Sunday, February 25, 2007


Britney Spears' estranged husband has told the singer that he wants to get back with her. Aspiring rapper Kevin Federline visited the troubled 25-year-old at the Promises rehab centre in Malibu, telling Spears that he will support her through her recovery after having second thoughts about their divorce. A source told the News of the World : "Just a few days ago there was no love lost between the two of them, but it's taken Britney's breakdown to make Kevin realise that he still loves her. He's finally treating her with a bit of care for once. He told her he'll stand by her while she's recovering - but he doesn't want to put her under any pressure until she's got her life back together. "And he admitted he's been having second thoughts about the split and thinks there may be hope of a reunion after she gets better. Britney told him that she just wants to take things one day at a time at the moment, but she was deeply comforted by his words."

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Mark said...

I bet they do.its coming.

9:33 PM  
Mark said...

She allowed her umbrella in rehab?

9:36 PM  
Gayboy said...

He brought her one.

9:40 PM  

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