Friday, March 02, 2007



Is It Or Not Antonella Barba ? You Decide !

A close friend of "American Idol" semi-finalist Antonella Barba says that the aspiring singer is not the subject of some graphically sexual pictures purported to be of her that were posted on the Internet last week. Barba's best friend, Amanda Coluccio of Holmdel, with whom she auditioned and won a trip to Hollywood for the second round before being eliminated, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that the less graphic photos are of Barba, but denied she is pictured in the pornographic ones. Meanwhile, here in the 20-year-old's hometown, where signs abound wishing her good luck, friends and strangers alike are supporting Barba, saving their condemnation for whomever posted the pictures online. The fallout has many young people here thinking twice about posing for photos they thought were just to be shared among friends. "It's the way this town is: Everybody knows everything about their friends," said Mark Dillon, 17. "At least half the people in this town have pictures of their friends on the toilet. I've personally seen at least 20. It's only because she's on TV that they're online." Adam Bobertz, also 17, said what happened to Barba could happen to anyone. "Everyone in this town has done something stupid at one time or another," he said. Throughout Point Pleasant, a Jersey shore town of 18,177 about 60 miles north of Atlantic City, signs supporting Barba are many. They went up before the photos surfaced, and remain there, a symbol of her hometown's disdain for the commotion surrounding her. Jacqui Reid, a florist whose daughter took violin lessons from Barba, said making the photos public was a gross invasion of privacy, but one that has become a fact of life in the digital age. "Everyone has incriminating photos of one sort or another, and you never know when it's going to turn around and bite you on the you-know-what," she said. "It's a shame you can't just live your life and not have to worry about something like this becoming public. "She's this attractive, talented girl who's also intelligent and knows where she wants to go," Reid said. "I consider her a role model for my daughter". Her parents, Vincenzo and Valerie Barba, did not immediately respond to messages left on their answering machine and a letter left at their front door. A Fox publicist said the network would have no comment on the situation, and would not make any of the contestants available for interviews.
Don't Forget To Flush !

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Sam said...

Looks like her to me.

2:24 AM  
Anonymous said...

its her.

5:41 AM  
Billy-New Zealand said...

Thats got to be her. And I never heard of everyone taking pics of friends on toilets. LOL

9:30 PM  
shannon said...

what a way to get famous how about instead get a life ggggeeeeezzzz usssss

12:58 AM  

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