Monday, February 19, 2007


Drug Addict Pete Doherty

Pete Doherty quoted the Bible as he used a crucifix to mix crack-cocaine, it has been reported.The troubled Babyshambles frontman, who is dating supermodel Kate Moss, used the crucifix as a spoon to mix the drug with ammonia during a wild party in Scotland. A source told Scotland's Daily Record newspaper: "Pete started to mix the drug with a big silver crucifix hanging around his neck. As he was doing it,he quoted a passage from the Bible, saying, 'You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.' "Pete, who was performing at Glasgow's famous Barrowland Ballroom , allegedly wouldn't go on stage until all the drugs in the dressing room had been used. Homeless man David Cook claims the band gave him $2,000 to buy drugs for them last May. Cook said: "A member of the crew gave me money to buy heroin and cocaine. Pete shook my hand and thanked me for what I was doing. I was invited to join them backstage. There were lots of people there, most of whom were doing drugs."Pete refused to go on stage until the drugs were finished. He had to be dragged out."The 27-year-old rocker was recorded on a friend's mobile phone snorting what is thought to be a mixture of cocaine and horse tranquiliser ketamine, according to Britain's The People newspaper . In the footage, which was taken in January, one friend says: "You're doing them too big, Pete. It's dangerous - you need to calm down a bit, man."Shocking photographs were released last month showing Pete apparently injecting himself with cocaine during his Thai holiday with Kate.

Cocaine Lovers Kate Moss And Pete Doherty

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Anonymous said...

I wonder whos going to die first.Kate Or Pete.

7:04 PM  
SAM-NJ said...

She likes them druggies and dirty guys.

7:09 PM  
Lindsay said...

When is kate going to learn. She likes them dirty boys.

3:11 AM  
gayboy said...

Dirty Dirty boy.I like that !

3:14 AM  
Anonymous said...

Love times square gossip. Pete is such a cutie !

11:11 PM  

Babyshambles rocks. Hope they come to the USA.

11:24 PM  

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