Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Sexy Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba claims she is self-conscious and shy, despite being voted theworld's sexiest woman.The screen beauty - who recently topped FHM magazine's annual 100 Sexiest Women in the World poll - insists she does not consciously flaunt her stunning figure because she doesn't enjoy attracting attention. Jessica is quoted by Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: "I try not to make the headlines. I'm self-conscious about this. I try to not make my presence known."The 'Sin City' star - who has a strict no-nudity clause in her contract -says her prudish attitude is reflected in her choice of clothing. She said: "I have my own fashion style and do not try to fit in. I don't have my breasts under my chin, I'm not showing butt cheeks, nor much legs. I don't go for the trendiest look."The 26-year-old recently claimed she wants to be a "serious actress", and does not want her movies to be all about "me in a bikini".

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One of our favorite Radio shows we do is Ocean 98's The Rude Awakening show with Snoppy and wild host Bulldog. The Ocean Beach Maryland based show and syndicated worldwide, is winging it today with Bulldog in the hospital for a neck and back operation. Bulldog who comes to New York City to party on a regular basis is sure is the model patient in the secret hospital location. Times Square Gossip is offering a night out on the Town in New York City to anyone who sneeks the best shot of Bulldog in his hospital gown and sends it to us. We wish Bulldog a fast recovery and be sure to tune in to Ocean 98 today for all the hot gossip from Times Square !

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Actress KEIRA KNIGHTLEY was left "completely devastated" after being accused of being anorexic.The Pirates Of The Caribbean beauty was a source of constant speculation earlier this year when she appeared thinner than usual - and admits the media scrutiny has taken its toll. She says, "I was completely devastated. I am thin because that’s what I am and I was thinner at that point because of the work I do. Nothing else." The actress admits she even tried to put on weight to stop the snide remarks, adding, "I asked a doctor what I could do to put on weight. He told me that for someone of my body type to get to a size 12, I would have to eat a lot of s**t food, stop exercising and drink loads…"But I don’t want to have to go around eating crap and being really unhealthy in order for people to stop having a go at me."

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Tom Chaplin of Keane
Keane star Tom Chaplin contemplated suicide during the darkest days of his drug addiction.The singer also revealed he walked out on his band during a Japanese tour last August and went straight to rehab to beat his alcohol and cocaine problems.Tom - who was taking up to two grams of cocaine a day - revealed to Britain's Q Magazine: "I was at the end of my tether in Japan. I was tired of my life and feeling pretty suicidal."I got off the plane and phoned my dad. I'd told him that I'd left the band and that I was falling apart. I checked myself into The Priory."During his stay at world famous rehab centre The Priory, Tom said he felt as if he'd been "brainwashed" and had "joined a cult". Despite his own drugs hell, Tom says it's a personal decision to experiment with substances. He claims troubled rock star Pete Doherty should be left to take all the drugs he wants.Tom said: "No-one's got any right to stop him killing himself."

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Kirsten Dunst believes fate brought her and her new boyfriend Johnny Borrell together.The 'Spider-Man 3' actress says she immediately felt a connection with the Razorlight frontman and just knew they were meant to be together. She revealed to Grazia magazine: "I believe that people are meant to be together - you find people you just have a connection with. That's fate."The 25-year-old star - who previously dated actors Tobey Maguire and Jake Gyllenhaal - also insists she is through playing games and is now enjoying a "simpler" relationship. She explained: "When I was younger, I used to want something I couldn't have or someone who didn't treat me right but I think everyone goes through that."It's much simpler to be with someone who doesn't play games. It's too much drama otherwise. The easiest relationships are the best for you usually."

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Boy George has laughed off claims he imprisoned a male escort in his flat.The former Culture Club singer was arrested on Saturday after Auden Carlsen alleged George and another man had grabbed him and chained him to a wall in the star's East London home. However, George has told brother Kevin O'Dowd he finds the allegations"hilarious" and is not concerned by them. Kevin said: "George isn't at all annoyed at the allegations, in fact, he thinks it's hilarious."Yeah, he was arrested, but the police are always going to follow it up when someone makes a complaint like that."Carlsen - who claimed he had agreed to pose for photos for the 'Do You Really Want To Hurt Me' singer and was not working as an escort - says he pulled the hook from the wall and fled in his underwear before phoning the police from a nearby news agent. George was later arrested and taken to a police station. He was bailed by detectives probing assault and false imprisonment allegations. George and Carlsen met on the gay dating website Gaydar where the 28-year-old Norwegian allegedly offers his services as a $800. a night escort.

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Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain

Courtney Love still sleeps in late husband Kurt Cobain's pajamas.The widow of the Nirvana frontman wears his night clothes to remind her of him, but fears she will never find love unless she moves on. Courtney is now planning to auction a host of Kurt's belongings, including the beloved pyjamas. She revealed to website "I still wear his pyjamas to bed. How am I ever going to go form another relationship in my lifetime wearing Kurt's pajamas?"I'm going to have a Christie's auction. My house is like a mausoleum. My daughter Frances doesn't need to inherit a giant bag full of flannel f***ing shirts."A sweater, a guitar and the lyrics to 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' - that's what my daughter gets. And the rest of it we'll just f***ing sell."Everyone's been positive and behind me on it. We'll make a lot of money and give a bunch of it to charity."Courtney and Kurt married in 1992 and had a daughter, Frances Bean, who is now 14. Heroin addict Kurt committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun in 1994.The former Hole singer also revealed she is working on a new solo album,'Nobody's Daughter', on which she will sing about her past relationships with Kurt, actor Edward Norton, and a man she recently dated but won't identify. She said: "There are two songs that are specifically about this guy."The rest of them have bits of Kurt, bits of Edward, bits of lots of people in them."No date has yet been set for the auction.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Christina Ricci paraded around naked on the set of her new film.The 'Addams Family' star, who plays nymphomaniac Rae in 'Black Snake Moan',got into character by stripping off in front of the cast and crew.Christina said: "I needed to lose any sort of self-consciousness because I feel sometimes you can see self-consciousness in a performance when somebody is naked or in a nude scene."I really needed for that not to be there, so to help me I stayed the way I would be for the scene all the time - in order to get the crew really used to seeing me that way. Not only was I comfortable, but I could look at anybody's face and see they were comfortable."It was really necessary for the crew to be used to me undressed because I was playing someone who places no value on her body. She has no regard for herself so she wouldn't care if she were clothed or not."The 27-year-old became so used to being naked she was still walking around undressed after filming finished. She said: "It was kind of funny because, you know, I'm a prude and I do not like walking around naked."I was in my bathroom about two months after the movie finished and I was brushing my teeth and I was in my underwear. I looked down and it was like,'Oh, god, put something on.'"And then I just stopped and thought, 'Oh my god, I was half naked for two months and my ass was on camera.' "

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Tobey Maguire didn't leave his daughter's side for three weeks after she was born. The 'Spider-Man 3' actor says his life has changed dramatically since his jewelery maker fiancée Jennifer Meyer gave birth to the couple's first child, Ruby, last November.Tobey, 31, said: "I have other aspects in my life now. I have a little daughter and that changes things tremendously."I didn't do anything for three weeks after she was born, literally didn't go anywhere or leave where she was for more than an hour. Then for six weeks I wouldn't do anything that meant leaving her for more than a few hours."Last month, Tobey took Jennifer and Ruby along to the world premiere of 'Spider-Man 3' in Tokyo, Japan.The actor took his family along to the glitzy event because he couldn't bear to be apart from them. He said: "I love being a dad. I didn't want to be away from them and I didn't want my fiancée Jen to miss it. It's a pretty eventful moment and I wanted to be with them. I haven't been away for a night yet." The superhero movie, which is based on the Marvel comic book series, opens worldwide on May 4.

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Chloe Sevigny gets up front on drugs

Chloe Sevigny "loved" taking hallucinogenic drugs.The actress, who claims she has never been a "good drug user", took so many hallucinogens in her youth her parents sent her for treatment.Chloe confessed to Style magazine: "I had a great family life - I would never want it to look as if it reflected on them. I think I was just very bored. And I did just love taking hallucinogens. I probably shouldn't promote that. But I often feel it's because I experimented when I was younger that I have no interest as an adult."While the 32-year-old admits to experimenting with marijuana and hallucinogens, she was too scared to take cocaine. Chloe said: "I have never snorted anything, and even as a kid, if I smoked a lot of pot, my heart would pump and I would think I was going to have a heart attack. So I have always thought if I did cocaine I would have a heart attack."The 'Zodiac' actress also revealed she is desperate to buy a Porsche.She explained: "I want a Porsche! A white 80s Porsche, like a cocaine dealer!"

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Monday, April 30, 2007


Britney Spears has sparked a bidding war after deciding to do a tell-all interview.The 'Toxic' singer - who in the last few months has shaved her head, gone to rehab, fired her manager and battled with her father while trying to relaunch her pop career - has Allure and Vanity Fair magazines fighting over her. A representative for Allure magazine said: "We would love to have Britney,but nothing is scheduled yet."Which ever publication Britney chooses to reveal all to will have the exclusive around November - in time for the release of her new album. Meanwhile, the 25-year-old singer was stopped by police for allegedly speeding on Friday evening. The mother-of-two was stopped at 8.45pm on Sunset Boulevard but was let off with a warning. Beverly Hills Police Sergeant Mike Foxen said: "She was pulled over for speeding. She was warned about her speed and let go. She was not cited."

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Gardener Gossip's Beth Ditto

Beth Ditto would rather do gardening than take drugs.The Gossip singer has a reputation for being a wild, outspoken rock star but insists she is actually very boring and never experiments with drugs. Ditto told Britain's Guardian newspaper: "One rule I always stick to is to stay away from drugs, which is why this idea that I'm a wild, crazy rock star is so hilarious."I actually have the opposite of a rock star lifestyle outside of performing I'm a grandma."I do things like bake cakes and worry about whether I have time to pot my flowers before it gets too cold."Ditto also believes drugs wreck an artist's creativity rather than enhance it. She added: "I just don't think drugs are cool. I've seen too many people destroy their creativity and their lives and I have no desire to be one of them."

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Drug Lovebirds Pete Doherty and Cocaine Kate Moss

Pete Doherty is set to miss the launch of fiancée Kate Moss' new fashion range because he is having a new implant fitted to help him quit drugs.The Babyshambles frontman, who has battled heroin and cocaine addictions,will return to a Midlands clinic today to receive a new implant to help beat drugs. Kate is due to appear in Topshop's flagship store in London's Oxford Street to promote her new fashion line tomorrow. A friend of Pete's said: "Pete hopes this new implant will help him quit for good."The implant, a pellet containing naltrexone, will be inserted under the skin of Pete's stomach.The 28-year-old rocker won't be alone for the procedure. The couple's cat Dinger - slang for syringe - recently gave birth to five kittens, and the singer has apparently been taking them everywhere with him. Meanwhile, Kate and Pete have been slammed for encouraging young people to smoke. Anti-smoking charity Ash fumed: "Kids still see smoking as cool and that is down to role models."Kate, 33, recently splashed out $8000. on a pro-smoking piece of artwork for her London home.The piece, called 'Smoking Kills', features 'Liar Liar' star Jennifer Tilly smoking next to dozens of cigarette packets.

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Prince Harry going to Iraq ?

Prince Harry, who is due to leave for Iraq, said he is willing to risk his life to serve his country. Harry, who delivered the speech to close friends at London’s Mahiki club on Friday, said: ‘I’m s**ting myself. I’m prepared to do anything they throw at me. I’m going to miss my family. But I am proud to serve my country, which is a great honor.’ Harry arrived at the exclusive club with girlfriend Chelsy Davy, who was wearing a short red dress. Harry’s friend Guy Pelly - Mahiki’s general manager - greeted the couple and showed them around the privately booked venue. Prince William was also present, but arrived after his brother’s emotional goodbye speech. In a clear reference to the debate surrounding whether Harry should be allowed to fight on the front line, the prince insisted he would be happy to do whatever is asked of him during his six-month deployment. He is quoted in Britain’s News of the World newspaper as saying: ‘Whether I serve on the front line or carry out a desk job in Basra I just want to get out to Iraq and serve my country. I’m proud of the men I’ve trained with but I have to respect they need to be safe. They haven’t decided what exactly I’m going to do out there yet.’ Head of the British Army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, will make a decision on Harry’s exact role in the next couple of days. Harry and Chelsy spent most of the night dancing, before leaving at 12.50am, while William, 24, continued partying until 3.35am. Harry has reportedly prepared for the worst by writing a will for his $26 million fortune.

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Sunday, April 29, 2007


Celebrities including SIR ELTON JOHN, GEORGE CLOONEY and SIR MICK JAGGER have urged world leaders step up their efforts to remedy the situation in Sudan’s troubled Darfur region.The stars released the statement yesterday to coincide with the Global Day for Darfur Sunday, marking the fourth anniversary of the conflict and organised by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.Endorsed by Bob Geldof, Hugh Grant, and Mia Farrow too, the statement said, "The international community must end its stalling and take decisive action.The perpetrators who carry out these atrocities must be challenged and stopped." Protests will occur in London today including a demonstration at Downing Street and outside the Sudanese embassy. Fighting in Darfur has so far resulted in 200,000 deaths and two million.

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BEYONCE KNOWLES insists there was a "misunderstanding" over her album bonus track I’m Kissing You, which has been withdrawn from sale in a copyright dispute. English singer Des’ree and co-writer Timothy Atack filed a copyright infringement lawsuit in New York District Court against Knowles last week , claiming the former Destiny’s Child singer did not obtain proper clearance to cover the 1996 song, which appeared as the love theme in William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet movie. Knowles’ cover of the song, Still In Love (Kissing You) appeared on a special Deluxe Edition of her B’Day album, which has now been withdrawn from sale following the legal dispute. A statement from Knowles’ management firm Music World Entertainment, reads, "Unfortunately, there were some misunderstandings regarding whether Des’ree’s song (I’m) Kissing You was cleared for release in the United States." Des’ree is seeking $150,000 in damages.

Beyonce and Des'ree lawsuit drama !

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British celebrity couple DAVID and VICTORIA BECKHAM have finally bought a luxury mansion in Los Angeles.The soccer star and his wife paid a whopping $20 million for the six-bedroom property in Beverly Hills.The celebrity pair shunned the bigger mansions, favoring the relatively smaller home for their family of five. A source says, "It’s a very classy property with some of the most sensational views… They went for just six bedroom and Victoria was anxious to create a modest, cosy family environment. According to an estate agent, "It’s in an amazing location and the views are to die for."

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Flava Flav points to clock repair shop !

We walked out of our Times Square Gossip offices the other night at 2:30 am to pick up a sixpack of beer, and who was standing outside but none other than Public Enemy and reality star Flava Flav. Believe it or not his real name is William Jonathan Drayton Jr. we found out that night. Anyway, our buddy Flava needs to get his clock fixed, it's 2 hours fast, and besides hes always late to events, so the clock does not help. Last year we waited 2 hours for him to show at his birthday bash !

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A court in Jaipur has issued a non bailable arrest warrant against Hollywood actor Richard Gere for "indulging in an obscene act" when he planted kisses on Indian actor Shilpa Shetty during an AIDS function in Delhi. The court, after hearing complainant Poonam Chand Bhandari, and watching the original video recording of the function showing Gere kissing Shilpa, prima facie found him guilty. "The court has asked police to arrest and produce him before the court May 5," advocate Bhandari told IANS here. The court also issued summons to Shilpa Shetty asking her to be present in the court May 5, Bhandari said. The statements of Gere and Shilpa will be recorded on that day. Bhandari had filed a complaint April 14 in the court accusing both the film personalities of committing "an obscene act" in a public place under the Indian Penal Code.
Under the IPC the accused are liable for imprisonment for a term extending to three months or fine or both.
Actor Bobby Abid
Times Square Gossip caught up with one of Broadway's hottest Indian Actor, BOBBY ABID and he has some things to say about the Richard Gere and Shilpa Shetty WILD KISS DRAMA. Bobby Said, "Bollywood and Hollywood actors are human beings. We all have been strangers in a strange land and perhaps have made innocent cultural mistakes. The most important matter at hand (and the reason why the two actors were on stage together in the first place) is the pervasive HIV epidemic in India that has made it the largest HIV-infected country in the world. The last time I checked HIV/AIDS was a much more taboo subject than PDA's in ANY culture. Gere and Shetty should be applauded for their commitment to quelling this very serious global disease rather than vilified for an "incident" that was clearly accidental and unintentional."

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Saturday, April 28, 2007


Prince William and Kate Middleton

PRINCE WILLIAM’s ex-girlfriend KATE MIDDLETON has blamed the young Royal’s father PRINCE CHARLES for the couple’s break-up.The normally tight-lipped brunette, who works at UK fashion chain Jigsaw, blurted the reason for the split to worried work colleagues, saying, "It’s because of his daddy." It is thought Charles advised his son to ditch his girlfriend unless he planned to marry her, to avoid the mistakes he made with Diana. Jigsaw co-worker Philip Higgs tells British newspaper Daily Mirror, "Normally, Kate doesn’t talk about anything. She’s very quiet. But it was as if she’d reached boiling point from one sympathetic question too many."

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Tom Cuddy Donny Osmond Micky Dolenz

MICKY DOLENZ, in New York for a series of meetings on the Great White Way (he's up for several shows), appeared last night at Feinstein's (61st and Park) for the debut of DONNY OSMOND at the venue. Osmond's new CD LOVE SONGS OF THE 70s (his 55th record) was officially out yesterday and in addition to Dolenz, MICHELE LEE and MICHAEL FEINSTEIN showed for the opening. Also sitting front-and-center was WPLJ GM TOM CUDDY, who had Donny on for an interview on the ROCKY ALLEN SHOWGRAM that afternoon, and surprised Donny by having singer/songwriter DAN HILL call in. Hill's song, "Sometimes When We Touch" is covered on the CD. Osmond also announced that he will reprise his role as 'Gaston' in Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST's final performance this July.

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Back to the bay for Pamela Anderson !

Pamela Anderson thrilled fans by donning her famous red 'Baywatch' swimsuit again.The 39-year-old blonde, who starred as sexy lifeguard CJ Parker in the hit TV series, drew gasps from onlookers as she ran up and down a Malibu beach and frolicked in the surf - sparking rumors she is set to star in a comeback show. A source said: "Seeing Pamela in that lifeguard costume is probably one of the most famous images in the world. People stood and stared as she sprinted in the surf. I think a comeback series would still be a global hit."Pammie - who has had two children and two failed marriages since leaving the show almost a decade ago - showed she is still as sexy as she was in the show's hey day as she flaunted her curves.The actress recently announced she is to star in brand new series 'Malibu'created by the 'Baywatch' team. She said: "I can't say no to the guys from 'Baywatch', they are great to my kids - my schedule is built around theirs. It's just a few days a week and I'm close to home. I love the idea, 'The Flamingo Kid' meets 'Baywatch', the show is called 'Malibu'. I've come full circle - back to the beach."While there are rumors of a new 'Baywatch' TV series and movie, it has been reported Pammie re-created her lifeguard look for a TV commercial for sun lotion. At its peak, 'Baywatch' - which ran from 1989 to 2001 - was seen by a billion viewers in 148 countries, making it the most watched TV series ever.Pammie first appeared in the show in 1992, aged 25.

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Joel Madden smokes cigarettes instead of Heroin !

Good Charlotte frontman Joel Madden has confessed he is tempted to take heroin.The rocker - who is dating reformed heroin addict Nicole Richie - relies on cigarettes to satisfy his craving for the highly addictive Class A drug. Joel told Blender magazine: "Without cigarettes, I would be doing heroin, probably, on a daily basis."Nicole - the 25-year-old adopted daughter of singer Lionel Richie - battled a heroin addiction as a teenager and entered rehab after she was charged with possession of the drug in February 2003. She is currently facing a charge of Driving Under the Influence of drugs after she was stopped by police for driving on the wrong side of a California highway after leaving Joel's house.Though Nicole has entered a plea of not guilty, she told police at the scene she had smoked marijuana and taken the strong painkiller Vicodin.'The Simple Life' star is due in court next month and faces jail if convicted.

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Lindsay Lohan hates sleeping alone.The 'Mean Girls' star - who recently completed a stint in rehab for alcoholism - claims she parties all night, despite the temptation to drink, because she hates going to bed alone. Lindsay, who is rumored to be involved in a lesbian relationship with DJ friend Samantha Ronson, told Nylon magazine: "It's so much harder to stay sober in New York."Though it's hard in Los Angeles not to go out, it gets lonely. Being an actress is lonely, and I never want to be alone. I hate sleeping alone."The 20-year-old - who last year was sent a warning letter from movie producers of her film 'Georgia Rule' scolding her for her continuous partying and apparent lack of professionalism - believes she deserves to go out and have fun as she works so hard. Lindsay, who was accompanied by Ronson throughout the interview, said: "I'm at the point where I think 'Oh my God I'm going to go out!'"I work hard enough and I know how to take care of myself. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow."
Well that explains why you have so many guys !

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Counrty Music star Keith Urban is a fan of Ray Stevenson

Country singer KEITH URBAN was so starstruck when he bumped into ROME actor RAY STEVENSON (left) earlier this week, he demanded to have a photo taken with him.The New Zealand-born star is a huge fan of the popular period drama, which stars Stevenson as Titus Pollo. Nicole Kidman’s husband met the actor while filming for British TV show, GMTV and asked one of the crew to take their photo together.

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Hilary Swank is doing great without Chad Lowe

HILARY SWANK is over the moon with her boyfriend JOHN CAMPISI, and praises him as an "extraordinary man".The double Oscar-winner, who split from husband Chad Lowe last year after nine years of marriage, has opened up about her seven months long relationship with the Hollywood agent in the German edition of InToch magazine. She says, "He is an extraordinary man. I’m very, very fine with him. I am pretty optimistic about us." And the actress, 32, is already thinking about starting a family.She adds, "I definitely want to have babies one day! They bind together and change the whole life."

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Veteran rocker RINGO STARR’s memory isn’t what it used to be - he can’t remember playing on the debut album by his former Beatle bandmate GEORGE HARRISON.Drummer Starr actually performed on most of the classic 1970 triple album All Things Must Pass.He tells US magazine Rolling Stone, "I played on All Things Must Pass - which is funny because George called me (when he was preparing to reissue the album), and said, ‘Ringo, are you on All Things Must Pass?’ I said, ‘I don’t think so.I don’t know.’ "Then he calls back two weeks later after he’d researched it, and he says, ‘You f**ker, you were on 80 per cent of the record!’ I said, ‘Hey, it was a long time ago.’"

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Iggy Pop is still alive and rocking !

Late rocker KURT COBAIN once left an early morning answer phone message for IGGY POP suggesting the pair hit the studio together - only to prove impossible for Pop to contact back. Pop - real name James Osterburg - did his best to return the Nirvana frontman’s call, but never did manage to get in touch with him.The 60-year-old says, "He called me up once at two in the morning. But this was when I was old enough to start going to bed at 9.30. When I’m not gigging I’m sensible so I didn’t take his call."It was cool because it was a great musician at his peak and he’s going, ‘Iggy, this is Kurt Cobain, let’s get in the studio man.’ "So he leaves me a number for the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. And then every time I would call it was like, ‘Mr. Cobain is under the bed,’ or ‘We haven’t heard from Mr. Cobain in three days.’" Cobain killed himself in April 1994.

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Friday, April 27, 2007


Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James was almost killed by a crazed stalker.The actress watched in horror as Marcia Valentine repeatedly tried to run James over outside the couple's Orange County home at the weekend.Valentine - who police say has stalked Sandra in the past - laid in their driveway and when James came out to inspect she jumped in her car and attempted to drive over him three times. Orange County Sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino said: "On several occasions before this incident Sandra Bullock and Jesse James found Marcia Valentine lying in front of their garage door. On the morning of Sunday, April 22 around 10.30 am, James went out and asked her to leave."She yelled some obscenities at James and went to her car and threw the car in reverse in his direction. He attempted to move out of the way and she kept moving the vehicle. She attempted to run him over three or four times. She then drove off on Pacific Coast Highway. James called police and told them he did not know this woman. He then gave them a detailed description of her to the police - she drove a silver Mercedes with a white decal on the rear. He described her as a 5ft 4in white female. "James escaped the frenzied automobile attack without injury.Valentine, who fled the scene, was picked up by police the following day. James positively identified her in a police line-up.The case has been sent to the Orange County District Attorney's office and Valentine faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon. Her bail was set at $25,000 and she is due in court on May 22. Sandra's representative Cheryl Maisel said: "Both Jesse James and Sandra Bullock are fine and it is now in the hands of the authorities."

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Nothing could humiliate Paris Hilton

Prince humiliated Paris Hilton by challenging her to sing live, it has been reported.The legendary musician, who was performing at Las Vegas' Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino on April 21, invited Paris to join him on stage. As Paris excitedly dashed up to meet the pop superstar, Prince handed her a microphone and allegedly said to the audience, "Lets see if she can really sing!"According to Us Weekly magazine, an angry and humiliated Paris stormed off the stage and left the club minutes later. Paris' representatives have denied the incident occurred, saying: "This item is false."Princes' representative had no comment. Earlier this week, it was revealed that Paris' private contact details had been posted on the internet by rival Shanna Moakler.The 'Dancing with the Stars' contestant - whose husband Travis Barker dated Paris when he briefly split from Shanna last year - put the hotel heiress' personal phone number and email address on her website in a blog entitled "Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It". Shanna removed the blog on Sunday, but added one which read: "There are numerous reasons why I posted my last blog and I stand behind every single one of them."

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Ashlee Simpson believes plastic surgery should be a "personal choice".The young star, who refuses to deny or confirm reports she had a nose job in April 2006, insists if people want to change their appearance it's fine as long as they do it for themselves. Ashlee, 22, told Harper's Bazaar magazine: "I don't get bothered by people saying what they say. I'm a happy person and I'm happy with my looks. I'm not an insecure person."I believe if somebody chooses plastic surgery it should be for themselves, not for anyone else."It was claimed last year that Ashlee turned to surgery because she felt like an "Ugly duckling" next to her elder sister, singer-and-actress Jessica, 26. Ashlee's third album is scheduled for release before the end of the year.

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Rapper Eve has been arrested on suspicion of Driving Under the Influence after crashing her car.The rapper and actress - who starred in 'XXX' alongside Vin Diesel - narrowly escaped death after she drove her gold Maserati into the central reservation on Hollywood Boulevard at around 2.45am yesterday. The star - full name Eve Jeffers - was handcuffed by police and taken in a squad car to the Los Angeles County Jail. A witness said: "She was visibly upset. The car was totalled."There were reportedly two passengers in the vehicle at the time. In a bizarre twist, Eve was visited in jail by Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn, who was seen leaving the police station in a taxi at 4am. A police source told gossip website "He came to see how Eve was doing."It is not known if Penn had been out with Eve earlier that night.The Grammy-award winning artist - who has her own self-titled sitcom - was later released on bail and picked up in another Maserati.

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Ryan Seacrest talked to Heather Mills

Heather Mills has implied estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney is an aggressive father.When asked to comment on Alec Baldwin's recent rant at his 11-year-old daughter Ireland, Heather claimed she knows fathers who treat their children badly when they are angry. Heather, who has three-year-old daughter Beatrice with Paul, told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM radio show: "I know a lot of fathers who have spoken to their daughters like that, and I won't get specific, but they do get upset."Alec is a close friend of Paul's and they have a lot in common. I know what fathers can do in an aggressive angry fashion towards their children because they're upset about something."If I wanted to put stuff like that out, oh my God you would have a heart attack."The animal rights campaigner admitted she had not heard the answer phone message in which Alec calls his daughter a "rude thoughtless pig". After listening to the recording she said she could see why the actor might be upset. Heather said: "You've got a man who's madly in love with his daughter who lives on the other side of the coast, who doesn't get to see her very much."I'm only guessing, from what I hear, that she's decided that she wants to be with her friends, she wants to go out, she doesn't want to go and see him."It's wrong to speak to your daughter like that."I would never talk to my daughter like that, but I admire Alec for the amazing animal rights campaigning he does."His daughter lives with Kim Basinger and we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors."Maybe she just didn't want to see him, maybe she's let him down. People lose it, forgive him. Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house, we are not here to judge and criticise what other people do."Heather and Sir Paul were married for fours years before announcing their split last May.

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James Bond star Daniel Craig reportedly launched a foul-mouthed attack on a fan in London, after he caught the man taking a photo of his bottom.The Casino Royale actor was leaving upmarket store Harvey Nichols in the British capital when he lost his temper with 24-year-old Craig Evans for having the balls to snap his backside. Evans says, "I was frightened out of my mind. I told him I was only taking a picture, that I thought he was a great actor and that I’m a huge James Bond fan."After he swore at me I was so shocked and disheartened. I said he had no manners using that sort of language. But Daniel said, ‘The only reason I’m f**king swearing is because I’m f**ked off with you!" And the 007 star was allegedly ready for a fight when his producer girlfriend Satsuki Mitchell intervened and dragged him to their waiting car. He adds, "He stormed over and said, ‘What the f**k are you doing that for? You’ve got a f**king nerve. Can you delete that? Get the f**k out of my face!"
Note to fan: Welcome to the new breed of Hollywood SCUM !

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SIMON COWELL and long term girlfriend TERRI SEYMOUR come out of the Chateau Marmont Hotel smiling as they head to their waiting car in West Hollywood, CA. Simon once in inside the car takes the opportunity to pick his nose. Stephanie and Simon looked very cute together.
Photo: Zavar Picasso Manokian/Buzz Foto LLC

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Thursday, April 26, 2007


Britney Spears won't be clowning around with Justin Timberlake

Britney Spears is allegedly planning to lift the lid on exes Justin Timberlake and Kevin Federline in a tell-all book.The 'Toxic' singer is said to be "hurt and angry" about her failed relationships and is now set to exorcise her demons by naming the people"who did me wrong" in a sizzling autobiography. A source told America's Star magazine: "Britney blames most of her problems with drugs and alcohol on the heartache she experienced years before, during her time with Justin - she couldn't trust him."I hear she's going to say she believes he constantly lied to her about other girls and that destroyed her self-esteem."She also felt he became mean toward the end of their relationship, she said he called her fat and told her she'd need to lose weight before he would have sex with her."When Justin learns about this book, he's going to be p***ed." Britney, 25, dated Justin - who she met on Disney show 'The Mickey Mouse Club' - for almost four years until 2001. Sources also claim the book may reveal the singer and mother-of-two contemplated suicide when she realised husband Kevin Federline was using her for fame and money. A source said: "His womanising, his wild spending, the verbal abuse he hurled at her when he thought their marriage was coming to an end. Britney will say he deliberately tried to drive her crazy."She feels Kevin just pretended to love her for the money and a music career. When that sunk in, she was so heart broken that she wanted to kill herself."The book will also allegedly expose Britney's mother, 51-year-old Lynne, as the person she blames the most for everything that has gone wrong in her life.The source said: "Britney will call her a 'stage mom from hell' and blame her for almost every ill in her life."She'll say Lynne's money hungry and that she was just along for the free ride. Britney thinks of her as a meddling, smothering person and blames her for her messy marriages."

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Lindsay Lohan "made out" with her female DJ best friend in front of Japanese clubbers, it has been reported.The 'Mean Girls' star is said to have enjoyed a passionate lesbian embrace with Samantha Ronson in a Tokyo nightclub.An insider told America's Star magazine: "They just started making out right there like they didn't care who saw them."Everyone knows they are more than just friends. They are lovers. Maybe because they were across the globe they didn't think anyone would notice."Lohan allegedly gets together with 29-year-old Ronson whenever she is single.The source claims the actress once said: "If I'm not with a guy we hook up."Reports of 20-year-old Lohan's supposed lesbian leanings surfaced earlier this month when former publicist Jonathan Jaxson claimed she was "tired of boys" and had decided to "spice up" her love life with Ronson on his personal blog. Lohan and Ronson first met three years ago in a Los Angeles nightclub. Her representatives have denied the pair are involved in a relationship.The young Hollywood star recently pulled out of starring in new movie 'The Best Time of Our Lives', which follows the life of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Lohan's role would have involved a steamy threesome with British beauty Keira Knightley.

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Vince Vaughn spent the night with Jennifer Aniston at the weekend, it has been claimed.'The Wedding Crashers' star - who split from the former 'Friends' actress in December - drove to her Hollywood Hills mansion on Saturday in his blue Pontiac Firebird convertible and stayed the night. A witness told Us Weekly magazine: "Vince didn't leave until 5pm the next day."A source close to Jennifer said: "If they hooked up that night, there is nothing wrong with it. She can trust him."A Vince source agreed: "It's no big deal if he stayed over. They are friends."In February, Vince - who dated Jennifer after her painful divorce from Brad Pitt - attended her 38th birthday party at Courteney Cox and David Arquette's home. A month later she attended his 37th birthday party at West Hollywood's Sunset Tower Hotel.'The Break-Up' co-stars allegedly split because Jennifer wanted Vince to commit to her and spend less time with his friends, but he was not ready to settle down.The couple have always said they would remain friends.

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Ireland and Dad of the year Alec Baldwin !

Alec Baldwin will apologise for calling his daughter a pig, via a televised recorded message.'The Departed' star - who left 11-year-old daughter Ireland an angry voicemail when she failed to take his call last week - has said sorry in a taped message to air on US chat show 'The View' on Friday. Baldwin says in the recording: "Obviously calling your child a pig or anything else is improper and inappropriate and I apologise to my daughter for that."There's nothing wrong with being frustrated or angry about the situation. It's the way you do it, and as people often do in this world, I took it out on the wrong person."In my own case, with this message, I had never done this before in my life."The 46-year-old - whose ex-wife Kim Basinger claims the message is not an isolated incident - also said he wants to quit acting to focus on parenthood. Baldwin is currently starring as Jack Donaghy in NBC series '30 Rock' - a role which won him a Golden Globe this year and for which he is tipped for Emmy success as well. He said: "If I never acted again I couldn't care less. I would like to devote myself to the cause of parental alienation."The series has been commissioned for a second season and is unlikely to continue without Baldwin.

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Lana Clarkson and legend Phil Spector

Legendary music producer Phil Spector confessed to his chauffeur he had"killed somebody", a court was told yesterday. On the first day of Spector's murder trial over the shooting of actress Lana Clarkson in February 2003 the court heard the defendant had told driver Adriano DeSouza "I think I killed somebody" shortly after DeSouza heard a gunshot from inside Spector's mansion. Prosecutor Alan Jackson said: "Phillip Spector emerged from the door. In his right hand a pistol. Between his fingers ran blood."Phillip Spector looked directly at Adriano DeSouza from about four or five feet away and confessed, 'I think I killed somebody.' "Jackson said the evidence would paint a picture of Spector as a man with a"very rich history of violence", who could turn "sinister and deadly" when confronted with the "right circumstances". Jackson told the nine-man, three-woman jury: "Lana Clarkson was simply the last in a long line of women who fell victim to Phillip Spector over the years."He put a loaded pistol in Lana Clarkson's mouth and he shot her to death."Jackson claims he can call on four women who would testify Spector had threatened them with a gun when they tried to leave his home after a night of heavy drinking.The producer - famed for his Wall of Sound production technique pioneered in the 60s - arrived at the Los Angeles court sporting a blond page-boy wig and wearing a cream suit and purple shirt. Spector, 67, denies murdering Clarkson in his Los Angeles hill top home on February 3, 2003, and insists she accidentally committed suicide. Lead defence attorney Bruce Cutler told the court he could prove Clarkson,40, was holding the gun when it went off. He said: "A self-inflicted gunshot wound can be an accidental suicide and the evidence will show you that's the case."At the time of the discharge of the gun, Phillip Spector was not holding that gun. We will prove that to you. She was."The musical genius will face life in prison if he is convicted of killing Clarkson.The trial, which is being televised live, is expected to last for up to three months.

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Kirsten Dunst gushed about her love for London at the UK 'Spiderman 3'premiere the other night. The actress is so enamoured with England's capital she could be set to follow in the footsteps of fellow Americans Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow and move over permanently. She said: "I love London. I love Hampstead Heath. I love the pubs, I love the Guinness and the shopping."I even love the humor. And they have the best music shows here."Kirsten's love of the UK even extends to the man in her life. She recently started dating English rocker Johnny Borrell, the frontman of Razorlight.The 24-year-old star is so loved-up with the singer she forked out $40,000 to fly him out to Tokyo for the world premiere of 'Spiderman 3'. However, Kirsten turned up without Johnny for the London premiere of the third instalment in the Marvel comic book series in Leicester Square.The actress - who stars as Spiderman's love interest Mary Jane Watson - was instead joined on the red carpet by her co-star Tobey Maguire - who plays the web-slinging superhero. But Kirsten and Johnny met up in Camden pub The Hawley Arms after the premiere for a late night drinking session.The actress ditched the official after-show party to join her rock star lover, and was pictured looking worse for wear as they left.

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Jessica Simpson's father reportedly wants to save Britney Spears' career. Joe Simpson, who manages both his daughters Jessica and Ashlee, is considering helping Britney following her wild partying and spell in rehab. Joe, a former Baptist minister, even attempted to meet Britney last weekend in a bid to convince her to hire him.A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "While some might fear a diva-like rivalry between Jessica and Britney, Jessica would be OK with the arrangement and even offered to put out a call to Britney, as the two are no longer competitors."Jessica and Ashlee are clearly happy having their father as a manager.The 'Dukes of Hazzard' actress recently bought Joe a Ferrari to say thank you for all his hard work, while Ashlee called her dad "a wonderful man" in a recent interview. Britney was blasted by her own father last week. James Spears wrote an open e-mail to her former manager Larry Rudolph - who the singer fired on April 13 - apologising for Britney's behaviour and thanking him for all he tried to do for his daughter. James wrote: "When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done. She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life."The Spears family would like to publicly apologise to Larry for our daughter's statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him."Jessica's representative Cindi Berger has denied Joe tried to contact Britney to arrange a meeting.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Angelina Jolie has made a formal court request to change adopted son Pax Thien's surname to Jolie-Pitt. Angelina filed the request for her son, who is currently called Pax Thien Jolie, to take lover Brad Pitt's surname at a Santa Monica Superior Court on April 16. Angelina adopted three-year-old Pax - whose name means 'Peaceful Sky' - in March from a Vietnamese Orphanage she had visited with Brad several times before. Vietnamese law makes it hard for unmarried couples to adopt, so the actress applied as a single parent. In January 2006, Angelina made a similar request to add Brad's name to her five-year-old Cambodian son Maddox and two-year-old Ethiopian daughter Zahara. Brad is now joint guardian to Maddox and Zahara and the couple also have an 11-month-old daughter Shiloh together.

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Rosie O'Donnell on The View

Talk show queen Rosie O'Donnell said on Wednesday she will end her rein as wold co-host of ABC's "The View" in June when her contract expires, ending a nine-month run that saw her do battle with Donald Trump and other celebrities. O'Donnell, 45, said she and the Walt Disney Co.-owned network failed to come to terms on a contract renewal deal, but she would return to the show next season for special segments and as a recurring guest host. She said one unresolved issue in her talks with ABC had been the length of her contract, with the network seeking a three-year extension while she held out for just one year."It just didn't work, and that's showbiz. But it's not sad, because I've loved it here, and I love you guys, and I'm not going away. I'm just not going to be here everyday," O'Donnell said on the show, drawing applause. Barbara Walters, the daytime talk show's creator, co-executive producer and fellow co-host, said she was "sad" over O'Donnell's impending departure and that she was not involved in the negotiations between ABC and O'Donnell."I knew you were coming for one year, I hoped it would be more," Walters said after O'Donnell spoke. The weekday program, averaging 3.5 millions viewers in its 10th season, has seen the size of its overall audience grow 17 percent since O'Donnell joined the show in September. The actress-comedian, an activist for gay adoption and other social causes, has drawn frequent headlines for her brand of commentary. She has often skewered such powerful men as real estate baron Trump and Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly from her seat on "The View," a panel hosted by four women discussing news and gossip.

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Kate Moss will pose as a real-life mannequin when she launches her new clothing range. Kate will model her new line in the shop window of Topshop's flagship London store on May 1, the day her range hits the rails. A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Kate plans to pose as a mannequin. Her biggest problem will be not laughing. When the red curtain is drawn back and Kate has been seen in some of her items, the doors will open and the outfits will officially go on sale."Kate recently admitted she is not easy to work with.The 33-year-old beauty, who received a reported $6 million from the highstreet chain, revealed she is a perfectionist and always speaks her mind. She said: "Topshop haven't said no to anything I wanted to do. I've said,'This isn't good enough', or 'This fabric doesn't feel right, it's too stiff', or 'This leather is too shiny, it needs to be more matt' and they have done it."Kate - who admits she isn't a natural fashion designer - agreed to work withTopshop because she was fed up of people copying her style. She said: "I can't sketch and I can't make clothes. I think they kind ofcopy me sometimes. I mean, I'm sure they do it with a lot of people, but I do notice with me, they do it so quickly and they do it so well. So I said,'I could give you my stamp, and you could get It direct.' I can't wait to see people wearing it."
Note: Who would copy Kate Moss's style ? She always looks a mess !

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Drew Barrymore and boyfriend Spike Jonze can't keep their hands off each other in public, it has been reported.The couple were seen canoodling at Los Angeles' Sunset Tower Hotel - a favorite haunt of Spike's ex-wife Sofia Coppola - last Friday. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "Spike came in with his new girlfriend, Drew Barrymore. She looked so pretty and they couldn't keep their hands off each other and made out in a corner booth. Sofia would have been p***ed if she was there."Drew and the 'Being John Malkovich' director were first seen together on Valentine's Day earlier this year. Spike was married to Sofia, daughter of legendary Francis Ford Coppola, for four years before the pair split in 2003 citing "irreconcilable differences".'Charlie's Angels' beauty Barrymore split from The Strokes' drummer Fabrizio Morreti in January. They had dated for almost five years.

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Reese Witherspoon has warned Jennifer Aniston to keep her hands off Jake Gyllenhaal, it has been reported. Reese, who has been dating Jake for around two months, was said to be furious after the 'Brokeback Mountain' actor shared an intimate embrace and prolonged kiss with Jennifer at an awards ceremony earlier this month, and has warned her to stay away. A source told Woman's Day magazine: "It wasn't just a polite peck on the cheek. There was definitely feeling in that embrace."When Reese heard about it, she broke down in tears asking, 'Why would he do that?' She is very unhappy about it."In November, Reese, 31, filed for divorce from her husband of seven years Ryan Phillippe, with who she has two children.The Oscar-winning star had thought that Jake, 26, was "everything Ryan wasn't". But after the incident with Jennifer at Los Angeles' 18th Annual GLAAD Media Awards "she's beginning to wonder".The source added: "She always thought Jake was intelligent and charming. That's why she's so stunned by the photographs of Jake and Jen. She's really hurt by what she's seen. They seem to be very explicit and everyone knows Jennifer's looking for love."Jake, who starred with Jennifer in 'The Good Girl', was presenting the former 'Friends' star with the Vanguard Award. Jennifer, 38, was formerly married to Brad Pitt before they split and he embarked on a relationship with Angelina Jolie. She then dated her 'The Break-Up' co-star Vince Vaughn but their relationship ended last year.

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Rolling Stones Keith Richards

Keith Richards' mother has died. Doris Richards peacefully passed away on Saturday night aged 91 after a lengthy battle with cancer. Rolling Stones guitarist Keith, 63, had been keeping a bedside vigil at the clinic in London's Harley Street where she was treated before her death.The band's spokesman Bernard Doherty said: "Doris Richards, aged 91, mother of Rolling Stone Keith Richards, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Saturday 21 April 2007."Family and friends request that their privacy is respected at this time."Doris separated from Keith's father Bert - who passed away in 2002 aged 84 -in 1962. Before her death she had been living with the rocker's stepfather William in Kent. Doris was responsible for buying her son his first guitar on his 15th birthday, setting him on the path to rock 'n' roll success. Her father, Gus Dupree, toured the UK as a jazz musician and gave grandson Keith his earliest guitar lessons. Earlier this month, Keith caused outrage after claiming he had snorted his dead dad's ashes mixed in with a line of cocaine. He said: "I snorted my father. He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared, he didn't give a s**t."The wild musician, who is famed for his drug use, has since retracted the statement insisting he only meant it as a joke.

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Kim Basinger has called for ex-husband Alec Baldwin to address his "unstable and irrational behaviour" to save his relationship with their daughter.The actress - who denies leaking the tape of an answer phone message in which Baldwin calls their 11-year-old daughter Ireland "a rude little pig" -said he must stop "his on going aggressive behaviour" if he wants to share custody. A statement released by Basinger's representative said: "Everybody is always asking why this custody battle has been going on for so many years and now they have the answer."The issue is not about Kim or the alleged alienation that Alec constantly refers to. It is about his on going aggressive behaviour.""Kim did not release the voicemail but the message was not sealed under acourt order."Kim's sincerest wish is for him to finally address his unstable and irrational behaviour so he, at some point, can potentially create a relationship with his daughter. Until then, Kim will continue to protect and safeguard her child's well being as any parent would."Basinger has since hired a security guard to protect Ireland in the wake of the Baldwin's angry message.Meanwhile, Heather Mills - the estranged wife of Sir Paul McCartney - has spoken out in Baldwin's defence. Mills said: "It is wrong to speak to your daughter like that, but I am not someone to go, 'Ooh, that is terrible, and we are all perfect, it's all wonderful.'"I would never speak to my daughter like that, but what you have got to remember is that his daughter lives with Kim, and we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I respect Kim, I respect Alec for his incredible animal rights campaigning, and we have no idea what's going on."You know when you love somebody and it is your only child, people lose it. Forgive him. Don't throw stones at glass houses. We are not here to judge and criticise what other people do unless you are a saint. And none of us are a saint."

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Baby is on the way for Milla Jovovich !

Actress Milla Jovovich is set to become a mom, according to Internet reports.
E! Online gossip columnist Marc Malkin reports the actress, 31, is pregnant with director Paul Anderson's baby. The couple is expecting their first child this fall.
Jovovich and Anderson met on the set of "Resident Evil" in 2002. They were engaged in March 2003.

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Music mogul Russell Simmons has called upon the recording and broadcast industries to completely ban "extreme curse words" like "bitch," "ho," and "n--."The Def Jam founder -- who held a Hip-Hop Summit Action Network last week to discuss the sexist and misogynistic lyrics found in some rap music -- believes those in the hip-hop industry need to take immediate action to prevent the "growing public outrage" surrounding the casual use of such offensive words. He says, "We recommend (they're) always out. This is a first step. It's a clear message and a consistency that we want the industry to accept for more corporate social responsibility." Simmons' recommendations come two weeks after radio DJ Don Imus was fired from his CBS Radio job for referring to a team of female basketball players "nappy-headed hos" during a morning broadcast.

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Gender bender Marilyn Manson with Dita Von Teese

Marilyn Manson's ex-wife Dita Von Teese has revealed she filed for divorce from the shock rocker when an "inappropriate relationship" with another woman became too much for her to handle. The burlesque dancer refuses to mention any names but Manson's relationship with actress Evan Rachel Wood has been linked to his split from his wife. Von Teese tells Britain's Sunday Telegraph, "I get the impression he thinks I was unsupportive. But the truth is I wasn't supportive of his lifestyle, and someone else came along who was." Von Teese filed for divorce in December, a year after she and Manson, 38, wed in Ireland. She adds, "Everything went downhill after we got married. I started working a lot to escape my home life. "I left with nothing. I knew that there was an inappropriate relationship going on ... and I didn't want any part of it around to remind me. I didn't want that sofa. I didn't want that bed."

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Our newest Rehab star Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan Rhys Meyers has checked into rehab.The British actor - who played Scarlett Johansson's lover in Woody Allen's'Match Point' - is to be treated for alcoholism. Meyer's representative, Meredith O'Sullivan, said: "After a non-stop succession of filming, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has entered an alcohol-treatment program."He felt a break was needed to maintain his recovery."The 29-year-old is currently starring as British monarch King Henry VIII in Showtime's TV costume drama 'The Tudors'. He recently began filming 'August Rush' which co-stars Keri Russell,Terrence Howard and Robin Williams. His representative added: "Jonathan plans to resume his schedule following completion."Meyers - who denied romancing Scarlett off screen - has been romantically linked to Toni Collette, 'She's All That' star Rachel Leigh Cook and is said to be in an on-off relationship with heiress Reena Hammer - daughter of make-up artist Ruby Hammer.

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Fighting Paris Hilton and Shanna Moakler

Paris Hilton's private contact details have been posted on the internet by rival Shanna Moakler.The 'Dancing with the Stars' contestant - whose husband Travis Barker dated Paris when he briefly split from Shanna last year - put the hotel heiress'personal phone number and email address on her website in a blog entitled"Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It". She also posted email addresses for Lindsay Lohan. Paris' representative, Elliot Mintz, said: "This woman is simply desperate for press and attention."Shanna deliberately posted Paris's phone number and email address on her website. It was an unprovoked invasion upon Paris's privacy, which immediately caused her to change her contact information. It was a childish, mean-spirited thing to do. And we are not going to dignify such an action with any additional comment."Shanna wrote on her MySpace page last weekend: "I posted this blog back in January to let you all know that my accounts were hacked and since there are two little girls with too much time on their hands and no one to love them I'd like to share my 'hacked' info as well."I've tried to disassociate myself from both these parties for some time now and like a fungus they won't go away."A representative for Lindsay claimed the contact details for the actress were incorrect, saying: "She and Shanna are not friends."On Sunday Shanna removed the blog, but added one which read:"There are numerous reasons why I posted my last blog and I stand behind every single one of them."

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Sienna Miller will replace Lindsay Lohan in a steamy film threesome with Keira Knightley.The British actress will take Lindsay's role as Caitlin - the wife of Welshpoet Dylan Thomas - in new movie 'The Best Time Of Our Lives', written by Keira's mother Sharman Macdonald. Lindsay reportedly pulled out of the project when she was unable to reach an agreement with the film's financiers. Keira is set to play Vera - a childhood friend of Dylan's who is said to have had a sexual relationship with him and Caitlin. Matthew Rhys, who will play the hard-drinking poet, said: "There will be a bit of a ménage a trois scene going on. I hope I'm up for it!"Speculation that Lindsay had dropped out of the movie surfaced last week,when the actress failed to appear on set to start shooting. Filming is set to resume with Sienna in Wales early next month.

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Lindsay Lohan still the party girl!

LINDSAY LOHAN parties at Winstons night club with Kimberly Stewart and Lisa Moorish in West Hollywood, CA. Lindsay Lohan was making a Marilyn Monroe expression as she was inside the car. Lindsay continues to party almost every night.The party girl is what legends are made of. Will she ever stop ? Seems like Rehab did nothing for this party slut. She will be headlines once again because of her endless partying.

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Mischa Barton's dog is her boyfriend.The former 'O.C.' actress is currently single, but isn't worried about finding a new guy because her beloved pet pooch Charlie is the main 'man' in her life.She said in an interview with You magazine: "My dog is always my boyfriend. Charlie is the best - I got him when I broke up with Brandon Davis. He will always be my number one man and he knows that. The dogs are a huge part of my downtime. Actually, it's shocking how much you can become absorbed by them."Mischa isn't the only celebrity gushing about her mutts. Christina Aguilera recently admitted her three dogs are like her children.The 'Ain't No Other Man' singer said she and her music executive husband Jordan Bratman treat their dogs like their babies. She revealed: "One day we want to have kids and start a family but I'm very focused on my career right now. Besides, we have three dogs so we already have a mini-family to take care of."

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Meg Ryan with daughter Daisy

Meg Ryan was destined to adopt her daughter.The 45-year-old actress - who adopted a two-year-old girl, Daisy, from China last January - believes it was fate that brought the two together. She said in an interview with Redbook magazine: "I am convinced, completely and utterly convinced, that there was nothing random about the adoption. She is the daughter I should have."I never felt like I was on a rescue mission or anything like that. I just really wanted a baby. I was on a mission to connect with somebody, and Daisy and I got to meet each other in this way at this time. We are so compatible."Meg originally named her daughter Charlotte, but insists she had to change it because the moniker just didn't suit her. She explained: "I thought she was Charlotte, and she's just not."She's a Daisy. She's got the most open, beautiful, honest face you'll ever see."Meg also has a teenage son, Jack Henry, from her marriage to actor Dennis Quaid.

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Monday, April 23, 2007


Madonna has left Malawi without letting the father of her adopted son see his only child, it has been claimed. Farmer Yohane Banda is said to be distraught after two meetings for him to be reunited with 18-month-old David were cancelled.The singer visited the African country last week with baby David and daughter Lourdes, where she spent time working on projects for her charity,Raising Malawi. Although the trio went to the Home of Hope orphanage, where Madonna first met David last year, the much-publicised father and son reunion failed to materialise. A source told People magazine: "Yohane was there all day on Saturday and in the morning of her visit."He was told he would spend some time with his son but the meeting was cancelled."Madonna's representative, Liz Rosenberg, said she did not know whether the reunion took place. During the trip, it was revealed Madonna had met the three-year-old Malawian girl she reportedly wants to adopt. Despite her publicist denying she is to adopt again, Madonna reportedly told friends she is looking for a sister for David and is considering welcoming orphan Grace into her family. A source said: "Madonna was talking with Grace and looked very happy. They were together for about 15 minutes."

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Spice Girls were reunited for one day !

Four of the five Spice Girls were reunited yesterday for the christening of Geri Halliwell's daughter Bluebell Madonna. Emma Bunton, Mel C and Victoria Beckham all attended the service, at North London's Parish Church of St Michael, to see the 11-month-old be christened.The only Spice Girl missing was Mel B, who lives in Los Angeles and recently gave birth to a baby girl, Fortuna Daphne Bay. Geri, 34, dressed in a figure-hugging pale blue dress, beamed as she proudly showed off her daughter to the 100 guests at the Highgate village church. Socialite Lady Victoria Hervey, one of many celebrity guests, said: "It wasa lovely service. Geri looked stunning. It was good to see so many of the Spice Girls back together and getting on so well."'Little Britain' TV star David Walliams also attended. However, there was no sign of Bluebell's father Hollywood scriptwriter Sacha Gervasi.Victoria - who attended without husband David - brought her sons, while Emma showed off her heavily-pregnant frame in a black mini dress. Security guards had been hired to hold back the crowds of onlookers who had gathered outside the church.The service was followed by a private party for VIP guests, believed to have taken place at Geri's London home.

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Sir Mick Jagger has been visited by aliens.Michael C. Luckman - author of 'Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection' - says The Rolling Stones rocker developed an interest in extraterrestrial phenomena after a close encounter of the third kind in the 60s. Luckman told BANG Showbiz: "Mick Jagger has been very involved with the subject of UFOs for many years."In 1968 he went camping in Glastonbury with his then girlfriend, singer Marianne Faithful, and encountered a rare, luminous cigar-shaped mothership."Around the same time Mick had a UFO detector installed at his British estate. The alarm kept on going off whenever he left home, indicating the presence of strong electromagnetic activity in the immediate area."The 63-year-old singer also sighted a UFO over the crowd during The Rolling Stones' infamous 1969 Altamont Concert in California. Mick is not the only member of the band to believe in aliens. Guitarist Keith Richards has also admitted to "seeing a few". Beatles legend John Lennon is another musician Luckman claims has experienced personal contact with beings from another planet. He said: "John Lennon was apparently given a small egg shaped metallic-looking object which he in turn gave to Uri Geller, the psychic."He didn't know what the purpose of it was, but he claimed he had been given it by an extraterrestrial. Interestingly, this all happened less than a year before he was assassinated."

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Gwen Stefani's health-conscious tour demands include a buffet of organic fruit and vegetables, 30 bottles of branded vitamin water and organic tea.The 'Rich Girl' singer's buffet tour table - which must be covered with a white cloth - also includes organic cashew nuts, organic, unbleached almonds, 3 cucumbers, beet roots, carrots, spinach, parsley and celery, all accompanied by organic ranch dressing.The "organic fresh cut fruit tray" must include "seasonal berries, melons,fruits and a tropical assortment is also welcome". According to gossip website, Gwen - who is currently on her 'Sweet Escapade' tour - also insists on organic bananas, plums, apples and pears and a full set of silver wear.The rider also asks organisers to "please have menus of the best restaurants in the area available". To prepare for her concert mother-of-one Gwen also requires a "very bright white light", ten white towels and "four aroma therapy candles, all same scent please". Gwen, 37, recently confessed she has been on a diet since she was ten. She said: "I've always been on a diet, ever since I was in the sixth grade. It's an ongoing battle and it's a nightmare. But I like clothes too much, and I always wanted to wear the outfits I would make. And I'm very vain."I eat healthy stuff most of the time, but I let myself cheat once or twice a day with a cookie or pizza."

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Carmen Electra keeps hinting shes gay !

Carmen Electra has a crush on Kate Moss.The former 'Baywatch' actress, who was rumored to be having a lesbian relationship with rock star Joan Jett, thinks the British supermodel is"gorgeous".Carmen told Sunday magazine: "She's gorgeous. I'm the kind of girl who can tell another woman if I think she is beautiful, and Kate is. She has a great sense of style and everyone looks up to her. She's really cool."The 35-year-old star, whose ex-husband is Jane's Addiction guitarist Dave Navarro, also revealed she is getting broody and is keen to start a family,when she meets the right man. She explained: "I definitely want to be a mother. But I'm not in a rush. I want to get everything out of my system so I can focus on being the best parent I can be."Kate isn't the only famous woman Carmen has confessed to having a crush on. Earlier this month, the 'I Want Candy' actress admitted she has the hots for Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba. Carmen said: "Scarlett is hot. Her sexiness is totally appreciated by girls like me."Jessica is naturally pretty, she's very sweet. I feel in love with her because she's the nicest girl. She's sexy and has an incredible body."

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Britney Spears is considering quitting pop music to be a stay-at-home mom.The 'Toxic' singer is said to be dreading the prospect of re-launching her career because she cannot bear to be apart from her sons, 19-month-old Sean Preston and seven-month-old Jayden James.The star allegedly confessed her worries while shopping for her boys at Los Angeles children's store, Glen Kids at the Glen Centre. A source told website X17 Online: "Britney said that Sean and Jayden are the loves of her life and that she enjoys every moment with her kids."She was excited to pick out some new clothes for the boys and she picked up some designer jeans and other items."Britney even talked about being a stay-at-home mom, saying that she loves it and that because of her boys, she's not looking forward to going back to work!"Britney filed for divorce from Kevin Federline in November last year, just weeks after giving birth to Jayden James. She then embarked on a spell of wild partying before a very public breakdown, which saw her shave her head and check into rehab. But since leaving Malibu's Promises Centre she has been back in the recording studio and regularly ateending dance classes, working on her pop comeback.

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Jerry Hall is looking great at 50 !

Jerry Hall has given up toy boys.The 50-year-old model has been put her off younger men for life after arecent disastrous dating experience. She is quoted by the New York Daily News newspaper as saying: "I went out with a young guy recently and we played pool. Can you imagine? He was a bit of a misspent youth. These days, I favor older men. They don't have as awful taste in music!"Jerry, the ex-wife of Sir Mick Jagger, recently said she would rather get a new husband than a face lift. She revealed: "Women should age with dignity. The idea that you have this young face and a wrinkly body? It's gross! Why try and look younger than you are? Maybe you need a new husband rather than a face lift!" The Texan beauty also feels her curvy size 12 figure makes her look younger than she really is. She said: "Being thin makes you look scrawny when you're older."

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Sunday, April 22, 2007


Pamela Anderson has written a heart-felt letter to the Russian partners of KFC, pleading with them to re-think their merger with the "cruel" company. Pammie wrote to Henrik Winther, the president of Rostik, to inform him about the American fast-food giant's barbaric treatment of chickens. She cited how KFC's suppliers breed chickens "to grow so top-heavy that they suffer heart attacks, lung failures, broken legs, and other crippling diseases and injuries. At slaughter, their throats are cut open and they are scalded to death - often while they are still conscious."The former 'Baywatch' star - who is an ardent animal rights activist - also urged Winther to watch her video at and pressurise KFC executives to put a stop to their cruel methods. In 2005, vegetarian Pammie teamed up with animal rights protestors in a boycott of KFC.The blonde narrated a 5-minute video produced by prominent animal rights group PETA documenting the mistreatment of chickens which eventually are served in the chain's eateries. She said at the time: "I'm asking people to boycott KFC until the company demands that its suppliers stop crippling chickens and scalding them alive."No animals should have to suffer this way, whether they're cats or dogs or chickens."

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The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones have sparked outrage over suggestions 300 horses should be drugged when they play their first Serbian concert.The legendary band are to perform at Belgrade's hippodrome race course in July to a crowd of around 100,000 people. However, fears are mounting for the horses who are stabled just a few yards from the venue and it has been suggested that sedative shots be administered to keep them calm during the raucous show. Jovanka Prelic, who cares for the equine residents, said: "Horses differ,the same as people. Some are more nervous, more skittish. If they get toonervous or start to panic during the concert, they'll get sedatives."The sedative could be diazepam, which was commonly used on horses during the 1999 Nato air strikes. Plans to calm the horses down have sparked fury in Serbia, with animal rights group Orca demanding the concert be moved to another venue. Head of Orca Elvir Burazerovic said: "Research has shown that noise and vibrations are the strongest causes of stress to animals. Surely our big city has enough open spaces where even 150,000 people can fit in. We think the hippodrome should be left to horses."Burazerovic also said if the organisers don't change the venue, the group will write directly to the band to ask them to switch. Burazerovic said: "I believe we will succeed, since such a reputable band will not allow such a stain on its record."

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The hit British TV series 'Dr. Who'

Sexy Australian singing star Kylie Minogue is set to appear in TV hit series 'Dr Who' for its Christmas special. She will play a sexy cyberwoman who tries to lure the doctor played by David Tennant. A BBC source revealed that the Grammy winner was keen on playing the role and is really excited. Kylie jumped at the chance to be in the show and is really looking forward to acting again," News Of The World quoted the source, as saying.The source also said that the team is really glad that they got someone as stunning and high profile as Minogue to beat TRP competition with ITV."The Doctor Who team are delighted they've got someone as sexy and high profile as Kylie to ensure they win the annual ratings battle with ITV," the source added. Stylist Will Baker, who is a good friend of the 38-year-old, persuaded her to take up the role.The filming for the festive special is in July and script writer Russell T. Davies said that when his friend Baker suggested Kylie for the role, he thought that she would not be available for the next two years."I imagined she'd be booked up for the next two years," he said.

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Lindsay Lohan has seemingly pulled out of a film threesome with Keira Knightley.The actress failed to appear on set this week to start shooting new movie'The Best Times Of Our Lives' - in which she was to take part in a steamy ménage a trois with Keira. Lindsay, 20 is reportedly unhappy with the terms of her contract. A source told Life and Style magazine: "She didn't back out and the producers didn't pull the deal, but there were changes that weren't to her liking, and that was that."Lindsay - who recently spent time in a Los Angeles rehab clinic to be treated for alcoholism - recently said she was thrilled to have landed a role in the project.The epic, written by Keira's mother Sharman Macdonald, would have seen the'Mean Girls' star play Caitlin - the wife of late legendary Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. Keira is set to play Vera - a childhood friend of Dylan's who is said to have had a sexual relationship with him and Caitlin. Matthew Rhys, who will play the hard-drinking poet, said: "There will be a bit of a ménage a trois scene going on. I hope I'm up for it!"Earlier this week, it was reported that Lindsay is having a lesbian affair in real life. Former publicist Jonathan Jaxson claimed in his blog at that the star was having a sexual relationship with her friend, DJ Samantha Ronson.

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Sharon Osbourne and Jerry Springer will make this show !

Sharon Osbourne, known to U.S. audiences as talk show host and Ozzy`s wife, is replacing singer Brandy on NBC`s 'America`s Got Talent.' Sharon and Ozzy opened their home to audiences on MTV`s 'The Osbournes.' She also had a short-lived syndicated talk show.Osbourne joins 'Baywatch' lifeguard David Hasselhoff and journalist Piers Morgan as judges for the Simon Cowell-produced show`s second season, which premieres May 29, Variety said. Osbourne is a judge on the British talent competition, 'The X-Factor,' also produced by Cowell. Talk show icon Jerry Springer also replaces Regis Philbin as the host of the much awaited show.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007


Madonna is doing great work with children in Africa

Madonna has met the three-year-old Malawian girl she reportedly wants to adopt.The singer is currently in Malawi with adopted son David and daughter Lourdes and the trio visited the orphanage where the child, called Grace, lives earlier this week. Despite her publicist denying she is to adopt again, Madonna has reportedly told friends she is looking for a sister for David and is considering welcoming Grace into her family. A source said: "Madonna was talking with Grace and looked very happy. They were together for about 15 minutes."The 48-year-old star first saw Grace on DVD footage and fell in love with her immediately. She then asked for a 15-minute film to be made of the little girl, who has no relatives and has been living at the orphanage since she was three months old. However, though she had a successful meeting with Grace, Madonna has not made a final decision on the adoption. She has allegedly met with 10 other children, on the request of the Malawian authorities. A source said: "Grace may not be the child Madonna adopts though she certainly is a favourite. Madonna is considering other children."Madonna's representatives have repeatedly denied the star is in Malawi to adopt again, insisting she is only in the country to do charity work. Publicist Liz Rosenberg said: "Madonna is indeed going to Africa to continue her work with the Raising Malawi organisation. She is overseeing the building of a children's health care center."She is absolutely not adopting another baby. I know that has been a rumor ever since she began the adoption process for her son David but it just isn't true."

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Britney Spears' father believes she has only herself to blame if she loses custody of her sons and fails to revive her career. James Spears has written an open e-mail to her former manager LarryRudolph - who the singer fired last Friday - apologising for her behaviour and thanking him for all he tried to do for the singer. Britney's dad wrote: "When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done. She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life."The Spears family would like to publicly apologise to Larry for our daughter's statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him."Britney has responded by saying her father has never understood her. In a statement released through her representative, she said: "I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It's sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman's love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now."The 'Toxic' singer was reportedly ashamed she had to go to rehab to protect her public image on Rudolph's advice, when she felt she had no addiction problems. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "She had no drugs in her system when she was admitted to Promises - they ran tests and there was nothing. She was embarrassed she had to go in there when she knew she was suffering from postpartum depression, not a drug or alcohol problem."Britney's aunt had just died of cancer. She was feeling very guilty because she hadn't been there with her, she was over whelmingly depressed and she shaved her head in solidarity."

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Jessica Alba has a big payday !

Jessica Alba is to earn $5 million as the new face of Revlon cosmetics.The 'Sin City' star's first role for Revlon will be starring in the global advertising campaign for their 3D extreme mascara.While shooting the commercial in Los Angeles, rumors that Alba had split from boyfriend Cash Warren were put to rest after he visited her on the set. A source said: "They are very much together and in love."Alba's 'Fantastic Four' co-star, Beau Garret, has also been signed up by Revlon but is yet to be assigned to a campaign. Alba recently revealed she visited numerous strip clubs to prepare for her role in 'Sin City'. She said: "I was worried about lots of things, including my top falling down, my chaps splitting or even hitting myself in the face with the rope I had to use."I saw the pictures in the comic book and thought, 'How could I get such great breasts?'"But then I went to lots of strip clubs and watched and learned."

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Justin Timberlake has money fame and ego !

Pop singer Justin TImberlake has the biggest ego in Hollywood, according to a new poll that also shames Angelina Jolie and Sean "Diddy" Combs. The list, established by Us Weekly, pokes fun at the stars for their incessant bragging and high self regard. It says, "(Timberlake) has claimed that McDonald's shares climbed 25 percent when he walked into their offices and changed their image." Jolie is apparently regarded as a "great leader" by those close to her, while Diddy has boasted about being "one of the greatest entrepreneurs and entertainers the world has ever encountered." British stars like Kate Winslet and Hugh Laurie were meanwhile applauded for their modesty. Also, Timberlake, David Beckham and Jessica Alba have topped a new list of the sexiest stars. Timberlake was named Sexiest Male Musician; Alba Sexiest Actress; and Beckham the Sexiest Dad in the poll by underwear giant Victoria's Secret. Lingerie designers and Victoria's Secret supermodel spokeswomen, including Heidi Klum and Karolina Kurkova, voted for the sexy stars, who also included Carrie Underwood (Sexiest Female Musician), Kate Hudson (Sexiest Mom) and Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles (Sexiest Couple).

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Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin in better times !

Alec Baldwin issued an apology for unleashing a volcanic tirade at his 11-year-old daughter and blamed "certain people" for leaking the rant to US media. The Oscar-nominated star of The Departed branded daughter Ireland a "rude, thoughtless, little pig" in a fiery voicemail message that emerged on celebrity websites. It is the latest twist to the bitter legal wrangling between Baldwin and ex-wife Kim Basinger over custody and visitation rights relating to Ireland. The couple split in 2001. Baldwin's tirade was apparently triggered by Ireland's failure to switch her mobile phone on for a scheduled call with her father. "Once again I've made an ass out of myself trying to get to a phone at a specific time," Baldwin says in the message. "I'm tired of playing this game with you. You have insulted me for the last time. "You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being - I don't give a damn that you are 12 or 11 or a child or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care what you do." Baldwin then tells his daughter that he is going to fly to Los Angeles to "straighten" her out. In a statement on his website,, posted today, the actor said he had apologised to his daughter for his actions, suggesting that the stress of legal battles with Basinger had tipped him over the edge. "Naturally, it is not best for a parent to lose their temper with their child," Baldwin said. "Everyone who knows me privately knows that I have endured a great deal over the last several years in my custody litigation. "Everyone who knows me privately knows that certain people will go to any lengths to embarrass me and to disrupt my relationship with my daughter. "I'm sorry, as everyone who knows me is aware, for losing my temper with my child. I have been driven to the edge by parental alienation for many years now." Baldwin's spokesman said in an earlier statement that "in the best interest of the child" the actor would "do what the mother is pathologically incapable of doing - keeping his mouth shut and obeying the court order." The statement said Basinger and her lawyer leaked the tape in violation of a court order, and that Baldwin regretted the choice of language used. Basinger's lawyers hit back at the spokesman's explanation today. In a statement to, celebrity lawyer Neal Hersh said the actor's response showed he was "out of touch". "I am concerned that Mr Baldwin's recent statement, wherein he attempts to shift responsibility to Kim and her lawyers for his issues with Ireland, shows just how out of touch he is with the reality and gravity of the situation," Hersh told the website. Baldwin and Basinger, the star of LA Confidential, split in 2001 but have been locked in bitter legal wrangling related to Ireland's custody and visitation rights. Basinger was charged with contempt of court last year for violating a 2004 custody arrangement. A Los Angeles court rejected a bid by Basinger's lawyers to have the charges dismissed this week.

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Icon Rich Little will play the Correspondents dinner

Comedian Rich Little says he doesn't plan anything provocative when he performs at this year's White House Correspondents Association dinner in Washington. The veteran impressionist is the headliner at tonight's annual affair, and his routine promises to be considerably tamer than the harder-edged comedy delivered last year by Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert -- who directed some hard-hitting barbs at President George W. Bush and others in the audience. Little told United Press International if he does anything edgy in his performance Saturday night, it won't be by design. "I'm an entertainer. I'm not there to stir it up in any way," he said. "If I happen to, by chance, that's fine." Little has played this gig before -- during the Reagan administration. He said performing for the White House press corps can be challenging. "They're not the easiest audience to perform for because they're professional people and they're wrapped up in their careers and politics so they don't sit home watching TV all the time," he said. On the other hand he said, because they're journalists they know the characters he does better than most audiences.

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Sanjaya Malakar : Whats with the painted eyebrows ?
The former “American Idol” contestant Sanjaya Malakar who was finally voted off Wednesday night, believes things, his status in fact, have changed so much that he intends to hire a bodyguard. "I'm definitely ready to hire a bodyguard," he says. "I'm actually looking into that right now."In an interview the morning after his elimination, the one who once threatened the integrity and purpose of the talent show, told reporters that he got an education throughout the competition, and plans to pursue a career in music and acting. Looking tired but relentlessly upbeat about his "Idol" experience, he said the other competitors were like a second family to him. "Everyone [on the show] is a family, we really, truly are very close. The hardest part of leaving was losing this extended part of my family." His time on the show was equivalent to his junior and senior years of high school. He dropped out of high school after his sophomore year and later obtained a GED. "Throughout the competition I grew as a performer and as a person," he said. "I had a lot of things to learn from. I kind of found myself as things progressed. I found myself and got more comfortable in my own skin." "I was just focused on trying to get past each week, I didn't look too far into the future and didn't want to overwhelm myself," said Sanjaya. "I feel like I've grown, and I'm more confident because I have this experience. Practice makes perfect, and I'm ready to get out there and sing some more." However, just like other Idol contestants before him, Sanjaya said he had a hunch about Wednesday’s night boot. "When I saw the show, I had a feeling. I was in the dumps all day on Wednesday and I kind of knew," said Sanjaya. "I'm not a country singer,” he said of his Bonnie Raitt’s “Something To Talk About” performance, “I think that really took a toll on me, and I didn't have enough really strong performances to have people forgive me for that." Idol judge Randy Jackson had thought it was "really just like karaoke... bland and boring;" Paula Abdul had called Malakar a "loveable guy" who "thrives on adversity;" while Simon Cowell slammed his performance as “utterly horrendous" and added it was "as bad as anything we see at the beginning of American Idol." "I'm beginning to sense something here," a grinning Cowell added when Malakar ended up among the last three. When the result was announced, Malakar wiped away tears and got a big hug from LaKisha Jones, the next lowest vote-getter. "I'm fine," he told Ryan Seacrest. "It was an amazing experience." "I can promise you: We won't soon forget you," Seacrest replied. While most people believe it was the “American Idol” haters who kept Sanjaya on the show for so long, the 17-year-old Indian thinks it was his fans alone who voted for him. "I don't think votefortheworst or Howard Stern had enough people voting for me to make a dent in anything. I think the reason why I'm here is the support of my fans." Speaking about the Idol contestants and the outside world, Sanjaya said they are kept busy and isolated. "We're in a bubble . . . . I got inklings every once in a while of something different going on that I guess was a cultural phenomenon, but I don't think it really has hit me yet how big it is."

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Friday, April 20, 2007


Jennifer Lopez is worth big bucks !

Jennifer Lopez has been paid a staggering $2 million by a Russian billionaire to perform at a private concert. Andrei Melnichenko (left) has asked the Latin star to put on a 40-minute show at his wife Aleksandra's 30th birthday party tomorrow night. Melnichenko is paying for the performance and a further $800,000 to fly J.Lo's entourage from the US to Britain where the party will take place.The bash will take place in the Berkshire countryside although J.Lo and her entourage will stay in a top London hotel which is included in the payment. A source close to the singer said: "Andrei and Aleksandra are huge fans of J.Lo and were thrilled when she agreed to sing for them. It will be an unusual audience for J.Lo, as the bash will be packed with billionaires."The party, which will take place in a marquee decorated like a plush nightclub, will be an extravagant occasion, with the all-day event including a cabaret and circus act. This is not the first time the couple - who count Chelsea football club's billionaire owner Roman Abramovich among their friends - have splashed out on a celebrity performance. When they married in 2005, they paid a reported $4 million for Christina Aguilera to sing at their wedding in the South of France.

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Paris Hilton Believes she is above the law !

PARIS HILTON gets behind the wheel of the car even though she has a suspended license in West Hollywood, CA. Paris Hilton looked cute behind the wheel of her car despite having two driving violations. The socialite Paris Hilton is facing a 90-day jail sentence after being found in violation of the terms of her probation. Hopefully the judge reads Times Square Gossip and send's Paris directly to jail and not a Hilton Hotel !

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Governor Schwarzenegger on 'Pimp My Ride"

In accordance with Earth Day 2007, MTV and the "Pimp My Ride" crew prove that going green can get extreme, especially with a little help from a friend – California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. As part of a very special Earth Day episode airing April 22nd at 1 pm ET/PT, Governor Schwarzenegger visits Xzibit, Mad Mike and the entire "Pimp My Ride" crew at G.A.S. (Galpin Auto Sports), as they take aim on a '65 Chevy Impala, and give it a one of a kind ecological alteration. Ultimately proving that power and preservation can co-exist thanks to partners at Galpin, Imperium Renewables, General Motors and others, the Impala gets an 800 horsepower diesel engine that will run on biodiesel, turning it into one extraordinary clean machine! "I would like to thank MTV and the entire 'Pimp my Ride' crew for shining the spotlight on the importance of alternative fuels and the fight against global warming. I am very encouraged by the great potential in converting vehicles to run on biodiesel as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "I am pleased that the power of MTV's message will reach an audience throughout California and the nation to reinforce the benefits of alternative-fuel vehicles and protecting our environment."

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Suri Cruise turns one

Suri Cruise celebrated her first birthday in Louisiana the other day.Tom Cruise and his daughter flew to Shreveport, where his wife Katie Holmes is filming 'Mad Money', so the family could spend the milestone birthday together. A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "Katie is already down there and Tom and Suri will be flying in. Katie, who is starring alongside Queen Latifa and Diane Keaton in the heist comedy, is said to have moved into an exclusive part of Shreveport while the movie is being filmed. She isn't the first Hollywood star to spend time in Shreveport - former couple Jude Law and Sienna Miller were also seen relaxing there recently. Meanwhile, Brooke Shields' daughter Grier also celebrated her first birthday the other day. Brooke originally wanted Grier and Suri to have a joint birthday party because they were born in the same hospital on the same day.The actress told Access Hollywood: "It's gone by so quickly. We're going to have a party this weekend."Grier will be treated to a Tweety Bird (Tweety Pie) themed party because Brooke says the cartoon character is similar to her daughter.

Brooke Shields has a happy family !

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Lamb killer Gordon Ramsay

Victoria Beckham is distraught after learning a pair of lambs she is babysitting for British chef Gordon Ramsay are to be slaughtered.The 33-year-old star is furious with the TV chef after he neglected to tell her the animals he delivered to her Hertfordshire home were to be killed and eaten on his show 'The F-Word'. A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Victoria gets on really well with Gordon so when he asked if she wouldn't mind looking after the lambs on her 25-acre grounds she agreed. He said they needed space to gambol around in. She met them when they were delivered and thinks they're adorable."What Gordon neglected to mention, though, was that he was planning to have them killed."There was no way she'd have agreed to it had she known and she's less than impressed with the news."Gordon has come under fire for his treatment of animals on his show in past, after featuring the journey of turkeys and pigs from the farmyard to the dinner table. Animal rights group PETA have also labelled him a "vegetarian hater". In stark contrast to Gordon, Victoria refuses to eat meat or wear fur.The former Spice Girl's spokeswoman said: "She was more than happy to let the sheep roam around her grounds but, as a devout vegetarian, she will be distraught to learn they're going to be killed."

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Emmy winner Rita Cosby Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Tomaczek Bednarek
TV Host Rita Cosby and the marvelous Singer-Songwriter Tomaczek Bednarek, caught up with "Mr. New York" ... at the very popular humor filled Inner Circle Event, in the Big Apple recently. Mayor Michael Bloomberg was said to be a good sport as the NY Press, first delivered its' satires about him and his staff. Following that, Bloomberg had a chance to "Fire Back" with "barbs" of his own, during a command Performance with the entire cast of Broadways current production hit of Mary Poppin's. The mayor sang and did a few impressive dance moves, but the highlight clearly was his finale, where he held true to Mary Poppin's storyline and exited... by literally "flying" off the stage, and into the night!

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Lindsay Lohan gives us no suprises

Lindsay Lohan discovered she is a highly "sexual" person, after craving sex in rehab.The actress - responding to rumors she sent a text message to friend Brody Jenner about her cravings for sex and junk food in rehab - insists she enjoys an active sex life. Lindsay - who is rumored to be in a lesbian relationship with her DJ friend Samantha Ronson - told Allure magazine: "I'm a sexual person - everyone is, I think. And once a month I'm a McDonald's person. Everything in moderation."The 20-year-old, who was treated for alcoholism at Los Angeles' Wonderland Center in January, stayed at the Hollywood clinic for 30 days because it made her "feel safe". Lindsay explained: "I found a quiet room, all white, with parquet, and it was different! I just felt safe. I thought, 'I'm going to stay here tonight.' And I stayed there, for a month. It was great."Despite attending Alcoholic Anonymous meetings for more than a year, Lindsay still denies she has a drink problem. She insisted: "I don't know that I'm necessarily an addict."The flame-haired actress feels under pressure to make friends and family happy and says she helped raised her three younger siblings - brothers Michael and Dakota and sister Ali. Lindsay feels particularly protective over 13-year-old Ali. She revealed: "I am motivated by the need to keep everyone around me happy. I feel like a second parent in the sense that I helped raise my family. The fact my sister isn't with me, I'm kind of angry with her, because it freaks me out."

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Jude Law has gone public with his new romance after whisking his girlfriend away for a romantic holiday in India.The 'Alfie' actor and American socialite Kim Hersov have been taking in the amazing sights and impressive landmarks during their getaway.The couple - who were seen on a string of dates in February - were seen touring a historic fort in Rajasthan where they marvelled at a 50 ton cannon, the largest weapon of its kind. Onlookers were amazed by how much 38-year-old Kim looks like Jude'sex-girlfriend Sienna Miller.The stunning divorcee is an editor-at-large for magazine Harpers and Queen and a well-know face on the London party circuit. She has two sons, aged seven and ten, with her ex-husband private jet tycoon Robert Hersov. Jude - who split from Sienna in November last year - also has two children with his ex-wife Sadie Frost.The 34-year-old actor has been linked to a string of beauties in the past few months, including Lindsay Lohan, Icelandic TV presenter Halla Vihjálmsdóttir and marketing girl Kate Hopewell.

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Poull Brien hosts the film the party for Sundance Celebrity Swag Hunt. If you didn't get a chance to make it to the amazing star studded affair that was the Sundance Celebrity Swag Hunt Pre-Premiere Party at HOME on last week, don't worry. While you missed Gary Coleman on the microphone chanting "where my dogs at" and elated party-goers barking back at him, you still can see a little bit of his mind-blowing dj set on TMZ.

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American Idol's Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell has soared up Britain's Rich List after amassing a $200 million fortune.The 'American Idol' judge is now the 700th richest person in Britain, shooting up an incredible 244 places from 944th in the annual poll compiled by Britain's Sunday Times newspaper. Simon boosted his assets by $80 million in the past 12 months, almost doubling his bank balance, due to the success of the US TV talent show and several hit programs made by his UK production company SYCO, including 'XFactor'. He also signed a staggering $40 million deal with British TV network ITV. An industry source said: "Simon Cowell is the man with the Midas touch. Not only for him but for ITV, too."He's simply the hottest and most important showbiz talent around right now."Simon, 46, has now superseded singer Robbie Williams, who he told to "get agrip" when the singer entered rehab for addiction to pain killers. The troubled star only increased his wealth by $10 million to $200 million last year after his album 'Rudebox' flopped. Sir Paul McCartney is the richest man in pop, securing him 102nd place. Other stars to make the list include David Beckham, who is the richest soccer star in the world, Sir Mick Jagger, Sir Elton John and Harry Potter writer J.K. Rowling. The number one spot is held by steel mogul Lakshmi Mittal, 56, who has amassed an amazing $38 billion. The Sunday Times Rich List forms the basis for the TV countdown 'Britain's Rich List' to be aired on ITV tonight at 9pm.

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Snoop Dogg reportedly almost pulled out of a charity concert - because organisers hadn't provided him with an Xbox games console.The rapper was to perform at Cipriani Wall Street's UNICEF event on Tuesday night, alongside the Pussycat Dolls. Despite receiving a reported $150,000 fee to appear, Snoop demanded his 10ong entourage were flown to New York first-class and wanted extra perks. It is claimed the controversial star then threatened to pull out because the games console wasn't in his dressing room. An insider told the New York Post newspaper: "He insisted on having an Xbox in his dressing room. We finally found someone who lent us their kids 'Xbox."Even though organisers caved to his demands, Snoop was reportedly an hour late on stage because he and his friends were enjoying a lengthy gaming session.The Pussycat Dolls had to extend their performance and made a faux-paux when one member thanked "Unicel" instead of the charity's real name, UNICEF.

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Jennifer Hudson is reportedly set to marry this spring.The Oscar-winning 'Dreamgirls' actress - who is about to start recording her first album - pledged to marry maintenance engineer James Peyton when she made it big, and now James is taking her up on her promise. A source told National Enquirer magazine: "James didn't want to let Jennifer slip away. After she won the Oscar, James reminded her that she promised him they would get married as soon as she got her singing career off the ground."Jennifer, 25, who is due to begin filming new drama 'Winged Creatures', has been dating James for eight years.The former 'American Idol' contestant says James is the one for her because he makes her feel secure. She said: "The difference is, why would I pick somebody new when it's like,'You don't know me. You just see the Jennifer Hudson that's in 'Dreamgirls'or the Jennifer Hudson from 'American Idol'.' "

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Thursday, April 19, 2007


Actress Katie Holmes was forced to call the police during a recent shopping trip in Shreveport, La., after she found herself targeted by paparazzi. Holmes, who is in town to shoot the comedy "Mad Money," spotted the photographers trailing her last Thursday, and asked for local police help. The authorities escorted the actress inside a Target store and then acted as her bodyguards as shopped. A spokesman for Holmes tells Us Weekly magazine, "The (film) production office gave Katie the name of the chief of police and told her to call if she felt she needed it."

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Courtney Love visits Hyde Nightclub

COURTNEY LOVE does not remember how to put on a jacket after leaving the trendy Hyde Lounge in West Hollywood, CA. The recently reduced breasted Courtney Love announced that she removed her implants. Courtney Love looked great with her white dress and her leather gloves and leather jacket. Courtney was all smiles as she enter her car.
Photos: Zavar Manokian/Buzz Foto LLC

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American Idol's Randy Jackson Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell

"American Idol" judge Paula Abdul reportedly threw a "diva-like" tantrum while boarding an airplane recently, telling fellow passengers she was "too famous" to stand in line. Abdul was boarding a Southwest Airlines flight from San Jose to Burbank, Calif., when she reportedly demanded to be given special treatment and board the aircraft first. Eyewitnesses claim the star pushed her way to the front of a line of waiting passengers as one disgruntled commuter shouted, "You're no Sanjaya! You have to board like everyone else."A source tells's the Scoop, "She pulled a major diva trip. The other passengers were not amused. She asked to be let on the plane and seated first."Abdul's spokesman has refused to comment.

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Actor Ryan Gosling has fueled rumors he has split from Rachel McAdams after he attended a premiere with his mother. The star attended the Cinema Society screening of his new thriller, "Fracture," without his "The Notebook" co-star and partner McAdams. A source tells Page Six the couple are "definitely over." The news comes just days after the couple denied they were to marry in a secret ceremony later this year. Another Hollywood breakup !

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Jenna Jameson has revealed her secret battle with skin cancer caused her to lose her baby. Jenna - the world's most famous adult movie star - was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2004 and was two-months pregnant at the time. But the next day, Jenna suffered a miscarriage - which doctors believe was brought on by the stress of learning she had cancer.The star told Us Weekly magazine: "If the pregnancy would have lasted, I wouldn't have had the surgery. So it was all in God's plan."Jenna, 33, had visited a dermatologist to have some veins on her back treated when, by chance, an abnormal mole was discovered.The star was shocked to discover it was a malignant melanoma.Since having surgery the actress has been cancer-free.Jenna's mother, Judith, died from skin cancer before Jenna was two years old.Judith had worked as a Las Vegas showgirl, which inspired Jenna to work as a dancer before moving into the adult movie industry.

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Pete Doherty and Babyshambles

Pete Doherty says his friends "have had enough" of him being a drug addict. Speaking after a court appearance yesterday the Babyshambles frontman confessed he could lose the people closest to him if he does not kick his habit once and for all. Pete - who is engaged to supermodel Kate Moss - said: "The people I'm closest to have had enough. They've said it's drugs or them. A lot has changed in the past week."The 28-year-old rocker did not divulge whether his comments specifically related to Kate.The supermodel is said to have previously warned Pete that she would never marry him unless he stop using heroin and crack cocaine. Earlier this month, Pete confirmed the couple were engaged by publicly referring to Kate as his fiancée at a concert. Pete - who has had numerous court appearances for drugs-related offences - was praised by the judge for his commitment to stop using drugs.The rocker - who turned up at Thames Magistrates' Court 30 minutes late - admitted he was not free of drugs yet, but insisted he was determined to get clean. He said: "I'm quite keen to show a negative test as soon as possible really."District Judge Jane McIvor said: "There's no obligation for you to turn up to the reviews. The fact you've turned up shows cooperation, more than cooperation, and there is no risk of you breaching this order."

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Ben Affleck Jennifer Garner and Violet

Jennifer Garner says husband Ben Affleck is their daughter's favourite parent.The 'Alias' actress - who is rumored to be pregnant with the couple's second child - has revealed Ben is like a big "teddy bear" when he is around 16-month-old Violet and the tot loves playing with him. She said in an interview with In Style magazine: "Violet prefers him to anyone. He's a teddy bear of a guy. Nothing makes me happier than to see the two of them together and her little hands on his face."Jennifer, 35, insists Ben, also 35, is her dream guy, because not only is he amazingly attractive but he is also a fantastic father and husband. She added: "You know how as a kid you picture yourself with a tall, handsome husband, and you imagine him cuddling your baby? Ben is that guy."Earlier this week, Jennifer was reportedly seen leaving a doctor's office sporting a clearly visible baby bump. A source said: "She was very happy and glowing. She touched her stomach for a moment. She looked pregnant."

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Deborah Gibson (center) with Beauty And The Beast cast

Original 'American Idol' DEBORAH GIBSON joined in today's 13th Anniversary celebration at the Lunt Fontanne Theatre for Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST'S 13th Anniversary. The Disney show will close after 13 years on July 29, and today's event featured many of the performers from the show over the years, including Gibson; GARY BEACH, ANDREA McARDLE, director ROBERT JESS ROTH, lyricist ALAN MENKEN, and LINDA WOOLVERTON.
A reception followed at Sardi's where a caricature of the Beast was unveiled.
Julianne Cho from The Mayor's Office brought an official proclamation declaring today, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST day.

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Paris Hilton should consider taking cabs forever !

Paris Hilton has been ordered to appear in court on May 4 for allegedly violating her probation.The hotel heiress pleaded no contest to reckless driving in January and was placed on 36 months probation and ordered to pay fines. But in March she was stopped by police for driving in West Hollywood without her headlights on and was found to be driving with a suspended driver'slicence. If found guilty of violating her probation order, she faces up to 90 days in jail and the 26-year-old must appear in court to defend herself. Paris' spokesperson Elliot Mintz insists 'The Simple Life' star wasn't aware her license had been suspended. Meanwhile, a laundry basket, which allegedly belonged to Paris, has been put up for sale on internet auction site eBay. The seller claims the basket was used at her West Hollywood home and writes:"This is your chance to share in Paris' dirty laundry. Excellent condition."No DNA found inside but maybe you have a better investigator."When questioned about the sale Paris' representative Elliot Mintz said: "I just cannot think of a single thing to say."The starting bid is set at $50. There have been no bids at the time of writing.

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Lindsay Lohan vowed she would die before going to rehab.The actress was disappointed with herself when she realised she needed to be treated for alcoholism. She checked into Los Angeles' Wonderland Center on January 18 after a heavy drinking session following the Golden Globe Awards. Lindsay told Allure magazine: "It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab."The 20-year-old star, who is rumored to be in a lesbian relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson, also revealed she acts as her family and friends protector. She explained: "When my friends and family are around me I feel like they're safe. When my friends have left me - I've just seen everything collapse.They're not safe without me."Despite her stint in rehab, Lindsay says she has no plans to stop partying, insisting, "It's my life!"However, the 'Bobby' actress admits she is concerned her fans are getting tired of her wild behaviour. She said: "Everybody's tired of hearing things about me. I think it's just better for me to lie low and get better."

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Singer Robbie Williams terrified !

Robbie Williams was left terrified after his neighbor Joe Pesci threatened him with a golf club during a furious bust-up.The 64-year-old actor saw red when Robbie invited his friends over to his Los Angeles home for a game of soccer and they blocked Pesci's driveway with their cars. Pesci stormed out brandishing a club, ranting: "Which one of you mother f***ers blocked my drive?" If you don't move in 30 seconds, I'm going to smash your windscreen."Robbie - who has a soccer pitch at his home and holds weekly matches -initially thought his Oscar-winning neighbor was joking, but quickly realised the star was serious and ordered his friends to move their vehicles. A pal of the 'Rudebox' singer compared the row to a scene from 'Goodfellas', in which Pesci played psychotic gangster Tommy DeVito.The friend told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "It was pretty terrifying in 'Goodfellas' when Pesci's character flew off the handle. Imagine seeing it in real life. Robbie has never had any sort of dispute with his neighbors before and has now given his friends strict instructions to steerclear of Pesci's driveway."One of the things he really likes about Los Angeles is the anonymity - big showdowns are the last thing he wants."

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