Sunday, January 28, 2007


Kevin Federline, the soon to be ex-husband of Britney Spears, is cooking himself another scandal. This time the controversy is over a superbowl ad for an insurance company in which he plays a fast-food restaurant worker who dreams of the good life. It may seem innocent enough, but not to the National Restaurant Association, which charged that the ad "gives the impression that working in a restaurant is a demeaning and unpleasant" task and stands as a "direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry." Nationwide Insurance however claimed that the commercial was just a good example of its campaign based on the idea of "Life Comes At You Fast." "No one has personified 'Life Comes at You Fast' in the media better than Kevin Federline," a Nationwide spokesman said. "He's poking fun at himself."
Leave K-Fed Alone... A Job Is A Job !

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