Sunday, March 18, 2007


Debra Opri With Former Client Larry Birkhead

Photographer Larry Birkhead and his attorney have parted company as the latest battle in the snapper's paternity battle over Anna Nicole Smith's child gets underway in the Bahamas. Lawyer Debra Opri has issued a statement this morning, confirming the split, saying, "Larry Birkhead and I have terminated our attorney-client relationship effective immediately." Opri has since spoken to news show "Extra" as part of an interview that aired the other day. She reveals she felt she had to part company with her former client because she didn't agree with Birkhead's apparent friendship with his paternity battle rival Howard K. Stern. Opri tells the TV show, "I just had enough. I can't represent a client who has a middle man by the name of Howard K. Stern. I feel very comfortable in my decision, and I wish Larry the best. But I am worried about him... I couldn't continue with the way things were going." Reports have suggested Birkhead and Stern are close to coming to a financial settlement about the future of the baby both claim is theirs. A Bahamian attorney will represent Birkhead as he fights for custody of baby Dannielynn today in the Bahamas. The photographer has been demanding a DNA test on the baby since late last year after insisting he's the Dannielynn's biological father. Stern, Anna Nicole's longtime companion and lawyer, maintains he's the father, as stated on the baby's birth certificate.
You are making a big mistake Larry Birkhead. Debra Opri is a friend of mine, and she is the best. You are being taken by Howard K. Stern the master of taking people to the cleaners. You will be very sorry. You are not as innocent as we all thought.

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Anonymous said...


8:00 PM  
Anonymous said...

As long as Birkhead wasn't giving away any of his attorney's strategy it shouldn't have made a difference. I've watched prosecutors & defense cousel act like bossom buddies only minutes before a hearing and it didn't seem to effect their professional responsibilities. I think Debra is a big windbag who was more interested in trying to promote herself than she was in quickly & QUIETLY settling this matter.

9:54 AM  

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