Saturday, April 28, 2007


Veteran rocker RINGO STARR’s memory isn’t what it used to be - he can’t remember playing on the debut album by his former Beatle bandmate GEORGE HARRISON.Drummer Starr actually performed on most of the classic 1970 triple album All Things Must Pass.He tells US magazine Rolling Stone, "I played on All Things Must Pass - which is funny because George called me (when he was preparing to reissue the album), and said, ‘Ringo, are you on All Things Must Pass?’ I said, ‘I don’t think so.I don’t know.’ "Then he calls back two weeks later after he’d researched it, and he says, ‘You f**ker, you were on 80 per cent of the record!’ I said, ‘Hey, it was a long time ago.’"

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Paul McCartney loved wife Linda best

Sir Paul McCartney has made a heartfelt tribute to late wife Linda on his new album.The Beatles legend - who was married to Linda for almost 30 years until she died from breast cancer in 1998 - has reportedly called his new record 'Memory Almost Full', an anagram of For My Soul Mate LLM. A source said: "It is a title Paul has been thinking about for a long time, even before Linda died."It has also been revealed the album has been inspired by his bitter split from second wife Heather Mills. The source added: "In many ways it's a break-up album. But it's also a homage to the woman who remains the true love of his life and his soulmate."Paul sings about his never-ending love for Linda and his struggles with Heather."Paul and Linda, who married in 1969, have three children - Mary, Stella and James. Paul also adopted Linda's daughter Heather from her first marriage.The pair reportedly spent less than a week apart during their entire marriage. Meanwhile, it has been revealed Heather once reportedly enjoyed a foursome with an Arab prince and TV actress.The former model allegedly joined Prince Turki bin Nasser, actress KarajanMallinder and a prostitute in bed for about $2,000. Party organiser Ros Ashley told Britain's News of the World newspaper:"Heather, Karajan and a third girl Petrina Montrose got around $2,000 each to sleep with Turki in the early 90s. Heather had an amazing figure and her behaviour was so brazen. She would strip off and waltz around."Heather and Karajan both had sex with my Arab friends and were handsomely rewarded with cash and jewellery."It is also alleged Heather was paid about $4,000 to have sex with billionaire Adnan Khashoggi in the late 80s.

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Monday, April 02, 2007


Beatle Paul McCartney

A crazed fan was arrested after trying to break into Sir Paul McCartney's British mansion on Friday. Paul's security team were left shaken as the man drove into The Beatles legend's Peasmarsh estate, in Sussex, screaming, "I must get to him". A source told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "It was terrifying.This guy put the fear of God into everyone because they thought he wanted to kill Paul. This was the most frightening incident they've ever had at Peasmarsh."Everyone was terrified that the guy could turn nasty. No one knew if he was armed."Security guards managed to stop the man reaching Paul's home by activating an emergency gate, but only after he had managed to get within yards of Paul's house.The intruder who fled before police arrived on the scene was arrested after a three-mile high-speed chase. The man has now been sectioned and detained in a local psychiatric hospital. A police spokesman said: "We received a call from a security officer at Peasmarsh and later arrested a man at his home address. He was initially arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and failing to stop when challenged by police."He was later detained under the Mental Health Act and is not facing criminal charges."Paul, 64, was not at home when the terrifying incident happened as he was having lunch locally with friends. Fellow Beatle John Lennon was shot dead outside his New York home in 1980 by crazed fan Mark Chapman. The late George Harrison narrowly escaped death after being stabbed in the chest by a fan who broke into his home seven years ago.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


Paul McCartney going back on tour

Sir Paul McCartney is going back on tour to get over his bitter split from Heather Mills.The Beatles legend is desperate to put his divorce battle behind him and has decided to hit the road again. A source told Britain's Daily Express newspaper: "Paul is itching to get back and play live. He never even got to perform in the UK or Europe so he's keen to rectify that. He has always loved touring and sees it as the perfect way to putting his problems behind him."Sir Paul, 64, was forced to abandon the European leg of his world tour last year because of his marital problems.The couple - who have a three-year-old daughter Beatrice together - split last May after four years of marriage. According to friends, Sir Paul will use his new stadium tour to promote his forthcoming album, which is to be released this summer on the new Starbucks record label, Hear Music. Sir Paul - who was the first artist to sign to the label - is leaving Capitol Records who he has worked with on and off for 43 years, to join the new Los Angeles-based music venture.

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Friday, March 23, 2007


Sir Paul McCartney has gone on a date with Prince Charles' former lover.The Beatles' legend and Sabrina Guinness - who dated Charles in the 70s -met up to go on a secret dinner date to an Italian restaurant in London on Wednesday night. Paul revealed he enjoys a close relationship with Sabrina and says they have a lot in common. He told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper : "I've known this lady for a while.We enjoy each other's company and when we get together we talk about stuff like the environment and Al Gore - things like that. We have similar views."I have had a terrible day at the office and as you probably know I'm going through a pretty difficult divorce right now too. I just fancied going out for a few drinks to relax."Paul's friends say Sabrina, 52, has been comforting him during his difficult marriage split from Heather Mills. A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper : "It has been difficult, but Paul's dealt with his divorce with great dignity. His friends are desperate for him to go out and start living again. People like Sabrina are making this possible."Paul collected Sabrina from her plush Notting Hill Gate home and greeted her with a lingering embrace. However, their dinner plans were ruined after a photographer saw them, forcing them to abandon their romantic plans. Paul, 64, arrived at Osteria Basilica restaurant alone and had dinner with his fashion designer daughter Stella and her husband Alasdhair. A source revealed: "It was clear Sabrina was supposed to be joining them. She had a change of heart when she realised the attention it would attract."Sabrina - who has also dated Rolling Stones singer Sir Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart and Bryan Ferry - is an heiress to the Guinness drinks empire. A spokesman for Paul has denied he is dating Sabrina. He said: "There's no relationship. There's nothing to it."

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Monday, March 12, 2007


Michael Jackson Could Lose Face Over Beatles Songs

Michael Jackson is set to lose his Beatles' songs.The singer, who infuriated Sir Paul McCartney when he out bid him for the rights to the group's music 22 years ago, is being forced to sell the songs after running up huge debts. Jackson has allegedly squandered his fortune on a lavish lifestyle. He also took out steep loans to fight recent child abuse charges. In 1995, he was forced to sell part ownership of the catalogue, valued at over a billion, to his former record company Sony and used his remaning share as security for loans. The deal with Sony stipulated that if he was unable to pay the loans back he would have be required to sell the company the remainder of the catalogue by May 31 2008. Fox News entertainment columnist Roger Friedman said: "The deal is not a lot for a celebrity who likes to travel, stay in expensive hotels and shut down toy stores for private shopping."It is believed Sony will charge Jackson $250 million for the expenses they have incurred. Jackson hopes to repay $250 million to a loans company once the sale is completed. Meanwhile, it has been reported Jackson's reunion with the Jackson Five could earn him $500. million.The group - who last regularly performed together 23 years ago - are set to earn a fortune from playing 250 Las Vegas concerts over three years. A world tour, a greatest hits album, two new songs, merchandise and product endorsements have also been discussed.The band - comprising of Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Michael and Jermaine - are currently in talks with producer Jack Wishna, who was responsible for Celine Dion's live residency in Caesar's Palace.

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Heather Mills is set to accept almost 60 million cash and property divorce settlement from estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney.The former model has reportedly backtracked on her previous demands of $20,000 a day "just to get by". She is also said to have given up on her bid for sole custody of the couple's three-year-old daughter Beatrice. A source told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "It's amazing how quickly things have turned around. Heather has caved in on lots of things -including her money demands and the issue of sole custody. We now expect her to settle."Heather's stance has completely changed. Paul's legal team were worried she might have upped the stakes by threatening to leave England and take Beatrice with her. It could still take weeks to thrash out a deal but they're on the right path."The settlement is likely to include $50 million in cash and Paul's $8 million St John's Wood mansion in London. It is believed Paul, 64, has agreed to contribute $4 million towards Heather's security costs during the divorce proceedings. Despite apparently a settlement, Heather, 39, is allegedly planning to speakout about her four-year marriage to The Beatles legend.The source added: "Heather told me, 'I will not sign a gagging clause because I want people to know the truth.' "Leaked court documents from last year revealed Heather had claimed Paul was physically violent to her during their marriage. Her allegations included claims the musician had pushed her into a bath while she was pregnant and on another occasion stabbed her in the arm with a broken wine glass. Heather will take Beatrice to the US this week while she competes in TV show 'Dancing with the Stars'.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


Sir Paul McCartney has offered Heather Mills a $55 million divorce settlement, it has been reported.The former Beatle - worth around a Billion - instructed lawyers to make the offer following days of "intense and heightened" talks.This is said to be the first time Paul, eager to avoid a public court battle, has agreed to open negotiations. A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "This is the closest we have been to an arrangement. Paul is absolutely determined to keep his private life hidden from public scrutiny."The divorce has now been dragging on for nine months. There is war weariness creeping in. Lawyers have been in feverish discussions for the past ten days, but isn't simply a matter of him making an offer and it being accepted."Paul, 64, reportedly sanctioned the offer after Heather's sister Fiona accused him of putting his three-year-old daughter Beatrice at risk by refusing to pay for security for Heather. The source added: "They are almost there. The channels of communication have opened up. It's the first time a deal has been mentioned and both sides hope a settlement will be reached."Unless there is a major hiccup, they will not be going to court."Terms will be drawn up by Anthony Julius and Fiona Shackleton - the same lawyers who dealt with Prince Charles and Princess Diana's divorce - and they are hoping to settle the deal within a month. Julius - Heather's lawyer - and Paul's representative have so far declined to comment. Last month, it was reported Heather and Paul - who were married for four years - had reached an out of court settlement worth $64 million. However, legal firm Mishcon de Reya, who represent Heather, quickly issued a statement denying Paul had made an offer.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007


The Beatles are set to dominate the British charts again after settling their Apple trademark dispute. Fab Four fans were thrilled to hear iPod manufacturer Apple Inc had settled their almost 30-year battle with The Beatles' record company Apple Corps over who owned the legal rights to the Apple name. Apple Inc will now own all trademarks relating to Apple and will license certain ones back to Apple Corps - meaning The Beatles' music, which has never been officially sold online, could soon be released via iTunes. One music source said: "Making these songs available could spark a whole new outbreak of Beatlemania."Apple Inc boss Steve Jobs said he was delighted to have settled the legal battle. He added: "We love The Beatles, and it has been painful being at odds with them over these trademarks. It feels great to resolve this in a positive manner."A recent change in how the British singles chart is compiled - which now considers downloads sales of any track ever released - means The Beatles could dominate the pop charts almost 45 years since their first release.The change even includes album tracks, meaning classic hits such as 'Blackbird' and 'Across The Universe' could hit the top spot. 'Hey Jude', which originally topped the charts in September 1968, is the bookmakers' favourite to be the first number one single, followed by 'Yesterday'.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007


The original handwritten lyrics of classic Beatles song 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' are to be sold at auction next Monday.The song was penned by the late George Harrison and the sheet of paper containing the now barely legible words is expected to fetch between $500,000 and $800,000 at the sale, which is to take place in the US. British-based auctioneers Cooper Owen are conducting the sale, in conjunction with Arizona auction house Barrett-Jackson, on behalf of an unidentified private collector. Cooper Owen auction manager Neil Roberts said: "It's a really significantand rare piece of memorabilia. It shows the work in progress, the message,and the thoughts behind one of the band members."The lyrics sheet contains lines that are not included in the final version of the song which features on the 'White Album', released in 1968. Among the unknown lyrics are the lines: "I look from the wings at the play you are staging", and "As I'm sitting here doing nothing but aging, still my guitar gently weeps."At the bottom of the manuscript is a complaint written by Harrison which seems to show his frustration with the Abbey Road recording sessions. It reads: "The band leader said he ain't playin' no more."On the back of the page are the lyrics to 'Hey Jude', written down by the Fab Four's road manager Mal Evans. The lyrics sheet is signed by Sir Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono, Harrison and his widow Olivia. Other items up for sale at the auction include a book report written by Britney Spears, a credit card used by Ella Fitzgerald and an original handwritten score for 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' - penned by Sir George Martin especially for The Beatles-inspired Cirque du Soleil show 'Love'.
