Sunday, February 04, 2007


Gwen Stefani strives to be skinny.The 'Wind It Up' singer admits she is vain and only works out to stay thin so she can wear designer clothes. Gwen told Elle magazine: "All my life I had to work hard to stay in shape. I've always struggled with it. I was a little chubby when I was younger, and I didn't want to be that person forever. I became a swimmer at school - but only because I wanted to be skinnier! I'm extremely vain, I like wearing cute clothes."The 37-year-old pop star - who gave birth to son Kingston last May - exercised extremely hard during and after her pregnancy to ensure she got her figure back. Gwen - who is married to British rocker Gavin Rossdale - explained: "I worked out with my trainer throughout my whole pregnancy until about two weeks before. I cried during my last session. I was like, 'I can't breathe, I can't do this anymore. What am I doing?' It was crazy."There aren't any tricks, it's simple math, you put this much food in, you burn that much working out. I gave myself three months after Kingston was born, but if I didn't have an album coming out, there's no way I would have gotten back into shape in that time. I worked out with my trainer five days a week, with weekends off."Although she succumbs to modern pressures to stay slim, Gwen think the current obsession with size 0 is unfortunate. She said: "It sucks that that's what is supposed to look good and that's what everyone strives to be. There's more to life than being on a diet."But clearly, I spend time thinking about it, and it's something I've had to deal with in my life."

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