Sunday, March 25, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's longtime Lawyer/companion Howard K. Stern is on the verge of losing the Bahamian home he shared with the tragic model. He recently learned an eviction summons has been requested. Attorney Godfrey Pinder is requesting Nassau officials evict Stern from the Horizons house he has occupied since August. The Bahamian lawyer is acting on the request of his client, developer G. Ben Thompson, who insists he offered his house when Anna Nicole was looking for property in the Bahamas. The request, filed on Wednesday, states Stern has been "trespassing" on Thompson's property since before February 8, 2007 -- the day Smith died. Pinder has told " Access Hollywood ," "I served a summons asking the Magistrate's court to give us an eviction notice against Howard K. Stern and to have him pay rent and legal costs and damages, if there are any damages in the place." Pinder claims Thompson bought the house and had his lawyers draw up the papers for it in Anna Nicole's name -- because she planned to buy it from him. Thompson maintains his friend then declined to sign the mortgage or promissory note. Pinder attempted to serve Stern with the notice at the property on Wednesday, but was forced to leave it at the entry gate.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith Really Left A Mess

The father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter will be revealed soon. A DNA test to determine five-month-old Dannielynn's father was ordered bythe Bahamas Supreme Court yesterday. Anna Nicole's former lover photographer Larry Birkhead, who claims he is Dannielynn's father, was overjoyed by the ruling. Birkhead, who pumped his fists in the air and jumped up and down as he emerged from court, said: "I feel great. It was a great day in court for me. Bahamian people, thank you so much!"Asked if he thought he would see Dannielynn soon, he smiled and winked. Anna Nicole's lover and lawyer Howard K. Stern - who is listed as Dannielynn's father on her birth certificate - was left devastated by the judge's decision. He said: "I'm doing the best I can."Stern, who is currently caring for Dannielynn, was ordered not to leave the Bahamas with her before the custody ruling. Frederic von Anhalt, the husband of legendary Hollywood beauty Zsa Zsa Gabor, also claims he could be Dannielynn's father. Dannielynn has been at the centre of a paternity battle since her mother collapsed in a Florida hotel room and died aged just 39 last month. She could inherit millions from the estate of Anna Nicole's late husband, oil tycoon J. Howard Marshall. Anna Nicole had been fighting his family for his estimated $500 million fortune since he died in 1995.

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Monday, March 05, 2007


For Virgie Arthur The War Has Only Started

A Bahamian court considered a request to exhume the body of Daniel Smith, son of the late Anna Nicole Smith, for reburial in Texas, where Smith was born. The request was filed by Smith's estranged mother, Virgie Arthur, who reportedly has a letter from the son's father authorizing her to ask the Bahamian courts to order the body be exhumed and buried in Texas, the Bahama Journal said Monday. Arthur tried unsuccessfully to gain custody of Smith's body in a Florida court, then tried to block the funeral in a Bahamian court. She said she wants to bury Smith's body in Texas and has said she wanted to move the body of Smith's son, who died in September, to Texas as well. She filed the exhumation request Friday, the day Smith was buried. Smith died Feb. 8 of unknown causes in a Florida hospital where she was taken after being found unresponsive in her hotel room.

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Friday, March 02, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith is to be buried in the Bahamas today, after her mother dropped her appeal for custody of her body.Virgie Arthur will not challenge the decision made by a Florida appeal court that custody of the model's remains should go to Richard Milstein, the court-appointed guardian of her five-month-old daughter, Dannielynn.Virgie's attorney Tom Pirtle said: "It's going to be difficult to appeal the ruling, so we're not going to appeal."Milstein said Anna Nicole will be buried in the Bahamas next to her son Daniel, who died last September.Virgie had wanted Anna Nicole to be buried near the family home in Texas,and for Daniel's body to be exhumed and buried beside her. Milstein said: "The funeral is set for Friday. I wish to uphold the decorum and dignity that should be maintained throughout this process, for the sake of Dannielynn and the memories she will have of her mother's funeral."Anna Nicole died aged 39 on February 8. Her body has remained in cold storage at a Florida morgue during the court battle over where she is to be buried.

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Monday, February 26, 2007


Anna Nicole Smith's mother is battling for custody of her five-month-year granddaughter. Last week, Virgie Arthur lost custody of her daughter's body but now plans to fight the late model's partner Howard K. Stern for custody of Dannielynn. A private hearing will take place in Nassau, in the Bahamas. Arthur and Stern - who is listed as the baby's father on the birth certificate - will also face Larry Birkhead who has failed a paternity claim. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Isaacs has banned Stern from taking Dannielynn away from the Bahamian island until a custody ruling has been made. Isaacs has also placed a gagging order against the attorneys from making anything said in the courtroom public. Last Thursday, custody of Anna Nicole's body was granted to Dannielynn's temporary court-appointed guardian, Richard C. Milstein. Milstein has said the former Playboy playmate should be buried in the Bahamas, next to her son Daniel, who died last September. Arthur had wanted her daughter to be laid to rest near their Texan family home. Despite the court decision being finalised last week, a funeral is still not expected to take place until tomorrow at the earliest, and Anna Nicole's body remains in a Florida morgue. Anna Nicole died on February 8 after being found unconscious in a Florida hotel room.

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