Saturday, April 07, 2007


Campaigning actor Martin Sheen has been arrested an astonishing 65 times in the last 20 years. On Sunday, the veteran actor received a police citation for trespassing on a Nevada nuclear test site. Sheen has fond memories of his first arrest,when he protested former President Ronald Reagan's nuclear initiative. He tells the British movie magazine Empire, "We placed our bodies at the doors so the employees on the project couldn't get through and I remember being terribly frightened by what was going to happen. "I remember (protest organizer) Father Bergin offering the New York Police the chance to come with us in our protest and they said 'no. You have three minutes to get out of here,' and I thought 'Gee, what's coming down now?'" The actor -- who played the role of U.S. President in the hit show "The West Wing" -- claims he has never been sentenced to more than a little time in jail and some personal humiliation.

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