Friday, April 06, 2007


Halle Berry last week on the 'Walk Of Fame'

Halle Berry is to shave her hair off.The Oscar-winning actress has to lose her locks for new movie 'Nappy Ever After' and admits she is "scared to death" about the prospect of being bald. She said: "In the course of the story something bad happens to my character's hair and she shaves it all off. I'm scared to death but that's what I must do. Though I suppose going bald could be a little exciting too. So we'll probably film the process from beginning to end."Britney Spears recently shocked the showbiz world by shaving off all her hair off during a visit to a Los Angeles hair salon. She has since been seen wearing a number of different wigs in the wake of her drastic decision. Halle isn't the first actress to shear her locks for her art. Natalie Portman shaved off her hair for her role in 'V For Vendetta', while Demi Moore sported a cropped style for 1997 action film 'G.I Jane'.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


How WWW.TimesSquareGossip.Com Reported This Days Ago !
While his ex-wife, pop princess Britney Spears, is in rehab after she shaved her head completely bald, Kevin Federline reportedly told some of his friends he shaved his head too in order to show her his support. The rapper wannabe’s buddies insist that K-Fed is still in love with Britney and that’s why he sticks with her through these hard times. "He said he still loves her," a pal as saying. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. "Britney has realized what a rock Kevin has been to her, and how out of control she has acted recently. She has been talking to Kevin every night for hours on the phone, telling him she still loves him. She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage," the source said. However, according to recent reports, Britney isn’t doing very well in rehab. Us Weekly claims her cousin Alli has all but moved into the clinic to help keep an eye on her but the family still don’t think it’ll be enough to keep Britney on track. A source told the magazine: “They hope that Britney will stay at Promises for a month, but they’re nervous she might not last that long.” After Britney checked herself in the Promises rehabilitation center in Malibu, British tabloid News of the World reported that the staff at the clinic said she was put on “suicide watch” after she tried to hang herself with a bed sheet. A friend of hers told the newspaper that right before attempting to take her life, she had the number 666 written on her head and ran around the clinic yelling: “I am the Antichrist!” "She is still very vulnerable. Last Saturday she said she had the number 666 written onto her bald head. She was crying, and shouting, 'I am the Antichrist!' The clinic people just didn't know what to do. Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake! I'm a fake!' It must have been really frightening," the News of the World quoted the pal, as saying. "Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt," the pal added.

Bald Kevin Federline Days Ago In Las Vegas

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Sunday, February 18, 2007


You knew it was coming: Times Square Gossip has learned that the Hair purportedly clipped from the head of pop star Britney Spears is for sale on eBay . Various sellers on the online auction site offered not only shorn hair, but clippers that they claimed did the job. Spears reportedly used an electric clipper and shaved her own head at a San Fernando Valley salon on Friday night. One seller claimed to have collected hair with the salon owner, and offered it for sale along with a can energy drink supposedly sipped by the singer. Britney who recently walked into rehab and then out can't seem to get her life together since her breakup with Kevin Federline. She has passed out in clubs, vomited in restaurants, pulled over by the police for not having her children in child seats, just to name a few.
Hey Britney! Wonderland Has A Spot Open Since Your Good Party Pal Lindsay Lohan Has Checked Out. You Can Keep Her Bed Warm Till She Gets Back....

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Saturday, February 17, 2007


Those who thought Britney Spears couldn't be further removed from her former pop princess image are in for a shock. On Friday night, Spears was spotted in Los Angeles sporting a never before seen look — a newly shaved head. The same day, reports surfaced that Spears checked into rehab at Eric Clapton's Crossroads facility in Antigua. Spears reportedly refused to stay and checked out a day later. Harvey Levin, managing editor of , said that Spears' family, concerned about her excessive partying and drinking, staged an intervention and made her go to rehab. "Her family and friends staged what I guess you would call an intervention and basically said you have to go," Levin said. "[They] got her to go to a facility there and I am told she was there for a very short period of time and said this is not for me and left." Spiraling Downward Spears' reported rehab visit and new, hairless look is the culmination of a wild few months for the pop star. After filing for divorce from her husband Kevin Federline last year, she started club- and bar-hopping all night, all over the country. Spears' behavior troubled her longtime former assistant so much that she published an open letter online saying she was "heart sick by the way her life is unfolding." "Britney is exhibiting an extreme exaggeration of the behavior of the young starlets out there today. Britney, who once had a thriving career as a pop star, now seems to have no career at all," said Ian Drew of Us Weekly magazine . Her every move has been a tabloid dream. "On New Year's Eve there was an incident at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas where she just collapsed after midnight," Levin said. "She said she was exhausted, there were a lot of people who think she was drunk." Spears isn't the only young starlet getting into trouble. Lindsay Lohan just finished a month-long stay at a California rehab facility. Nicole Richie was charged Friday with a DUI stemming from a December arrest. Miss USA Tara Conner spent the holidays getting treatment for alcoholism.

Eric Clapton's Crossroads Rehab

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