Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Britney Spears is out of rehab. She has "successfully completed the program," says her manager Larry Rudolph, but is Brit really ready to leave? Let’s take a little recap of how she got here in the first place. It all seems to have started after her and her estranged husband Kevin Federline decided to parts ways. That is when the drinking and partying started, eventually leading to a romantic fling with Isaac Cohen. Reports of her still not over K-Fed, she needed some feminine support, and who better to drink your sorrows away with other than Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan? With a few weeks of non-stop drinking, drugs, car puking, a three day binge in Vegas and a couple of snap shots of her bare vagina plastered all over the web, Britney’s popularity was sinking fast. However, Britney’s one tough girl. Next, Spears was asked to host a new year’s bash at Pure in Caesar’s Palace where she ended up ‘collapsing’ (most believing alcohol and drugs to be the cause). Realizing she was losing her grasp on reality, Brit flew to Antigua and checked into rehab… then checked out within 24-hours, flew home and shaved her head bald. In light (shine) of her newly bald head, pressure from family and friends prompted Spears once again to enter rehab… then again checked out within 24-hours. With all her bizzare behavior came massive amounts of media coverage and bad public opinions, so Federline gave Spears an ultimatum; complete one month of rehab or he will file (and most likely win) for sole custody of their two sons. Spears agreed. Once in rehab, she was praised for staying and even had other celebrities showing support on her road to recovery. More media eventually surfaced, but one can only wonder how much truth is behind the claims of her reported suicide attempt or her rehab romance. Nevertheless, Britney Spears has completed her month in rehab, but was it enough? Will she fall off the tracks again, or will she grow her lushes locks back and become a responsible mom? We will see…

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Anonymous said...

she will be in troble tomorrow.

5:23 PM  
Mike said...

I dont call that rehab, sorry.

5:26 PM  
Mike said...

I dont call that rehab, sorry.

5:26 PM said...

She'd have to be more time in rehab

5:39 AM  
Vic Moss said...

Hey there Britney, you have done a great job by completing the program at promises - keep your head up high, you are definately a very special person - don't forget this obvious assesment.

Sometimes the fans can stick their noses in the middle of one's personal life and personal affairs but these matters do come with the "your famous" territory.

However, this does not mean that one has to let the very people (fans) that helped bring one to fame bring one down to one's knees.

Britney, you are a young, beautiful (even with your head shaved) stronger, and extremely talented woman - people know this, it is, more than likely, the reason many people taunt you; because you are an obvious hard worker, planner, and winner.

People do not necessarily want what you have, they just want to experience the great vibes you give off when you are out there, on stage, and in videos, doing your thing girl.

I personally, understand how that you cannot help loving the man that fathered your two beautiful children; it is nature. Though, do not be fooled, you are not the only one that has experienced those type of feelings - in time, you will definately find your way back to a blissful abundance.

Think about it, providing that you do indeed have enough money to last for a while (10 years or more) do whatever makes you and your two children happy! Forget about those people that try and bring chaos into your life; "DO NOT" invite chaos into your life, only happiness Britney. In the end, you and your family will be ok and continue to live an abundant life.

Relationships: You are a beautiful woman and could have virtually any man that you choose. I suggest you select a male partner that has you and your two childrens best interest at heart, just as he would his own. But really, you have two children. Britney, you will need help from time to time; we all do! Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes in life. There is no apparent shame in making mistakes, the shame begins when we repeat untimely and unnecessary mistakes as though we have a handicap.

The world will always invite you into their hearts to entertain them - basically, your fans are jealous because you have not began to tour and spread yourself and your wonderful musical talents around for them to see and hear.

But remember Bitney, you are only human and that humans tire and evolve. Meaning, you are getting older (*you are a parent now) and that your mind may lean towards other venues - stirring you away from the music scene.

You could invest only a million dollars or so, into purchasing and renting or perhaps, reselling single family homes ($50,000. and up) and never have to worry about making the media and or fans happy! Hire a management company to handle your business affairs while you truly enjoy your life!

Real estate is a great way to protect your investment capital. You will indeed make a lot of money without having to spread yourself all over the world like this - perhaps, at 25 years of age, you can see how some people can be, who needs all the mess or perhaps an early demise in life.


Vic Moss

Vic Moss - "Mystery"

9:24 AM  

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