Monday, April 23, 2007


Britney Spears is considering quitting pop music to be a stay-at-home mom.The 'Toxic' singer is said to be dreading the prospect of re-launching her career because she cannot bear to be apart from her sons, 19-month-old Sean Preston and seven-month-old Jayden James.The star allegedly confessed her worries while shopping for her boys at Los Angeles children's store, Glen Kids at the Glen Centre. A source told website X17 Online: "Britney said that Sean and Jayden are the loves of her life and that she enjoys every moment with her kids."She was excited to pick out some new clothes for the boys and she picked up some designer jeans and other items."Britney even talked about being a stay-at-home mom, saying that she loves it and that because of her boys, she's not looking forward to going back to work!"Britney filed for divorce from Kevin Federline in November last year, just weeks after giving birth to Jayden James. She then embarked on a spell of wild partying before a very public breakdown, which saw her shave her head and check into rehab. But since leaving Malibu's Promises Centre she has been back in the recording studio and regularly ateending dance classes, working on her pop comeback.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their baby daughter after the actress' brother James Haven Voight, Voight has revealed. Voight claims he was originally given Shiloh -- which means "messiah" or "peaceful one" -- as a middle name by his and Jolie's parents Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand, before they switched it at the last minute. The 33-year-old actor tells Grazia magazine, "At the last second, my parents gave me Haven instead. "So it was very cool when Brad and Angie came to me and said: 'We're thinking of names and our favorite is Shiloh. We know that was your original name, so would that be OK?'. "I was almost in tears -- I was so honored." Also... Haven says the couple are planning a massive brood of adopted children. Haven claims Jolie and Pitt are blissfully happy with baby Shiloh and her adopted siblings Maddox, Zahara and Pax -- and both want to carry on adding to their family. He says Pitt has grown into his role as a father, suggesting the superstar was reluctant at first. Haven tells Grazia magazine, "He has changed so much. He's completely involved, he loves the children and is terrific with them.
"There is no limit on the children she and Brad are adopting. It could be scores. I've never heard an end number in their conversations."
Didn't know you had a GAY brother Angelina !

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


A British woman claiming to be the mother of Michael Jackson's three children has filed legal papers requesting visitation rights and child support. Nona Paris Lola Jackson filed papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court onTuesday asking for the payments and shared physical custody allowing her and Michael to spend several hours a day with the children together. Nona - who is adamant she is the biological mother of ten-year-old Prince Michael, nine-year-old Paris and five-year-old Prince Michael II, who is known as 'Blanket' - even submitted a schedule demonstrating how easy it would be to make the arrangement work. Her proposals would still give the 'Thriller' singer full legal custody. Michael's ex-wife Deborah Rowe is named on the birth certificate as the mother of both Prince Michael and Paris, while the identity of Prince Michael II's mother is a mystery. Nona said: "Debbie's hospital records will prove that my kids are not hers because of DNA."I gave birth through the means of water birth because I am technically a herbalist."Nona insists Michael's marriage to Deborah was never consummated and therefore she cannot be the mother of his children.The court has already thrown out Nona's two previous custody attempts. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider refused last month to hear her motion, stating that Nona had failed to properly notify Michael and Debbie of her intentions and that, even if she had followed procedure, she had "failed to submit any credible evidence she gave birth to the minor children". Nona is also requesting she is given the singer's Neverland Ranch and one of his other homes. Michael's representative Raymone Bain has called her actions "ludicrous".Court hearings on her motion have been scheduled for May 2 and May 30.

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Friday, March 23, 2007


Halle Berry is desperate to have children.The 40-year-old actress, who is dating 31-year-old model Gabriel Aubry, admits she is ready to have a baby and is thinking about trying soon. She said: "I definitely want children. Very much."Halle also insists she will be a strict mother and thinks the most important lesson any parent can teach their child is to realise the importance of hard work. She told InStyle magazine : "I want my kids to realize it's only through hard work that any success or real joy comes. It's not about money, it's the intangible rewards, it's about having integrity and doing what you say you're going to do."Halle has made no secret of her desire to have a baby in the past, and had vowed to get pregnant before she turned 40 last August. She told US chat show host Oprah Winfrey : "If there's no serious man in my life when I get to that age, whoever I'm dating at the time, I'll say, 'Hey, would you like to have a baby?' ''Halle has also admitted she would be prepared to adopt if she can't conceive naturally, and even contemplated artificial insemination before she started dating Gabriel. She said last year: "It looks like the only option I have left is to head for the sperm bank! I've been so desperately unlucky in love and that has thwarted my desire for motherhood. It's so frustrating. The only other option would be adoption. I really yearn for a child and I can't wait much longer."

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Supermodel Jerry Hall Wants Grandkids Bad

Jerry Hall is desperate to become a grandmother.The supermodel - who has four children with ex-husband Sir Mick Jagger -is piling pressure on 23-year-old daughter Elizabeth to have a baby. She revealed in an interview with Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "The thought really excites me - I have the pram waiting in the hall. I'm ready but I'm not sure she is."I keep saying to Lizzie, 'You have one and I'll keep it.' It'll be a fantastic thing when it happens."The 50-year-old star has also revealed she is enjoying being single - as she gets to go on lots of dates. Jerry - who split with Mick in 1999 after it was revealed he had fathered a child with Brazilian beauty Luciana Morad - said: "I'm single at the moment but I'm dating several people - they're all special. I have what I describe as 'gentleman callers'."I do believe in love but I live with my four children and I don't think it would be right to get married now."If I met the right person, then maybe but at the moment I'm happy dating."

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Jude Law Is Not Happy With Ex-Wife Sadie Frost

Jude Law and Sadie Frost reportedly had a blazing row on Mothering Sunday -because Sadie had been out with her latest toyboy the night before.The Hollywood actor and his ex-wife had agreed to spend the special day together for the sake of their three children, Rafferty, Iris and Rudy, as well as Sadie's son Finlay, from her first marriage. However, when Jude turned up early Sunday morning, he was said to be furious when he realised Sadie, 41, was still suffering from her antics the night before with current love, Kristian, 23. Neighbours in London's exclusive Primrose Hill claim Jude hit the roof as he felt his former spouse had ruined the special day they had planned. A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Sadie thought he was being unfair. It's the first time she's been out in ages."Jude - who recently denied claims he is romancing Lindsay Lohan - and Sadie divorced in 2003, after six years of marriage. Despite a messy break-up, the couple decided to put their differences behind them in order to make the split easier for their children.

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Michael Jackson Still Demands Weird Things !

Michael Jackson has demanded a children's xylophone and sweets during his stay at a British hotel.The eccentric singer told staff at London's Jumeria Carlton Tower Hotel to bring the items to his room as soon as he checked in. Michael, who has undergone several cosmetic surgery procedures, also demanded a giant mirror. A hotel insider said: "He wanted lots of bowls filled with Haribo sweets and also asked for a toy xylophone. He also asked for a 6ft by 6ft giant mirror."Michael - who jetted into London with his three children, son Prince Michael, daughter Paris and youngest son Prince Michael II, last week - is famed for his outrageous hotel demands. Last year, he had an 18ft wall built at London's Hempel Hotel so he, his children and his entourage could have more privacy, and it is not unusual for the star to hire entire floors. Rumors are rife that Michael is in London to sell his rights to his catalogue of Beatles songs.The 'Billie Jean' singer - who infuriated Sir Paul McCartney when he outbid him for the rights to the group's music 22 years ago - is being forced to sell the catalogue after running up huge debts, believed to total 400 million. In 1995, he was forced to sell part ownership of the catalogue, valued at almost 2 Billion, to his former record company Sony. He then used his remaining share as security for further loans.The deal with Sony stipulated that if he was unable to pay the loans back he would have be required to sell the remainder of the catalogue by May 31, 2008.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007


Sandra Bullock loves being a stepmother.The 'Premonition' actress, who has denied she is pregnant with her first child, says she is already experiencing motherhood through her relationship with husband Jesse James' three children from his previous marriages. Sandra told the magazine People : "I have children, amazing children. My love and my hopes for their future and their happiness, for their homework to be done and for them to know how smart and beautiful they are is no less than if they were my own biological children."I have my family, and it's the family that some higher power put in my path. I feel really lucky."Jesse and Sandra live together in California just minutes away from his first wife Karla and their children Chandler, 12, and nine-year-old Jesse Jr.The motorcycle tycoon's second wife Janine also lives close-by with his three-year-old daughter Sunny. Sandra has a philosophical approach when it comes to having her own children. She said: "If that's going to happen, that's exactly the way things are supposed to be, and it would be amazing. And if it didn't happen, then I'd know that it wasn't meant to be."

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck want more children.The 'Catch and Release' star says she and her husband definitely want their daughter Violet, who was born in December 2005, to have some brothers and sisters.They plan to start trying after Jennifer finishes her latest acting roles.She told You magazine: "There will be more children. But I need to work a little bit before I go back into that."Last year, I worked for just five months, where as in the five years previously I probably took one month off altogether."However, the 34-year-old star doesn't believe she should work as hard at being a mother. She added: "When Violet was born I had to remind myself that even though I'd worked so hard on acting and with such single-mindedness, I should not try to devote that much effort to her."It wouldn't necessarily be good for her."Jennifer has also confessed she cries more now that she is a mother.The actress believes the experience has made her more caring. She said: "Since I became a mother, I cry more because I care about things more."I can't watch a movie where something happens to a child. And I've always cared about global warming and breast cancer, but now there seems to be an urgency about them."

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Wecome To Las Vegas Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline took his two children to Las Vegas for the weekend.The 28-year-old - who has custody of sons 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James while estranged wife Britney Spears is in rehab -travelled to Las Vegas for an appearance at the Mirage Hotel and Casino lounge Revolution. A source told People magazine : "Kevin was really low key. You could definitely tell he was on his best behaviour. He was having a good time, but wasn't the wild, crazy Kevin who used to come to Vegas."The aspiring rapper arrived on Saturday with the boys, a nanny, his mother, brother and two bodyguards.He dined with family and friends at the hotel restaurant Japonais.The source added: "He was late for dinner because he wanted to tuck his kids into bed."Meanwhile, Britney is said to be responding well to treatment in Malibu's Promises centre and has been enjoying some online retail therapy. Sources reveal she has spent over $3,000 on clothes, including several fedora hats, True Religion Daisy Duke shorts, Dita "Addict" sunglasses and a dress from a designer called Tart. A source told gossip website TMZ : "Britney e-mailed her cousin, Ali, a list of all the things she wanted from"She also asked for this season's 'must-have' dress, Suzanne Juul's red and gold bamboo cap-ribbed dress in a size small and one of Juul's Eternity shawls in light blue.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007


Mother Of The Year 'Britney Spears'

Pop star Britney Spears has sparked another car seat controversy after being photographed with her young sons not properly strapped into her vehicle. The singer caused a world-wide controversy last year when she failed to put her son Sean Preston in a car seat while trying to escape the paparazzi. On February 12 Spears was spotted in the backseat of a car in New York City with her two sons, Sean, 17 months and Jayden James, 5 months. Photos revealed that Jayden was facing the wrong way in his car seat, while the straps meant to restrain Sean were falling around his arms. Child safety seat advocate Alisa Baer slams the star telling Us Weekly , "She has 5-month-old Jayden James forward-facing. "To decrease the risk of serious spinal cord injury and death, kids must be at least one year old and at least 20 pounds before riding forward-facing. "It also appears that Sean Preston's straps are way too loose -- they appear to have slipped down to his elbows -- again the same mistake she made earlier with him."

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