Thursday, April 12, 2007


Punk icon Don Bolles is struggling to clear his name after being arrested with what police are convinced is date-rape drug GHB. The former drummer for The Germs, real name Jimmy Michael Giorsetti, was pulled over in Newport Beach, Calif., for driving with a broken taillight last week, and police searching his van found a bottle of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap. A field test of the liquid indicated it contained GHB and Bolles was arrested on suspicion of felony narcotics possession. He spent a night in a local police cell and then was transferred to two county jails before his release on Sunday. Bolles maintains his innocence, insisting he has been using the Magic Soap for over 30 years. He tells the Los Angeles, "A date-rape drug is the last thing I need. If anything, I need a way to keep the girls off of me. They make my girlfriend mad." As he prepares to defend himself, the one-time heroin addict has won the support of the manufacturers of his favorite liquid soap. Dr. Bronner's company President David Bronner has agreed to pay for Bolles' legal costs, stating, "The field test must have been flawed or tampered with." Bronner admits police field tests of Magic Soap have occasionally indicated THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, because the soap includes hemp oil. But the GHB findings are "beyond belief."

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