Thursday, April 26, 2007


Ireland and Dad of the year Alec Baldwin !

Alec Baldwin will apologise for calling his daughter a pig, via a televised recorded message.'The Departed' star - who left 11-year-old daughter Ireland an angry voicemail when she failed to take his call last week - has said sorry in a taped message to air on US chat show 'The View' on Friday. Baldwin says in the recording: "Obviously calling your child a pig or anything else is improper and inappropriate and I apologise to my daughter for that."There's nothing wrong with being frustrated or angry about the situation. It's the way you do it, and as people often do in this world, I took it out on the wrong person."In my own case, with this message, I had never done this before in my life."The 46-year-old - whose ex-wife Kim Basinger claims the message is not an isolated incident - also said he wants to quit acting to focus on parenthood. Baldwin is currently starring as Jack Donaghy in NBC series '30 Rock' - a role which won him a Golden Globe this year and for which he is tipped for Emmy success as well. He said: "If I never acted again I couldn't care less. I would like to devote myself to the cause of parental alienation."The series has been commissioned for a second season and is unlikely to continue without Baldwin.

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Mary said...

OMG! I like to nominate Alec Baldwin for "FATHER OF THE YEAR" NOT!!!The only reason Alec Baldwin is publicly apologizing on national tv cause of his career.The message he let for his daughter was dispicable.Then goes on The View and trash his ex-wife for protecting her child.Wow,just when people thought he only played a character like Joshua,from Knots Landing ,and this is Baldwin's true colors.If I was that kid's mother,I would keep the psycho away from her too.WTG Kim!!!!!!And Barbara Walter's should be ashame of herself for allowing Baldwin talking smack about Kim's like(true or not).But since "Rosie" has started on The View,Barbara lost her class.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous said...

Baldwin is so full of crap that nothing he says is believeable. If only he had left America (as he promised) when Bush was elected President he wouldn't be in this predicament.

I hope he keeps this promise to quit acting--'cause I sure won't look at anthing he does in the future.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous said...

I used to like Alec Baldwin until he went on the view and apoligized for doing what more fathers should have the guts to do. He wasn't going to go beat his kid just administor some much needed guidance that so many people are unable to do in this tree hugging society. Then he is going to consult Dr. Phil!!!! The wife beater, give me a break and get over it America, our sons and daughters are dying in a foriegn war and we are micro analyzing how people raise thier kids. Get over it!

3:03 PM  
Anonymous said...

Gotta hand it to you Alex, you're a better actor than I thought you ever were! I saw your appearance on the View and if nothing was edited from it, you should be ashamed of yourself for that pathetic appology to your daughter!! You spent most of the time blaming the trashy tabloids and the unnamed other party that you were "really" angry at instead of focusing your entire appearance on the reality of the situation which is that you should NEVER EVER have soken to your child like that no matter if it was your "supposed first time" or no matter how angry you were at the "other party". Even if you thought she went along with your ex-wife, she is just a child and if anything a pawn in this whole child-custody process. You need some serious anger management classes and some classes on child rearing without the abusive behavior you displayed. There are definitely ways to disipline your child with tough love as opposed to berating them into supmission. Get a grip and go read Sidney Portier's "Measure of A Man" and takes some notes!

3:30 PM  
Times Square Gossip said...

Needless to say my run ins with the Baldwin family are what movies are made from. Thanks for the insight !

1:29 AM  

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