Sunday, April 15, 2007


Babyshambles Pete Doherty and un-supermodel Kate Moss

Troubled drug addict and sometimes rocker Pete Doherty confirmed his engagement to supermodel Kate Moss AKA Cocaine Kate at a gig on Wednesday night.The party-loving singer was playing at the London show An Evening With Pete Doherty when he dedicated his song "What Katie Did Next" to "my beautiful fiancee Kate." A friend of the pair tell Britain's London Lite, "Kate and Pete are finally ready to tell the world they're getting married. They're so sure and confident in their relationship now they want to shout it from the rooftops."

And my readers are confident too !

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Monday, March 26, 2007


Angelina Jolie May Have To Buy Off Pax's Mom

Angelina Jolie's adopted son Pax Thien was the child of a drug addict, it has been claimed. Heroin-addict Pham Thu Dung reportedly abandoned her son when he was just two days old, and fears are growing she may demand he returns to Vietnam. Angelina - who adopted Pax last week - is said to be worried Dung, 29, could hound her for money or threaten to contest the adoption because the adoption papers were only signed by the tot's grandparents. Pax's grand dad Chien told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "Our daughter is a heroin addict and her life has been ruled by drugs. When she finds out a rich movie star has adopted her baby, she will go after her for money and make trouble. She may even try to take the child back."Chien revealed Dung became pregnant following an affair with a married man and gave birth to a dangerously underweight son. Doctors even feared the baby would be born a heroin addict. Dung abandoned Pax as he lay critically ill in hospital because she couldn't afford the $30. medical bill. Pax was sent to Ho Chi Minh City's Tam Binh orphanage and hasn't seen his mother or grandparents since. Chien added: "We never visited Pax because we were scared we would fall in love with him and I knew we couldn't afford to keep him."Dung was at our house when we heard a wealthy American wanted to adopt Pax. She showed no emotion. Then she disappeared - she was still hooked on drugs.We signed the adoption papers and said we didn't know where our daughter was."Dung's sister Trang believes she is desperate to see Pax again. She insisted: "My sister thinks about her baby a lot. If she could, she would try to get her son back."Pax is Angelina's third adopted child - she already has five-year-old Cambodian son Maddox and two-year-old Ethiopian daughter Zahara. Angelina and lover Brad Pitt also have a 10-month-old daughter Shiloh together.

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Monday, February 19, 2007


Drug Addict Pete Doherty

Pete Doherty quoted the Bible as he used a crucifix to mix crack-cocaine, it has been reported.The troubled Babyshambles frontman, who is dating supermodel Kate Moss, used the crucifix as a spoon to mix the drug with ammonia during a wild party in Scotland. A source told Scotland's Daily Record newspaper: "Pete started to mix the drug with a big silver crucifix hanging around his neck. As he was doing it,he quoted a passage from the Bible, saying, 'You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.' "Pete, who was performing at Glasgow's famous Barrowland Ballroom , allegedly wouldn't go on stage until all the drugs in the dressing room had been used. Homeless man David Cook claims the band gave him $2,000 to buy drugs for them last May. Cook said: "A member of the crew gave me money to buy heroin and cocaine. Pete shook my hand and thanked me for what I was doing. I was invited to join them backstage. There were lots of people there, most of whom were doing drugs."Pete refused to go on stage until the drugs were finished. He had to be dragged out."The 27-year-old rocker was recorded on a friend's mobile phone snorting what is thought to be a mixture of cocaine and horse tranquiliser ketamine, according to Britain's The People newspaper . In the footage, which was taken in January, one friend says: "You're doing them too big, Pete. It's dangerous - you need to calm down a bit, man."Shocking photographs were released last month showing Pete apparently injecting himself with cocaine during his Thai holiday with Kate.

Cocaine Lovers Kate Moss And Pete Doherty

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Friday, January 05, 2007


Courtney Love

Courtney Love has made 53 New Year's resolutions.The rocker, the widow of Kurt Cobain wants to clean up her act in 2007 and has written a list of the goals she hopes to achieve this year. Courtney plans to have fantastic sex, stop partying with teens and tend to Kurt's spirit. Courtney's list of resolutions, posted on , include:"Have fantastic sex with commitment and honor with someone who treats me as I deserve and don't give my power away. Start another family and meet that guy."Do not be a doormat in a relationship again. Know that Kurt's spirit is tended to and tend to it daily. Don't go to nightclubs with 19 year olds."The 42-year-old - who is currently sober after entering rehab last year -has also vowed to keep away from alcohol and plastic surgery. She said: "Another year, another year without even wine no matter how hard I try to justify that 'wine is OK', know that it is the demon voice and put it out of my thoughts."Make a friend a month. Understand who my enemies are. Learn to drive. No more surgery for any reason other than medical until I really need it in my 60s."

I bet she breaks her resolutions by this weekend !

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