Friday, March 16, 2007


Bill O'Reilly Got It Right On This Fraud

Fraud and Fake ! Frederic Prince von Anhalt (bottom), husband of aging Hollywood sex symbol Zsa Zsa Gabor, Thursday said he has filed suit against a US broadcaster for libel in case involving another US sex symbol. Von Anhalt is seeking 10 million dollars damages from the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox broadcaster over its coverage of his claims that he fathered a child with the late Anna Nicole Smith, von Anhalt told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. He has filed the libel suit claiming defamation of character in Superior Court in Santa Monica, he said. The sharp-tongued Fox commentator Bill O'Reilly called von Anhalt a 'fraud' for claiming paternity of the six-month-old baby Dannielynn, who has become the prize in a scramble for claim to fame and fortune among at least four bidders who are claiming custody. Smith, the curvaceous, tragedy-plagued gossip icon, was 39 when she collapsed and died on February 8 in a Florida hotel. After 22 days of dispute over who should have possession of her body, she was buried in the Bahamas next to her son, Daniel, who died inexplicably in her hospital room last September after she gave birth to Danielynn. Fox has already apologized to Anhalt for the remarks, but 'I'm not going to take this,' the 63-year-old pretender to German nobility said. Von Anhalt claimed to be Danielynn's father in a paternity suit filed in mid February, saying he had a ten-year-long intimate relationship with the one-time model. 'I know that we were together often in January 2006. I am convinced that she's my baby,' he insisted in the interview. Danielynn was born in September. In addition to von Anhalt, the key players in the custody battle are Smith's estranged mother Virgie Arthur; Howard K Stern, Smith's companion in recent years who is listed as the father on Dannielynn's birth certificate; and photographer Larry Birkhead, a former lover of Smith who also claims paternity of the child. Smith rose to fame in 1993 when she was named Playboy's Playmate of the Year. She married oil tycoon J. Marshall Howard, 89, in 1994 and was still battling for possession of half of the late Marshall's 1.6-billion-dollar estate when she died. Danielynn stands to inherit the money if and when the case is settled. Von Anhalt is the eighth husband of the Hungarian-born stage and screen personality Zsa Zsa Gabor, believed to be 90 years old, whose fame as an actress eroded into a tabloid tale of broken marriages, contentious lawsuits and scandalous behaviour. Von Anhalt, who purchased the title 'Prince Frederic of Anhalt' as an adult, has admitted in interviews that there's not much to Gabor's life behind the mansion walls.

Fake Prince Frederic Von Anhalt

You are a fraud and a fake. You had to buy your Prince title. You are not a real Prince. Bill O'Reilly was right. You never slept with Anna Nicole Smith. He called it like it is. I hope Fox will fight this case and get you in depositions to show the world what a FRAUD you really are. Zsa Zsa Gabor should divorce you. That will be REAL NEWS !


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