Saturday, April 21, 2007


Sanjaya Malakar : Whats with the painted eyebrows ?
The former “American Idol” contestant Sanjaya Malakar who was finally voted off Wednesday night, believes things, his status in fact, have changed so much that he intends to hire a bodyguard. "I'm definitely ready to hire a bodyguard," he says. "I'm actually looking into that right now."In an interview the morning after his elimination, the one who once threatened the integrity and purpose of the talent show, told reporters that he got an education throughout the competition, and plans to pursue a career in music and acting. Looking tired but relentlessly upbeat about his "Idol" experience, he said the other competitors were like a second family to him. "Everyone [on the show] is a family, we really, truly are very close. The hardest part of leaving was losing this extended part of my family." His time on the show was equivalent to his junior and senior years of high school. He dropped out of high school after his sophomore year and later obtained a GED. "Throughout the competition I grew as a performer and as a person," he said. "I had a lot of things to learn from. I kind of found myself as things progressed. I found myself and got more comfortable in my own skin." "I was just focused on trying to get past each week, I didn't look too far into the future and didn't want to overwhelm myself," said Sanjaya. "I feel like I've grown, and I'm more confident because I have this experience. Practice makes perfect, and I'm ready to get out there and sing some more." However, just like other Idol contestants before him, Sanjaya said he had a hunch about Wednesday’s night boot. "When I saw the show, I had a feeling. I was in the dumps all day on Wednesday and I kind of knew," said Sanjaya. "I'm not a country singer,” he said of his Bonnie Raitt’s “Something To Talk About” performance, “I think that really took a toll on me, and I didn't have enough really strong performances to have people forgive me for that." Idol judge Randy Jackson had thought it was "really just like karaoke... bland and boring;" Paula Abdul had called Malakar a "loveable guy" who "thrives on adversity;" while Simon Cowell slammed his performance as “utterly horrendous" and added it was "as bad as anything we see at the beginning of American Idol." "I'm beginning to sense something here," a grinning Cowell added when Malakar ended up among the last three. When the result was announced, Malakar wiped away tears and got a big hug from LaKisha Jones, the next lowest vote-getter. "I'm fine," he told Ryan Seacrest. "It was an amazing experience." "I can promise you: We won't soon forget you," Seacrest replied. While most people believe it was the “American Idol” haters who kept Sanjaya on the show for so long, the 17-year-old Indian thinks it was his fans alone who voted for him. "I don't think votefortheworst or Howard Stern had enough people voting for me to make a dent in anything. I think the reason why I'm here is the support of my fans." Speaking about the Idol contestants and the outside world, Sanjaya said they are kept busy and isolated. "We're in a bubble . . . . I got inklings every once in a while of something different going on that I guess was a cultural phenomenon, but I don't think it really has hit me yet how big it is."

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


Police in Israel are deciding if they should charge Leonardo DiCaprio's bodyguards with a crime. Three photographers were hurt Monday as DiCaprio, his Israeli supermodel girlfriend, Bar Refaeli, and her family were touring the Old City of Jerusalem.About 20 photographers gathered around as DiCaprio got into a van, and security guards tried to shoo them away. Photographers say two of DiCaprio's bodyguards began swinging their fists wildly to try to scatter the crowd. One photographer says the bodyguards "were freaking out and going crazy. DiCaprio's publicist, Shawn Sachs, says it's the photographers' fault. Sachs says "Leo is horrified that anyone might have gotten hurt in this situation, but the paparazzi really made this happen." Two bodyguards were detained by police for questioning and then released.

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