Friday, March 16, 2007


Halle Berry Isn't Homeless Anymore !

Halle Berry lived in a homeless shelter when she first left home.The Oscar-winning actress has revealed her mother refused to support her when she ran out of money aged 21 - leaving her homeless. Halle, 40, told Reader's Digest magazine: "But a girl had to do what a girl had to do. You can do that when you're 21 and ambitious and your eyes are this big and you don't want to go home. I became a person who knows that I will always make my own way."When I moved to Chicago, she drove me there, but I don't think she ever thought it would pan out. After a month or two, I ran out of money and called her."I said, 'Mom, I hate to ask you this, but could you send me some money? I just have rent money, I can't eat this week.'"And she said no. She said, 'I'm not going to start this calling home asking mom for money. No, figure it out or come home.' I was so mad. I didn't speak to her for a year-and-a-half."The 'Perfect Stranger' star has forgiven her mother and believes the experience made her stronger. She said: "I'm actually grateful she did that, because it taught me how to take care of myself and that I could live through any situation, even if it meant going to a shelter for a small stint, or living within my means, which were meager."Meanwhile, friends of Halle claim her boyfriend, model Gabriel Aubry, is about to propose. A source told the New York Post newspaper: "They've moved in together in Los Angeles, and although they have separate residences in New York, they always stay in the same place and are together constantly."I wouldn't be shocked if Aubry proposed soon."

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Monday, March 05, 2007


Christian Bale Is Better Action Star

Christian Bale would only star in a romantic comedy if he was homeless.The 'Batman Begins' star considers himself a serious actor and would only ever agree to appear in a funny love story if he was seriously desperate. Bale told America's GQ magazine : "I will never say never, but I will say never to doing the more typical romantic comedies. You know, unless I'm getting audited and I'm on the street and I desperately need some dough and that's the only thing that I'm getting. In terms of the romantic kind of lead, I just never enjoy those movies very much."Bale admits his opinions may change as he ages, but he believes romantic comedies are a total contradiction.The 33-year-old explained: "Maybe they'll come to interest me more as I get older. I doubt it, but maybe. Romantic comedies tend to be, for me, an oxymoron."

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