Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Britney Spears spent her first weekend as a new divorcee in Las Vegas, dining with close friends. The fallen pop superstar finalized her divorce from rapper Kevin Federline last week and took off to Sin City for a low-key weekend. The post-rehab Spears dined at Tao Asian Bistro on Saturday night with two female friends, and made it clear her partying days are over -- even in Las Vegas. A fellow diner who spotted the party says, "Britney was dressed casual, wearing a light coat, hat and blonde wig. She and her friends ate vegetable dumplings, hot edamame, a California roll, and they split a wasabi filet. "This wasn't a wild night out. Britney drank Pepsi and the girls were in and out in about an hour. Britney seemed very happy."

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Friday, March 30, 2007


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have reached a divorce settlement.The couple, who married in September 2004 before Britney filed for divorce last November, agreed the deal during a five-hour meeting in Los Angeles yesterday. Kevin is rumored to be receiving a $1 million payment, with the couple sharing custody of their two sons, 18-month-old Sean Preston and Jayden James, six months. A spokesman for Kevin's attorney said: "The parties signed a global agreement on all issues of their marriage and custody of their children."He refused to elaborate on the terms of the settlement, but revealed they had reached an agreement on financial matters. A judge must approve the agreement before the divorce is finalised. During the meeting, Kevin, 29, took a cigarette break and Britney, 25, followed him outside where they spent 15 minutes talking.The meeting took place in Britney's attorney Laura Wasser's office in California's Century City.The estranged couple agreed to temporarily share custody of their sons in January, but Kevin took over custody when Britney checked into Malibu's Promises rehab centre in February. Earlier this month, it was reported Britney had decided to give Kevin $19 million.
Only one million Kevin? You are stupid !

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Britney Spears is out of rehab. She has "successfully completed the program," says her manager Larry Rudolph, but is Brit really ready to leave? Let’s take a little recap of how she got here in the first place. It all seems to have started after her and her estranged husband Kevin Federline decided to parts ways. That is when the drinking and partying started, eventually leading to a romantic fling with Isaac Cohen. Reports of her still not over K-Fed, she needed some feminine support, and who better to drink your sorrows away with other than Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan? With a few weeks of non-stop drinking, drugs, car puking, a three day binge in Vegas and a couple of snap shots of her bare vagina plastered all over the web, Britney’s popularity was sinking fast. However, Britney’s one tough girl. Next, Spears was asked to host a new year’s bash at Pure in Caesar’s Palace where she ended up ‘collapsing’ (most believing alcohol and drugs to be the cause). Realizing she was losing her grasp on reality, Brit flew to Antigua and checked into rehab… then checked out within 24-hours, flew home and shaved her head bald. In light (shine) of her newly bald head, pressure from family and friends prompted Spears once again to enter rehab… then again checked out within 24-hours. With all her bizzare behavior came massive amounts of media coverage and bad public opinions, so Federline gave Spears an ultimatum; complete one month of rehab or he will file (and most likely win) for sole custody of their two sons. Spears agreed. Once in rehab, she was praised for staying and even had other celebrities showing support on her road to recovery. More media eventually surfaced, but one can only wonder how much truth is behind the claims of her reported suicide attempt or her rehab romance. Nevertheless, Britney Spears has completed her month in rehab, but was it enough? Will she fall off the tracks again, or will she grow her lushes locks back and become a responsible mom? We will see…

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Saturday, March 17, 2007


Former Happy Couple Kevin Federline And Britney Spears

Kevin Federline has no plans to rebuild his marriage to Britney Spears.The 29-year-old is lending the troubled star his support while she is undergoing treatment at Malibu's Promises centre but despite family hopes they will get back together, Kevin is not interested. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "I talked to Kevin about Britney and he said he's not getting back together with Britney. At least not right now. He just wants to be a friend for her. She has told him she would get back with him, but he's trying to just do the right thing for everyone right now, but he doesn't want to go back there again."Another source claims the couple were close to working out a divorce settlement earlier this year, until Britney's wild partying caused Kevin and his lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, to intervene. Britney has reportedly fallen for RIVA lead guitarist Jason Filyaw after meeting him at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Meanwhile, letters of support from Britney's fans are being posted on her website BritneySpears.com . Jordan H writes: "Over the past few months, I've seen you change a lot. Ijust wanted to let you know that I have your back, and I'm supporting you 100 per cent."Hopefully, you'll be back soon to give your fans some music! Because we miss you like crazy, and we love you to death. So, get well soon. Good luck with everything that's been going on in your life. We all love you!"Michaela says: "Kia Kaha (Stand Strong). Best wishes from your fan in New Zealand."And Laura from Kent, Britain, writes: "I hope you are feeling better in yourself, I have been thinking about you and praying for you."You are the best female artist ever, all your fans are missing you and want the best for you. Relax and don't rush yourself, we are here for as long as it takes for you to get better."

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Friday, March 09, 2007


Britney Spears is struggling to cope without her children while she is in rehab. On Tuesday evening Britney, 25, left Malibu's Promises clinic to spend two hours with estranged husband Kevin Federline and their two sons at the nearby Serra Retreat center. Eye witnesses said that as she returned to Promises, she covered her face and appeared visibly upset at leaving 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James.The next morning Kevin, 28, left his California home at 5.30am with the children, arriving at Promises at 6am. A source claims "It seems like Britney is struggling being away from Sean and Jayden because Kevin let her spend four hours with the kids."He returned home with the boys at 10.30am.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007


Britney Spears Used To Have It All !

Britney Spears' family has joined forces with Kevin Federline's family to support her. The 'Toxic' singer's stint in rehab has brought the two families closer -despite the couple's impending divorce - to support Britney and care for her two young sons. A source told People magazine: "Everyone is making comments how sad it is that it took this to get everyone together."There was a lot of distance between the families but it seems now they all have a common goal, which is to help Britney get better."Kevin has been looking after 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James, with the help of both families, since his estranged wife checked into rehab. Meanwhile, Britney is reportedly not coping well in rehab. She is allegedly frequently breaking house rules at Malibu's Promises rehab facility. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "She's been getting in tons of trouble. She has been cautioned for being on her cell phone and has even left the centre to go shopping."The 25-year-old is allegedly angry with her family for saying she needs to get sober, and believes she does not have a drug or alcohol problem.The source added: "Britney is angry at her family and her manager for pressuring her to enter the program."She believes she is suffering from post partum depression and does not think she has an alcohol or drug problem."Since entering the clinic, Britney has been seen reading Brooke Shields book 'Down Came the Rain' about the actress' own experience with post partum depression following the birth of her first daughter, Rowan Francis.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007


How WWW.TimesSquareGossip.Com Reported This Days Ago !
While his ex-wife, pop princess Britney Spears, is in rehab after she shaved her head completely bald, Kevin Federline reportedly told some of his friends he shaved his head too in order to show her his support. The rapper wannabe’s buddies insist that K-Fed is still in love with Britney and that’s why he sticks with her through these hard times. "He said he still loves her," a pal as saying. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. Britney isn’t far from feeling the same way Kevin Federline does. Her friends say she not only wants him back, but wants to have another child with him. "Britney has realized what a rock Kevin has been to her, and how out of control she has acted recently. She has been talking to Kevin every night for hours on the phone, telling him she still loves him. She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage," the source said. However, according to recent reports, Britney isn’t doing very well in rehab. Us Weekly claims her cousin Alli has all but moved into the clinic to help keep an eye on her but the family still don’t think it’ll be enough to keep Britney on track. A source told the magazine: “They hope that Britney will stay at Promises for a month, but they’re nervous she might not last that long.” After Britney checked herself in the Promises rehabilitation center in Malibu, British tabloid News of the World reported that the staff at the clinic said she was put on “suicide watch” after she tried to hang herself with a bed sheet. A friend of hers told the newspaper that right before attempting to take her life, she had the number 666 written on her head and ran around the clinic yelling: “I am the Antichrist!” "She is still very vulnerable. Last Saturday she said she had the number 666 written onto her bald head. She was crying, and shouting, 'I am the Antichrist!' The clinic people just didn't know what to do. Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake! I'm a fake!' It must have been really frightening," the News of the World quoted the pal, as saying. "Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt," the pal added.

Bald Kevin Federline Days Ago In Las Vegas

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Wecome To Las Vegas Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline took his two children to Las Vegas for the weekend.The 28-year-old - who has custody of sons 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James while estranged wife Britney Spears is in rehab -travelled to Las Vegas for an appearance at the Mirage Hotel and Casino lounge Revolution. A source told People magazine : "Kevin was really low key. You could definitely tell he was on his best behaviour. He was having a good time, but wasn't the wild, crazy Kevin who used to come to Vegas."The aspiring rapper arrived on Saturday with the boys, a nanny, his mother, brother and two bodyguards.He dined with family and friends at the hotel restaurant Japonais.The source added: "He was late for dinner because he wanted to tuck his kids into bed."Meanwhile, Britney is said to be responding well to treatment in Malibu's Promises centre and has been enjoying some online retail therapy. Sources reveal she has spent over $3,000 on clothes, including several fedora hats, True Religion Daisy Duke shorts, Dita "Addict" sunglasses and a dress from a designer called Tart. A source told gossip website TMZ : "Britney e-mailed her cousin, Ali, a list of all the things she wanted from shopintuition.com."She also asked for this season's 'must-have' dress, Suzanne Juul's red and gold bamboo cap-ribbed dress in a size small and one of Juul's Eternity shawls in light blue.

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Friday, March 02, 2007


Britney Spears And Mom In Better Days

Britney Spears enjoyed one last wild weekend of drinking before checking into Promises rehab center, it has been revealed.The 'Toxic' singer arrived at Los Angeles' fashionable Mondrian hotel early on Saturday February 17, wearing a blonde wig to cover her newly shaven head, but was refused a room because she had no cash or credit cards. Britney, 25, was seen at 11am stripped down to her bra and knickers, sunbathing by the pool. She then shaved her legs in the pool bathroom. A source said: "It was sad. It looked like she really needed a friend."At around midday, the singer made friends with a woman who offered to lend her a bikini. Britney followed the woman to her hotel room, changed into the orange two-piece swimsuit and raided her mini-bar. A source told Us Weekly magazine : "She grabbed four or five bottles and just started mixing everything and drinking them."Three days later Britney checked into Promises rehab centre in Malibu. She checked out 24 hours later, before returning the same day for a 45-day program. It has been claimed she re-entered the center because her estranged husband Kevin Federline issued her with an ultimatum over custody of their children. Britney allegedly agreed to return to rehab in return for Kevin cancelling a court hearing in which he planned to seek full custody of seventeen-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jayden James. A source said: "Britney scared everyone real bad. Kevin is working closely with Britney's mom Lynne to let Britney know how serious it is that she gets help."Kevin loves Britney nothing has changed about that. The boys are being taken care of by Kevin. Lynne is helping."

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Sunday, February 25, 2007


Britney Spears' estranged husband has told the singer that he wants to get back with her. Aspiring rapper Kevin Federline visited the troubled 25-year-old at the Promises rehab centre in Malibu, telling Spears that he will support her through her recovery after having second thoughts about their divorce. A source told the News of the World : "Just a few days ago there was no love lost between the two of them, but it's taken Britney's breakdown to make Kevin realise that he still loves her. He's finally treating her with a bit of care for once. He told her he'll stand by her while she's recovering - but he doesn't want to put her under any pressure until she's got her life back together. "And he admitted he's been having second thoughts about the split and thinks there may be hope of a reunion after she gets better. Britney told him that she just wants to take things one day at a time at the moment, but she was deeply comforted by his words."

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Thursday, February 22, 2007


Britney Spears Made No 'Promises' And Left

Britney Spears Out Of Rehab Again.... Troubled pop star Britney Spears has reportedly left a rehabilitation facility in Malibu, California, less than 24 hours after checking in. This is the second time in a week that the Toxic star has left a treatment centre after less than one day - according to news website Tmz.com , Spears left Promises Treatment Center early yesterday morning. According to further media reports, Spears tried to get into a tattoo parlour before returning to her home, but the shop was closed. On Friday, she shaved her head bald at a hair salon and then hit the Body & Soul Tattoo parlor in Sherman Oaks, California, where she got a pink, black and white cross on her hip and pink and red lips on her wrist. She checked herself into Crossroads Centre, a treatment facility founded by musician Eric Clapton last Wednesday, only to check out the following day. Meanwhile, according to Tmz, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (Dcfs) has received numerous phone calls to their hotline from people concerned about the welfare of Spears' children in light of her recent bizarre behaviour. Spears is the mother to two young sons, Sean Preston, 18 months and Jayden James, five months. The Dcfs provides a 24-hour phone number for any resident in the Los Angeles area to report or discuss any issue regarding children.Meanwhile it was revealed the Pop star met with a lawyer in West Hollywood, California yesterday afternoon, after checking out of a Malibu rehab facility earlier in the day. This is the second time the troubled 25-year-old has left a treatment centre in the last week. The Toxic star was spotted at the law office of Blair Berk, a high-powered criminal defence lawyer, who also represented Mel Gibson last year (06) after his drink driving arrest. Sources tell American publication Us Weekly Spears was seen outside the office sitting in the passenger seat of a blue Mercedes talking intensely on her mobile phone, while her cousin, Allie Sims, reportedly sobbed. An eyewitness says, "Brit smoked cigarettes and talked on the phone, while Allie was seen with tears streaming down her face. Brit just had a blank look on her face." Spears left the law office at 2pm (local time) and was driven down Los Angeles' Sunset Strip and dropped off at the Bel Air Hotel. On 15 February (07), the singer checked herself into Crossroads Centre, a treatment facility founded by musician Eric Clapton, and checked out less than 24 hours later. Yesterday (21 Feb 07) she left Promises Treatment Center in Malibu, also after less than 24 hours.
Meanwhile, her estranged husband was making plans to go to court amid a custody dispute over their two children. Kevin Federline and his lawyer were scheduled to appear at a downtown courthouse Thursday for an emergency hearing in family law court, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press. "Our best information is he will be here; she won't," said Parachini. "But anything is possible." It was not known what Federline intended to ask the court. He sought support and sole custody of Jayden James, 5 months, and Sean Preston, 17 months, after Spears moved to end their two-year marriage in November, but a temporary order issued Feb. 1 granted joint custody through this month. Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, did not return a call for comment. Parachini said Federline's lawyer would try to persuade a Superior Court commissioner that the matter is urgent enough to be handled on an expedited basis. The move comes amid increasingly bizarre behavior by Spears. Popping in and out of rehab centers around the world is not a smart move for someone involved in a child custody battle with her estranged husband, said New York-based family law attorney Joshua Forman, who is not involved in Spears' case. "That's ridiculous. Wherever you are and whatever your problem is, you go through the program the place offers and you do what they tell you to do," Forman told the AP. "Checking in and out for one day doesn't show the court anything." OK! magazine reported it has learned Spears fled rehab because she was worried Federline would move to obtain permanent custody of the couple's children while she was undergoing several weeks of treatment. Federline's agent, Allison Joyce, said the 28-year-old aspiring rapper and former backup dancer would have no comment.

In Happy Times Kevin Federline And Britney Spears

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Sunday, February 04, 2007


Kevin Federline is “really sorry” to any American who is offended by an advertisement to be screened during the Super Bowl championship featuring him as a fast-food worker.“The commercial is completely intended for me, making fun of myself and my own situation,” the aspiring rapper and estranged husband of Britney Spears said. “It has nothing to do with anybody in the fast-food industry at all. So, you know, if we’ve offended anybody, I’m really sorry about that.”National Restaurant Association president and chief executive Steven Anderson said the advert amounted to a “strong and direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry”. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co’s 30-second spot shows Federline, 28, performing in a glitzy music video. However, the punch line is that he is daydreaming - while frying chips at a fast-food joint. It is a “Saturday Night Live skit on myself. ... Maybe it’ll land me some good roles in Hollywood”, said Federline, whose debut rap album, Playing With Fire, has had dismal sales since its release last autumn. On Thursday, Federline’s lawyer confirmed that K-Fed and Spears would continue to share custody of their two young sons this month, following the terms of a January custody agreement. Spears filed for divorce from Federline in November after two years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences.“I’m a good father,” said Federline, who would not talk about his personal life. “I love my kids and I’ll always be here for them.”

In Happier Times Keven Federline And Britney Spears

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Kevin Federline has allegedly turned down estranged wife Britney Spears' offer of a $25 million divorce settlement.The former dancer is reportedly asking for $50 million dollars - claiming he is not driven by greed, but love for his two sons with Britney. A source told America's Star magazine: "Kevin says Britney offered him $10 million to walk away from their marriage and to relinquish custody of their kids, but he just laughed. Then she came back with $20 million which he turned down too."Now he says she's offering a whopping $25 million, and that's her final offer. He told her to take a hike!"Britney, 25, filed for divorce from the 28-year-old wannabe rapper last November after two years of marriage. Both are seeking sole custody of their two sons, 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James.The source added: "He loves his two little boys, and there's no way he's going to disappear from their lives."

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


Kevin Federline, the soon to be ex-husband of Britney Spears, is cooking himself another scandal. This time the controversy is over a superbowl ad for an insurance company in which he plays a fast-food restaurant worker who dreams of the good life. It may seem innocent enough, but not to the National Restaurant Association, which charged that the ad "gives the impression that working in a restaurant is a demeaning and unpleasant" task and stands as a "direct insult to the 12.8 million Americans who work in the restaurant industry." Nationwide Insurance however claimed that the commercial was just a good example of its campaign based on the idea of "Life Comes At You Fast." "No one has personified 'Life Comes at You Fast' in the media better than Kevin Federline," a Nationwide spokesman said. "He's poking fun at himself."
Leave K-Fed Alone... A Job Is A Job !

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Kevin Federline has begged estranged wife Britney Spears to go into rehab, it has been reported.The wannabe rapper - who split from Britney last November after two years of marriage - has been trying to persuade the singer to clean up her life and threatened to take their two sons away from her. A source told America's Star magazine: "Kevin has tried to convince Britney to check herself into rehab from every possible angle. First he tried threatening to take away the kids, and then he tried pleading with her to take care of herself."Kevin, 28, has even joined forces with Britney's mother Lynne in a last-ditch attempt to convince Britney to be a better mother to 16-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James.The source added: "Kevin is afraid that Britney is going to hurt herself."Britney isn't spending enough time with the kids. They are being raised by strangers. He has told Britney to get help before it's too late."Meanwhile, Britney, 25, has ended her relationship with Isaac Cohen.The 'Toxic' singer, who began dating the Los Angeles model just two weeks ago, announced they are no longer a couple.When questioned about her romance, Britney said: "We're not together anymore, by the way."

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Sunday, January 21, 2007


Kevin Federline wants his TV advert to represent his new happy attitude. Kevin, who is in the middle of a divorce from estranged wife Britney Spears, says 2007 will be a year of opportunities for him and his self-ridiculing role in the upcoming Nationwide Insurance advert should reflect that. He said: "This is just the start of other things to come. 2007 is going to be a completely life-changing experience for me. We're only a few weeks in, and it's already going in a whole another direction. I'm happy. Definitely happy." The former dancer hopes the promotional clip - which will be aired during some of the most expensive airtime on US television, will help change his public image. He said: "My top priority is just changing the perception of me in the public eye. I'm slowly and gradually doing that." The advertisement promoting Nationwide Insurance's motto 'Life comes at you fast' will apparently see Kevin go from being a rapper to a fast food cook. He insists it is going to be just the start of his success and claims he has several projects in the pipeline. He said: "The music will always be there. Clothing deals, we're in negotiations with that, some overseas stuff and I'm still going to do a few club appearances. This is just the perfect kick-off to 2007 for me."


Saturday, January 20, 2007


Kevin Federline And Ex. Britney Spears

Britney Spears is pregnant only 10 weeks after her split from Kevin Federline and four months after she gave birth to her second child. American magazine In Touch Weekly yesterday quoted a "close friend" of the troubled singer as saying they believed she was pregnant again. "I've seen her during the last two pregnancies and she has the same look now," the friend was quoted as saying. "She's heavier but that's not it – it's the sparkle in her eye. She always gets that sparkle when she's pregnant, like she's relaxed and happy." In the 10 weeks since her split from her husband, Spears has been partying hard. But reports in the US yesterday said she had been drinking nothing but water during recent nights out and pointed to a noticeable weight gain and several incidents where Spears had been sick or exhausted as clues that the soon-to-be-divorced star was pregnant again. If the stories are true it could also explain why Spears "fell asleep" – as quoted by her manager – during her paid appearance at Las Vegas nightclub Pure on New Year's Eve and why she was spotted having been sick over her new boyfriend Isaac Cohen, 25. Spears recently began dating Cohen, a male model, soon after ending a brief fling with record producer JR Rotem following her split with Federline. The singer gave birth to son Jayden James in September. That pregnancy began only three months after having her first child Sean Preston, who's now 18 months.
I can see if she is pregnant, that all the booze and partying must have done the baby good. What a great mother she is. Day and night partying and leaving her kids with the nanny. I'm starting to like K-Fed more and more. I can see what he put up with.

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Friday, January 19, 2007


Kevin Federline

Kevin Federline, the estranged husband of former pop star Britney Spears, is apparently much smarter than his almost-ex-wife regarding his image. Federline accepted to be featured in an insurance company's ad, which makes fun of his career crash. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., known for its "On Your Side" slogan, has announced Wednesday they plan to bring Federline in to be featured in the latest installment of Nationwide's "Life Comes at You Fast" ad campaign. Columbus-based Nationwide provides auto, home and life insurance, and its Nationwide Financial Services Inc. sells life insurance, annuities and retirement savings products. In the new commercial, Federline, 28, goes from starring in a rap video surrounded by beauties and bling to working at a fast-food joint. Nationwide previously featured rapper MC Hammer in the campaign to show how people's fortunes can change in an instant."No one has personified 'Life Comes at You Fast' in the media better than Federline," said Steven Schreibman, Nationwide vice president of advertising and brand management. "Our partnership with Kevin shows the world that he has a great sense of humor."The company ran its first national Super Bowl ad last year, using model Fabio. The Super Bowl is US TV's highest-rated show.Kevin Federline said he felt that it was a good time to come out and make fun of himself. "I try not to take myself too seriously," he added, according to the Irish Examiner.Kevin Federline defeated former wrestling champion John Cena in a WWE "Monday Night Raw" staged wrestling match in Miami on January 1st. In a no disqualification match, Federline managed to cover Cena for the three count after Federline's trainer, Johnny Nitro, and fellow wrestler Umaga intervened on his behalf. The match marked Federline's wresting debut.Following Britney Spears' filing for divorce last November, the estranged couple Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have now mutually agreed to a custody arrangement for the current month. The pop star and the backup dancer have both agreed to share custody of their two children, 15-month-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James Federline.Under the terms of the agreement filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on January 5, Britney will hold the kids for a lot longer than K-Fed and his physical custody is extremely limited. Federline will be allowed to visit the children at Spears' home from noon to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.According to the agreement, Spears can be present, but no one may interfere with Federline's right to be with the children. Spears will use her "best efforts to ensure that no third party visiting the home" while Federline is with his kids.
You have to give it to this guy. He is like the Energizer Bunny. He keeps going and going and going.


Sunday, January 14, 2007


Britney Spears new man has seen alot in such a quick time. He's no doubt seen the Britney Spears no panties pictures, heard about her passing out and being called Kevin Federline 2.0. Isaac Cohen (Left) no doubt understood he would be photographed while dating our favorite slut but I bet he never expected to be photographed after being puked on by the toxic singer. Britney's new boytoy may have adopted Federline's dirty look, but I bet being vomited on was the last adverture he expected. And to top if off, the paparazzi got a shot ! X17 online has the photographs of what began as beautiful evening at The Abbey and at Teddy's. The photos show what appears to be a sick Britney after a little stop on Mulholland at 3 a.m. Cohen can be seen with what appears to be puke on his hands. On a better note, the couple was also seen enjoying each other's company at the W Hotel's Whiskey Blue bar, in Los Angeles, last Sunday night.

Britney Spears never puked on K-Fed

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Monday, January 08, 2007


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have come to an agreement over custody of their two sons for the month of January. One-year-old Sean Preston and four-month-old Jayden James will live with Britney but with Kevin entitled to regular visits.The 28-year-old aspiring rapper will be allowed to see the boys three times a week for four hours between January 12 and January 31 at Britney's home. Both parties agreed that Britney, a nanny, Britney's personal assistant and household staff may be present during the visits but no one may interfere with Kevin's right to be with his sons. Britney filed for divorce from Kevin on November 7. The court papers stated that she was seeking sole custody of her sons. Kevin filed his divorce papers the next day and also asked for sole custody. No custody arrangements have yet been made for after January. Meanwhile, Britney has written a letter to her fans on her website, britneyspears.com, admitting that her recent behaviour has been "less than perfect" but promising that she will have a new album out this year.She writes: "I know I've been far from perfect, but I want you all to know that I love my fans so much, and I appreciate everything you have done for me."The last couple of years have been very enlightening for me and now that I've had the time to be 'me', I've been able to sit down and think about where I want to go with myself as an entertainer. I am now more mature and feel like I am finally 'free'."I've been working so hard on this new album and I can't wait for you all to hear it and to go on tour again!"

Wild Britney Spears

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