go ahead and make their own family, instead of sitting around dreaming and hoping that their Prince Charming is going to come and give them children. "What's the point? Make it happen for yourself. If your Prince Charming does come, then he's going to walk in and say, 'Oh, just what I've been looking for, a family waiting for me.' We can do that these days."Sharon has also revealed she never planned to adopt three children. The actress - who has adopted Roan, six, 20-month-old Laird and seven-month-old Quinn - didn't want to adopt Quinn after she had welcomed Laird into her family. She said: "I hadn't really planned on adopting the last two so close together. In fact, it was a challenging decision to take Quinn so soon after Laird. I'm really just trying to make sure one of them doesn't smash up the other first."



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