Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Angelina Jolie has made a formal court request to change adopted son Pax Thien's surname to Jolie-Pitt. Angelina filed the request for her son, who is currently called Pax Thien Jolie, to take lover Brad Pitt's surname at a Santa Monica Superior Court on April 16. Angelina adopted three-year-old Pax - whose name means 'Peaceful Sky' - in March from a Vietnamese Orphanage she had visited with Brad several times before. Vietnamese law makes it hard for unmarried couples to adopt, so the actress applied as a single parent. In January 2006, Angelina made a similar request to add Brad's name to her five-year-old Cambodian son Maddox and two-year-old Ethiopian daughter Zahara. Brad is now joint guardian to Maddox and Zahara and the couple also have an 11-month-old daughter Shiloh together.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007


Angelina Jolie has lashed out at paparazzi who turned her new adopted son's first encounter with celebrity into a terrifying experience. The actress and her adopted Cambodian son Maddox were leaving an orphanage outside Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam the other day with the latest addition to their family when photographers swarmed their vehicle. And Jolie, who was sickened by the extent the snappers went to get a shot of her adopted son Pax Thien, is speaking out through her international advisor Trevor Neilson. In a statement released late yesterday, he says, "As Angelina left the orphanage they (photographers) opened the door of her car, banged on the doors and threw things under the wheels to try to get them to stop. "How would the paparazzi feel if someone was doing this to a car their child was riding in?" The chaos in the car ride away from the orphanage, from which 3-year-old Pax Thien was collected by his new mom and brother, was a stark contrast to the peace in the institute, where Jolie thanked those who have been caring for her new son. The actress signed a guest book, writing, "Thank you for taking such wonderful care of my son." Jolie is now heading to Vietnamese capital Hanoi to finalize the adoption. Also, Jolie is taking a long break from her film career to focus on caring for her four children. Jolie and Pitt are now full-time parents to four children under the age of five: Cambodian Maddox, 5; Ethiopian Zahara Marley, 2; and their sole biological child Shiloh Nouvel, 10 months. Currently in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where she formally adopted Pax yesterday, Jolie told local newspaper Ho Chi Minh City Law she was happy to be a full-time mother. She says, "Now, I will stop making movies and will stay home to help Pax to get used to his new life. "I have four children and taking care of the children is the most important thing for me at the moment. I am very proud and happy to be their mother." Despite her plans for time out, Jolie recently signed on to play railroad executive Dagny Taggart in the big-screen version of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged."

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


Angelina Jolie With New Son Pax Thien

Actress Angelina Jolie hugged and spoke a few words in Vietnamese to comfort the crying boy she is adopting to live with her family in America, newspapers reported on Friday. Reports said the almost three-and-a-half year-old boy, renamed Pax Thien Jolie, cried when he first saw his adoptive mother at the Ho Chi Minh City orphanage where he has lived since infancy. Jolie was quick to hug him and told him in Vietnamese "Khong sao dau, khong sao dau" (No problem, no problem) and immediately started playing with him, Lao Dong (Labour) newspaper reported. Oscar-winning actress Jolie kept out of public view after receiving the Vietnamese boy, but her photograph was on front pages of several of Friday's newspapers, which are all state-run in communist-ruled Vietnam.The boy's caregiver said his favorite dishes included fried noodle and yoghurt and that he can count from 1 to 10 in English, the Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper reported. Jolie fetched the boy from the orphanage on Thursday and signed adoption papers with authorities in the southern city, which is Vietnam's largest urban area with 8 million people.Reporters, photographers and TV crews outside the hotel where Jolie was staying have not seen her since a car took her from the government building where she signed adoption papers on Thursday.

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