Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Kim Basinger has called for ex-husband Alec Baldwin to address his "unstable and irrational behaviour" to save his relationship with their daughter.The actress - who denies leaking the tape of an answer phone message in which Baldwin calls their 11-year-old daughter Ireland "a rude little pig" -said he must stop "his on going aggressive behaviour" if he wants to share custody. A statement released by Basinger's representative said: "Everybody is always asking why this custody battle has been going on for so many years and now they have the answer."The issue is not about Kim or the alleged alienation that Alec constantly refers to. It is about his on going aggressive behaviour.""Kim did not release the voicemail but the message was not sealed under acourt order."Kim's sincerest wish is for him to finally address his unstable and irrational behaviour so he, at some point, can potentially create a relationship with his daughter. Until then, Kim will continue to protect and safeguard her child's well being as any parent would."Basinger has since hired a security guard to protect Ireland in the wake of the Baldwin's angry message.Meanwhile, Heather Mills - the estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney - has spoken out in Baldwin's defence. Mills said: "It is wrong to speak to your daughter like that, but I am not someone to go, 'Ooh, that is terrible, and we are all perfect, it's all wonderful.'"I would never speak to my daughter like that, but what you have got to remember is that his daughter lives with Kim, and we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I respect Kim, I respect Alec for his incredible animal rights campaigning, and we have no idea what's going on."You know when you love somebody and it is your only child, people lose it. Forgive him. Don't throw stones at glass houses. We are not here to judge and criticise what other people do unless you are a saint. And none of us are a saint."

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Saturday, April 21, 2007


Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin in better times !

Alec Baldwin issued an apology for unleashing a volcanic tirade at his 11-year-old daughter and blamed "certain people" for leaking the rant to US media. The Oscar-nominated star of The Departed branded daughter Ireland a "rude, thoughtless, little pig" in a fiery voicemail message that emerged on celebrity websites. It is the latest twist to the bitter legal wrangling between Baldwin and ex-wife Kim Basinger over custody and visitation rights relating to Ireland. The couple split in 2001. Baldwin's tirade was apparently triggered by Ireland's failure to switch her mobile phone on for a scheduled call with her father. "Once again I've made an ass out of myself trying to get to a phone at a specific time," Baldwin says in the message. "I'm tired of playing this game with you. You have insulted me for the last time. "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being - I don't give a damn that you are 12 or 11 or a child or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care what you do." Baldwin then tells his daughter that he is going to fly to Los Angeles to "straighten" her out. In a statement on his website,, posted today, the actor said he had apologised to his daughter for his actions, suggesting that the stress of legal battles with Basinger had tipped him over the edge. "Naturally, it is not best for a parent to lose their temper with their child," Baldwin said. "Everyone who knows me privately knows that I have endured a great deal over the last several years in my custody litigation. "Everyone who knows me privately knows that certain people will go to any lengths to embarrass me and to disrupt my relationship with my daughter. "I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now." Baldwin's spokesman said in an earlier statement that "in the best interest of the child" the actor would "do what the mother is pathologically incapable of doing - keeping his mouth shut and obeying the court order." The statement said Basinger and her lawyer leaked the tape in violation of a court order, and that Baldwin regretted the choice of language used. Basinger's lawyers hit back at the spokesman's explanation today. In a statement to, celebrity lawyer Neal Hersh said the actor's response showed he was "out of touch". "I am concerned that Mr Baldwin's recent statement, wherein he attempts to shift responsibility to Kim and her lawyers for his issues with Ireland, shows just how out of touch he is with the reality and gravity of the situation," Hersh told the website. Baldwin and Basinger, the star of LA Confidential, split in 2001 but have been locked in bitter legal wrangling related to Ireland's custody and visitation rights. Basinger was charged with contempt of court last year for violating a 2004 custody arrangement. A Los Angeles court rejected a bid by Basinger's lawyers to have the charges dismissed this week.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Justin Timberlake And Britney Spears Before Baldness

Justin Timberlake loves Britney Spears' shaved head.The 'Sexy Back' singer admits he was surprised by his ex-girlfriend's decision to cut her locks but thinks she can pull off the drastic look. He is quoted by MTV as saying: "It was a smart choice, she is starting over, cleaning herself up. It was something you wouldn't expect most people to do, so she is taking a chance."Justin and Britney became friends when they starred together as children on the 'New Mickey Mouse Club' TV show. They dated for several years before splitting in March 2002, amid speculation Britney had cheated on Justin. On Tuesday night Britney checked herself into rehab.The 25-year-old singer admitted herself into California's Promises Malibu Treatment Center following concerns over her erratic behaviour.Her manager Larry Rudolph confirmed: "Britney Spears has voluntarily checked herself into a rehab facility. We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time."Rudolph did not disclose what Britney was being treated for. US reports claim the 'Toxic' singer has allegedly taken cocaine, ecstasy and prescription drugs. Meanwhile as you know from our last report, Britney has checked out once again and has checked into a hotel.

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Britney Spears Made No 'Promises' And Left

Britney Spears Out Of Rehab Again.... Troubled pop star Britney Spears has reportedly left a rehabilitation facility in Malibu, California, less than 24 hours after checking in. This is the second time in a week that the Toxic star has left a treatment centre after less than one day - according to news website , Spears left Promises Treatment Center early yesterday morning. According to further media reports, Spears tried to get into a tattoo parlour before returning to her home, but the shop was closed. On Friday, she shaved her head bald at a hair salon and then hit the Body & Soul Tattoo parlor in Sherman Oaks, California, where she got a pink, black and white cross on her hip and pink and red lips on her wrist. She checked herself into Crossroads Centre, a treatment facility founded by musician Eric Clapton last Wednesday, only to check out the following day. Meanwhile, according to Tmz, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (Dcfs) has received numerous phone calls to their hotline from people concerned about the welfare of Spears' children in light of her recent bizarre behaviour. Spears is the mother to two young sons, Sean Preston, 18 months and Jayden James, five months. The Dcfs provides a 24-hour phone number for any resident in the Los Angeles area to report or discuss any issue regarding children.Meanwhile it was revealed the Pop star met with a lawyer in West Hollywood, California yesterday afternoon, after checking out of a Malibu rehab facility earlier in the day. This is the second time the troubled 25-year-old has left a treatment centre in the last week. The Toxic star was spotted at the law office of Blair Berk, a high-powered criminal defence lawyer, who also represented Mel Gibson last year (06) after his drink driving arrest. Sources tell American publication Us Weekly Spears was seen outside the office sitting in the passenger seat of a blue Mercedes talking intensely on her mobile phone, while her cousin, Allie Sims, reportedly sobbed. An eyewitness says, "Brit smoked cigarettes and talked on the phone, while Allie was seen with tears streaming down her face. Brit just had a blank look on her face." Spears left the law office at 2pm (local time) and was driven down Los Angeles' Sunset Strip and dropped off at the Bel Air Hotel. On 15 February (07), the singer checked herself into Crossroads Centre, a treatment facility founded by musician Eric Clapton, and checked out less than 24 hours later. Yesterday (21 Feb 07) she left Promises Treatment Center in Malibu, also after less than 24 hours.
Meanwhile, her estranged husband was making plans to go to court amid a custody dispute over their two children. Kevin Federline and his lawyer were scheduled to appear at a downtown courthouse Thursday for an emergency hearing in family law court, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press. "Our best information is he will be here; she won't," said Parachini. "But anything is possible." It was not known what Federline intended to ask the court. He sought support and sole custody of Jayden James, 5 months, and Sean Preston, 17 months, after Spears moved to end their two-year marriage in November, but a temporary order issued Feb. 1 granted joint custody through this month. Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, did not return a call for comment. Parachini said Federline's lawyer would try to persuade a Superior Court commissioner that the matter is urgent enough to be handled on an expedited basis. The move comes amid increasingly bizarre behavior by Spears. Popping in and out of rehab centers around the world is not a smart move for someone involved in a child custody battle with her estranged husband, said New York-based family law attorney Joshua Forman, who is not involved in Spears' case. "That's ridiculous. Wherever you are and whatever your problem is, you go through the program the place offers and you do what they tell you to do," Forman told the AP. "Checking in and out for one day doesn't show the court anything." OK! magazine reported it has learned Spears fled rehab because she was worried Federline would move to obtain permanent custody of the couple's children while she was undergoing several weeks of treatment. Federline's agent, Allison Joyce, said the 28-year-old aspiring rapper and former backup dancer would have no comment.

In Happy Times Kevin Federline And Britney Spears

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Monday, January 08, 2007


Alec Baldwin wants to quit Hollywood.The 48-year-old star wishes he had never become an actor and says he is not willing to compromise with directors and studios anymore in order to get roles.He revealed to Britain's GQ magazine: "It's all kind of winding down for me now. I really have had a very interesting time, but now I believe it is time for me to do something else. It's absolutely, unequivocally time for me to do something else."I can't do this anymore. It's all about compromising. I hate work. I fucking hate it in every way. If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't have gone into this business."'The Departed' actor admits he is battling with getting older and feels his looks and figure are deteriorating with age. He groaned: "There was a time when I was thin and beautiful. And then you're not thin and beautiful anymore. There were times when I didn't care. You have a couple of friends that go, 'God you look terrible. You really gotta stop letting yourself go.' And I said to myself, 'I don't care.'"Then you realise you are not young anymore. I just want to make the most of the time I have left."
