Monday, April 09, 2007


The woman who made Ralph Fiennes flight extra special from Australia to Mumbai is now in the "glamour model" business. The mile-high hottie is posing for a men's magazine. Lisa Robertson, whose dalliance with Ralph Fiennes mid-air earned her a sacking from Qantas, is doing it again, reinventing herself as a lingerie model like Jordan. Robertson has quickly found a home in the pages of Zoo Weekly. The men's magazine interviewed Robertson in their latest issue – which hits news stands today – with racy photos on six pages. According to Zoo editor Paul Merrill, reported by the Daily Telegraph: "She's certainly had her troubles but she's a survivor and this week's Zoo is her first step to bouncing back," he said. "She chose Zoo because she knew she could trust us and that we'd make her look stunning."

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Sunday, March 04, 2007


A SMALL Coonawarra winery is cashing in on the fling between Ralph Fiennes and Qantas flight attendant Lisa Robertson. The wine she served the actor, as shown on a 60 Minutes story about the incident, was the multiple award-winning Majella cabernet sauvignon. Now Majella co-owner Brian Lynn is asking his mailing list members and visitors to the winery website to come up with slogans to reflect Majella's role in the liaison. Among the responses, which are in line to earn a bottle of the company's top-of-the-range 2003 Malleea, are: "Majella services Qantas first-class passengers - as do the stewardesses"; "Majella - miles above the rest"; "Oh, ohh, ohhh, oooohhhhh, OOOOHHHhhhhhhhhh . . . Majella"; "You don't have to join the mile high club to get a piece of the action, it's available in all good liquor outlets now"; "When the urge strikes you, there's always Majella"; "Go a mile high with Majella - a natural coupling"; "Majella: uncork the passion"; and, finally: "Majella will take you all the way in first class!" Fellow Coonawarra winemaker Doug Balnaves chipped in with: "If you want a fella, pour Majella."

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Sunday, February 25, 2007


Quantas Stewardess Lisa Robertson Gave Great Service

FORMER Qantas stewardess Lisa Robertson says she has few regrets over the "mile-high" tryst in a business-class toilet with movie star Ralph Fiennes. Ms Robertson, 38, was sacked by Qantas after news of the incident grabbed headlines around the world. She told the Nine Network's 60 Minutes program last night that despite all the flack, she would not change what had happened. "I would do it again ... which probably sounds crazy but I would do it again." Entranced by the romantic images from Fiennes's movie The English Patient, Ms Robertson said that when he kissed her on the plane she knew she couldn't control herself. "I wanted him to kiss me. You know, he's one of the most gorgeous men in the world to me." Asked if she wanted something to happen between her and Fiennes, she replied: "Of course, I'd have to be insane not to." Now one of the world's best-known former airline hostesses, Ms Robertson said she knew her conduct was silly, inappropriate and unprofessional. But she was thrilled when she realised the passenger in seat 2K was her favourite movie star and she had been charmed when she had served him. ( I never got service like this) "He was such a nice person ... I melted," she said. "We actually talked, he was very interested in me and I was very interested in him and we were like drawn, every moment." With most people asleep on board the long flight from Darwin to Mumbai last month, she said Fiennes had entered the crew area where she was resting and had started talking to her. Asked how the pair had managed to have sex in the cramped confines of an airline toilet, she said she was on the sink and there were "arms, legs everywhere". However, she wanted to make the point that no one was hurt by the encounter. "I'm not excusing my actions for one moment ... but we didn't kill anyone, I didn't hurt anyone, no other customers on the aircraft knew about this or were disturbed by this. I was on my break, it was an interaction that happened between two people." Asked to rate the actor as a lover, Ms Robertson said: "Excellent, very, very passionate, very caring. I rated him 10 out of 10 and that's genuine ... there was this chemistry between us and it was great." Ms Robertson acknowledged that the pair had unprotected sex in the toilet and she could be pregnant with Fiennes's baby. She said she had felt abandoned and alone afterwards when the actor declined to go to her defence over her problems with Qantas. But, clearly, the money she has made from selling her story has helped. "It was worth it," she said. "The only regrets I do have is the effect that this has had on my parents. They're devastated, they're embarrassed."
Book Your Ticket Now !

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Monday, February 19, 2007


Mile High Club Member Ralph Fiennes

Sydney - Australia's most famous air stewardess lost her job Monday in the turbulent wake of a tell-all account of last month's 'amazing' sexual encounter with Hollywood actor Ralph Fiennes in the toilet of a Qantas flight to India. Lisa Robertson, 38, told Woman's Day that she 'melted' in the arms of the 44-year-old star of the 1996 film The English Patient, which she had watched 20 times. 'I just stood up, reached down for his hand and told him to follow me,' the former undercover police officer said. 'We went into the toilet and locked the door, and off came much of our clothes.' Women's Day has bought the local rights to reprint a splash that first appeared in London's Mail on Sunday newspaper. Robertson was suspended without pay by Qantas when the carrier learned of the steamy incident on QF123 from Darwin to Mumbai. 'At first I denied it because I was desperate to keep my job, and I didn't want to hurt Ralph,' the former Great Barrier Reef diving instructor said. 'Ralph was a great lover and I thought if I was going to get the sack it would be worth it. I knew it was against the rules, and wrong, but I didn't care.' Sara Keene, the media manager for Fiennes, showed little sympathy for the sacked Qantas employee. 'She initiated the encounter,' Keene said. 'This woman seduced him on a plane. She was the sexual aggressor.'

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