Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck want more children.The 'Catch and Release' star says she and her husband definitely want their daughter Violet, who was born in December 2005, to have some brothers and sisters.They plan to start trying after Jennifer finishes her latest acting roles.She told You magazine: "There will be more children. But I need to work a little bit before I go back into that."Last year, I worked for just five months, where as in the five years previously I probably took one month off altogether."However, the 34-year-old star doesn't believe she should work as hard at being a mother. She added: "When Violet was born I had to remind myself that even though I'd worked so hard on acting and with such single-mindedness, I should not try to devote that much effort to her."It wouldn't necessarily be good for her."Jennifer has also confessed she cries more now that she is a mother.The actress believes the experience has made her more caring. She said: "Since I became a mother, I cry more because I care about things more."I can't watch a movie where something happens to a child. And I've always cared about global warming and breast cancer, but now there seems to be an urgency about them."
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