Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Britney Spears is begging Justin Timberlake to visit her in rehab, it has been claimed.The singer - who is allegedly being treated for depression and alcoholism at Malibu's Promises centre - has been asking her ex-lover to support her at her Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Cell phones are banned in the rehab centre, but Britney has reportedly smuggled one in and has been making secret phone calls to Justin. A source told America's Star magazine: "She was hiding in a closet and talking to a guy named Justin, probably Justin Timberlake. She was talking to him about coming to support her at a group Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Santa Monica."She kept saying 'Come on Justin, please, please, please come!' She was begging him!"Justin reportedly offered to visit the troubled singer in rehab last month, but Britney's mother Lynne begged him to keep away, insisting it would be too much of a distraction. Justin is also said to have written a letter of support to Britney.
Go Justin...Britney can take you in the bushes too !

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Thursday, March 15, 2007


At least Jason Filyaw is bald like Britney Spears

Britney Spears' new boyfriend Jason Filyaw says he is in "love".The 'Toxic' singer reportedly fell for rocker Jason at her Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, and Jason has revealed they are "growing close". Jason told gossip website TMZ: "I love her, I support her 100 per cent and we are close. We have been growing very close since our special relationship began."While Jason refused to confirm or deny if he is dating Britney, he is helping the troubled singer with the "spiritually deep" part of her treatment.The 33-year-old also revealed he knew Britney before she checked into Malibu's Promises center. Guitarist Jason claims the pair met in 2003 when Britney recorded some tracks with him at New York's The Hit Factory. Jason says they kept in touch before meeting up again at a Los Angeles Alcoholics Anonymous meeting last month. Meanwhile, it has been reported Britney, 25, has been displaying some diva-like behaviour in rehab. A source told America's Star magazine: "Britney has a seriously bad attitude problem. She's been very demanding. She acts like a 12-year-old and throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants."She refuses to pick up after herself and even asked if she could hire a maid! She's asking for special food, special everything and she's not that nice to anyone."The magazine also claims Britney has been drinking 24 cans of Coca-Cola a day.
Can I apply for the maid position ? I promise I won't take any pictures !

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Friday, March 09, 2007


Britney Spears is struggling to cope without her children while she is in rehab. On Tuesday evening Britney, 25, left Malibu's Promises clinic to spend two hours with estranged husband Kevin Federline and their two sons at the nearby Serra Retreat center. Eye witnesses said that as she returned to Promises, she covered her face and appeared visibly upset at leaving 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James.The next morning Kevin, 28, left his California home at 5.30am with the children, arriving at Promises at 6am. A source claims "It seems like Britney is struggling being away from Sean and Jayden because Kevin let her spend four hours with the kids."He returned home with the boys at 10.30am.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007


Britney Spears Used To Have It All !

Britney Spears' family has joined forces with Kevin Federline's family to support her. The 'Toxic' singer's stint in rehab has brought the two families closer -despite the couple's impending divorce - to support Britney and care for her two young sons. A source told People magazine: "Everyone is making comments how sad it is that it took this to get everyone together."There was a lot of distance between the families but it seems now they all have a common goal, which is to help Britney get better."Kevin has been looking after 18-month-old Sean Preston and six-month-old Jayden James, with the help of both families, since his estranged wife checked into rehab. Meanwhile, Britney is reportedly not coping well in rehab. She is allegedly frequently breaking house rules at Malibu's Promises rehab facility. A source told Us Weekly magazine: "She's been getting in tons of trouble. She has been cautioned for being on her cell phone and has even left the centre to go shopping."The 25-year-old is allegedly angry with her family for saying she needs to get sober, and believes she does not have a drug or alcohol problem.The source added: "Britney is angry at her family and her manager for pressuring her to enter the program."She believes she is suffering from post partum depression and does not think she has an alcohol or drug problem."Since entering the clinic, Britney has been seen reading Brooke Shields book 'Down Came the Rain' about the actress' own experience with post partum depression following the birth of her first daughter, Rowan Francis.

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Monday, March 05, 2007


Rehab Is Not Helping Britney Spears

The British tabloid press reported that this weekend, Britney Spears was running around the luxurious Promises Clinic in Malibu, California, with the number 666 written on her bald head. "She was crying, and shouting, ‘I am the Anti-christ!'", News of the World reported."Later that night she tried to kill herself," a "friend" told NOTW. "She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt.""The clinic people just didn't know what to do [when she ran around claiming she's the Anti-christ]. Then she started screaming, ‘I'm a fake! I'm a fake!' It must have been really frightening.""When she tried to hang herself it was more a cry for help."Reportedly, Kevin's visit in rehab has a response to her desperate cry for help. Federline visited her in rehab with their two children and apparently pledged to support her until she gets her stuff right. A source close to Britney said to NOTW: "Kevin has been a real tower of strength for her and she has finally decided to give their marriage another shot. She thought things were over between her and Kevin after his wild partying and gambling. She felt he had deserted her and left her to bring up their two children on her own.""But Kevin's like a different man now. He's never been so caring before, and is really worried about Britney. He's been Britney's rock during her difficult time, and she wants to give him another chance."Reportedly, Britney Spears talks to Kevin Federline for "hours" every night and wants to have another baby with him. It is rumored that she seeks a night out of rehab to go on a romantic dinner with him."He cares a lot about her," a source told People magazine, "Britney scared everyone pretty bad. Kevin is worried that's for sure. Kevin just wants her to be OK."The celebrity website TMZ.com reported last Tuesday that the troubled former pop star is suffering from post-partum depression. The website said that doctors believe that the post-childbirth blues are the underlying reason for her substance abuse, though there is also a possibility she could be suffering from bipolar disorder. The doctors reportedly strongly believe post-partum depression is the problem. Jason Alexander, who was married to Spears for 55 hours, said last week Britney abused drugs and nearly overdosed on pure ecstasy three years ago. He said he came forward because he doesn't want to see her dead. It looks like he was right worrying about Britney."It freaked me out when I saw she had shaved off her hair; that was clearly a cry for help," Alexander, 25, said in an interview with the Sunday Mirror of London and reprinted in the New York Daily News. "She needs help."

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


Britney Spears Being Catered Too

Gourmet meals, masseuses, 500-thread-count sheets and private rooms with a fireplace and a view of one of the city's most exclusive beaches. It sounds like a high-end resort and it is — for the rich and famous looking to kick an addiction. Called Promises Residential Treatment Center (left), it is the place Britney Spears is supposed to call home for the next month while she attempts to grab control of a life that looked to be spinning out of control. In a little over a week, the singer reportedly checked in and out and in and out and then in again to rehab, shaved her head and got tiny lips tattooed on her wrist. And this flurry followed months of hard late-night partying in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. By entering Promises, for the second time, on Thursday, Spears joined a long list of other celebrities who have trekked to the lush Malibu facility to overcome addictions. Promises alumni include Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Diana Ross and Matthew Perry. Treatment does not come cheap. A 30-day stay is $48,000. What kind of perks can patients expect for $1,600 a night at the 16-person facility? A personal trainer, beautician, private counseling session and no chores. The sprawling grounds of the Mediterranean-style villa tucked in the Santa Monica Mountains include tennis and basketball courts, two pools and nearby horseback riding facilities.

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